Can I look for someone who can touch my heart, plz?

  • And give me a chance to touch his heart if possible...

  • Hi Uknowme,
    <br>What a touching gal you are! :-)

  • I'm not.
    <br>Maybe somehow I lose the courage of finding a whatever person who just needa chat with me. :(

  • hi uknowme
    <br>of course u can look for him, but whether u can find him eventually depends on fate maybe :-)

  • The more effort we put, it doesn't imply that the better the outcome of a relationship it can be.
    <br>I should be a selfish person. If not, I wouldn't mind and care that much in my heart.
    <br>Simple minded people get the advantage of enjoying simple happiness.
    <br>Then such a complex woman like me should start learning how to leave it.

  • Uknowme replied at 2015-03-30 11:27 pm
    <br>I'm not.
    <br>Maybe somehow I lose the courage of finding a whatever person who just needa chat with me. :(
    <br>Hi Uknowme,
    <br>Cheers up, be confident and u will find a good one someday... So what drive you to chat here? Bored at night?

  • By the way, if it is too difficult to look for a heart touching person, I would like to look for chatmates here...
    <br>Anyone is welcome to chat with me for a while. I dun mind whether u r a guy or a lady, an angel or a devil, someone or no one...

  • uknowme
    <br>i dont think u really r selfish, at least u wanna hv a chance to touch the other one as well~~

  • do u wanna have a chat? If ok pls call 5240 1044
    <br>or vchat id- mid-30s

  • KK, you dunno me. I'm just always too proud. :)
    <br>Dear, I am here looking for my heart touching one though the chance is very very slim.
    <br>If not, chatmates are welcome.

  • Edmond, can do or willing to do =/= can do well.

  • Uknowme replied at 2015-03-30 11:37 pm
    <br>By the way, if it is too difficult to look for a heart touching person, I would like to look for chatmates here...
    <br>Anyone is welcome to chat with me for a while. I dun mind whether u r a guy or a lady, an angel or a devil, someone or no one...
    <br>Yes Uknowme, it always has many ppl online here to chat with someone else for 10,000 reasons. bored, sleepless....
    <br>Sometimes it is even better to chat here as there are no pressures when talking to someone u don't even know haha. Nice to meet u there Uknowme

  • Uknowme replied at 2015-03-30 11:37 pm
    <br>By the way, if it is too difficult to look for a heart touching person, I would like to look for chatmates here...
    <br>Anyone is welcome to chat with me for a while. I dun mind whether u r a guy or a lady, an angel or a devil, someone or no one...
    <br>Yes Uknowme, it always has many ppl online here to chat with someone else for 10,000 reasons. bored, sleepless....
    <br>Sometimes it is even better to chat here as there are no pressures when talking to someone u don't even know haha. Nice to meet u there Uknowme

  • Uknowme replied at 2015-03-30 11:37 pm
    <br>By the way, if it is too difficult to look for a heart touching person, I would like to look for chatmates here...
    <br>Anyone is welcome to chat with me for a while. I dun mind whether u r a guy or a lady, an angel or a devil, someone or no one...
    <br>Yes Uknowme, it always has many ppl online here to chat with someone else for 10,000 reasons. bored, sleepless....
    <br>Sometimes it is even better to chat here as there are no pressures when talking to someone u don't even know haha. Nice to meet u there Uknowme

  • Uknowme replied at 2015-03-30 11:37 pm
    <br>By the way, if it is too difficult to look for a heart touching person, I would like to look for chatmates here...
    <br>Anyone is welcome to chat with me for a while. I dun mind whether u r a guy or a lady, an angel or a devil, someone or no one...
    <br>Yes Uknowme, it always has many ppl online here to chat with someone else for 10,000 reasons. bored, sleepless....
    <br>Sometimes it is even better to chat here as there are no pressures when talking to someone u don't even know haha. Nice to meet u there Uknowme

  • Thanks, mid-30s. Better not call you so I wouldn't scare you. :p
    <br>KK, yes. You will start knowing me but actually you dunno me in real. :p

  • Uknowme replied at 2015-03-30 11:43 pm
    <br>Edmond, can do or willing to do =/= can do well.
    <br>that's what i m trying to say, or at least part of it :-)

  • Edmond, you dunno me. I am such a horrible woman with a balance even a calculator in my heart. Too sad to admit this but it is just true.

  • uknowme
    <br>u r just being too candid, this may scare ppl away..

  • uknowme
    <br>care for phone chat before sleep?

  • I just saw the words 真心的人 from the other thread.

  • 咁唔係每樣野都要由錢去衡量的!

  • But you are here with me ar, Edmond.
    <br>Did I scare you away, dear? :)

  • Thanks, man. No phone chat with strangers so I wouldn't scare anyone away. Haha.

  • no, just some casual chat b4 going to sleep, why should i be scared?

  • 我知吖,Edmond.

  • uknowme

  • It's pretty late at nite.
    <br>Better sleep earlier, all.
    <br>Tomorrow would be a better day or the best Tuesday with our dearest sunshine in our lives. :)
    <br>Good nite la.

  • Uknowme,
    <br>it s true that happiness is from your heart no matter complicate or simple u r . if u pick up "simple" mind, u dun need calculator in your heart. it means u r happy n smiling face always. however, who is not greedy ? if u get dearest friends, u will sought for further a touching heart one.
    <br>to get touching heart friend here, u may need a computer but not a simple calculator. it s also to explain why u start a chatting here at the beginning. start a thread, write a post, look for a chat mate and so on...... your computer starts working.
    <br>lucky u r or not , let s see.

  • it's slways easy to be touched emotionally. my question is always 'what's next then' ? i think we are living not to be touched always but to live and alive. right?
    <br>went to watch movie with a young boy last nite, i was totally touched and teared ! coz the movie is damn touching. i wanna cry for more than 10 times.
    <br>and i highly recommand u to go watch it . "little big master" i think it would bring back a little touches in a plain no ripple life.

  • hi morning

  • Hi, Uknowme, How are you today? You got your right one?

  • Iknowu, 其實我明白簡單既生活同快樂係可以自己選擇,但係一個人既思想同性格到左一把年紀,某程度已經成形,可以fine tune,難似改變。
    <br>當思維模式被trained up去面對唔同既問題,我地大概難以保有單純既思考同簡單既快樂。

  • HI :)
    <br>hows everyone doing today?

  • Hi Uknowme,
    <br>Can we chat in wechat?

  • 多謝你介紹呢套電影,meow。

  • 多謝你介紹呢套電影,meow。 

  • Hi, illusion71.
    <br>Hi, Forrest. 好明顯搵唔倒啦。哈哈。
    <br>Hi, Billy_Bo. 今日唔錯,聽日應該會更加好。你呢?
    <br>gl, thx but no we chat. 我太direct,我怕會唐突你。何況我係冇we chat架。:p

  • 今日好忙,聽日應該會更加忙 LOL

  • <br>本港「剩女」破百萬 沙田區稱冠佔一成
    <br>【 東網專訊】本港男女比率持續失衡,令「剩女」(即未婚女性)人數高逾百萬;根據統計處最新資料顯示,去年全港有100.59萬名「剩女」,較96.86萬名「剩男」,多出37,300人,其中「剩女」比例最高的地區是中西區,有39,700人,佔該區女性總人口32.5%,其次是灣仔,有23,900人,佔該區女性人口31.3%;但若以「剩女」實際人數最多的地區計算,則以沙田區稱冠,有高達92,300人。

  • I directly quote from Jason Mraz's sharing from his concert last week.
    <br>"Say thank you to your bad experience." It helps you grow in another sense.
    <br>Once you look back to it sometime later, it barely hurts, just an event from your fruitful life, isn't it?

  • That means for ur company, u r an important manpower, Billy_Bo.
    <br>Thank you, Sam. I need some time to cure the pain in my heart. :(
    <br>It takes some time to collect those broken pieces and puzzle them together.
    <br>I dun like this me and wish I can be cheerful truely from my heart again soon.
    <br>I needa add oil myself ar.
    <br>It's just that late now and hard for me to sleep well.
    <br>You sleep tight. Dun stay late. Today is a cloudy Wednesday?

  • well, i think no one is important except my boss
    <br>cos everyone is replace-able :(
    <br>and, on the other hand,
    <br>its lucky that 世界上, 無話邊個無左邊個唔得, right??
    <br>sweet dream :)

  • Good morning Uknowme.... Well, Take it easy.

  • Billy_Bo, 係吖。呢個世界係冇話冇左邊個唔得。

  • I m learning now, Forrest.

  • uknowme
    <br>you here? mind to talk?

  • 都係既
    <br>咁~~~ 唔好諗咁多啦~~~
    <br>笑下笑下又一日 XD

  • Hi, zz7. Chatting here is ok. :)
    <br>You are looking for someone to accompany you ma. Aren't you?
    <br>Billy_Bo, 其實我地好耐之前傾過計。
    <br>哈哈,聽你既語氣呢,你冇乜點變 which is a good thing in life. :)

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