
  • 吾覺意就除左個套,跟住內射埋 - This is really the CY style, so glad that Hong Kong has such a jerk like you.

  • R
    <br>nice to hear u say" so glad hk has a jerk like me," jerk 都做到number one, 你得咩,我又有大部份民意支持,又話哂事,吹咩

  • 香港有一個CY689已經夠仆街,求你唔好做第二個好嗎?

  • cy replied at 2015-04-30 2:46 pm
    <br>nice to hear u say" so glad hk has a jerk like me," jerk 都做到number one, 你得咩,我又有大部份民意支持,又話哂事,吹咩
    <br>CY, as you have "大部份民意支持"...... You are the winner! Haha. By the way, thanks for using "CY" as your alias, this remind me that except having sex, there are still lot of things that we should go for.

  • 而家重未算扑街,遲啲重死直,下屆嗰個肯定係扑街天皇

  • hh replied at 2015-04-30 2:54 pm
    <br>hh, you think who will the next?

  • R replied at 2015-04-30 2:52 pm
    <br>cy replied at 2015-04-30 2:46 pm
    <br>nice to hear u say" so glad hk has a jerk like me," jerk 都做到number one, 你得咩,我又有大部份民意支持,又話哂事,吹咩
    <br>CY, as you have "大部份民意支持"...... You are the winner! Haha. By the way, thanks for using "CY" as your alias, this remind me that except having sex, there are still lot of things that we should go for.
    <br>make love not war好過啦,你哋蟻民點同我鬥,亞爺睇住我,你哋有乜實力同我玩,

  • R replied at 2015-04-30 2:57 pm
    <br>hh replied at 2015-04-30 2:54 pm
    <br>hh, you think who will the next?

  • hh, actually I think Tsang is not that bad. I just worry Yip Lau.
    <br>CY, too bad that you are right.

  • R replied at 2015-04-30 3:11 pm
    <br>hh, actually I think Tsang is not that bad. I just worry Yip Lau.
    <br>CY, too bad that you are right.

  • 而家亞爺喺咁放水落黎,樓股齊升,香港大把人炒得不亦樂乎,亞爺咁做係因為要控制住香港經濟,如果將來香港有乜亞爺吾中意,收緊小小,到期香港人又要跪又要拜,好似而家一週一行已經有部份香港人話影響佢哋生計,旅遊業又話會死,其實大家諗下,真正去旅遊點會一週一行吖,一月一行都吾會啦,所以而家香港比呢班咁有素質嘅官去管真係睇下點死

  • 我都試過比男仔咁,防不勝防

  • girl

  • 乜原來咁多女仔試過比人偷偷除左內射,其實真係好難防範,一來燈光好暗,而且搞搞下身會軟,尤其如果做九仔式男仔好易除左都吾知,到時比佢內射左都無計

  • <font size=6 color=yellow>沒有最仆街,只有更仆街,

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