Why do women love testing men?

  • Is it because of their feeling of insecurity? Or if they want to make certain their men are worth their time spent on?

  • I was believed in a man very much but end up I was cheated, so I think lack of confidence is more appropriate

  • Most guys are cheaters that's why.

  • Cheating or not, is really depend on feelings and emotion. Applied to both parties and not just Man alone. I believe, only those who have no confident on herself enjoy testing their men.

  • I am doing it and I hate myself for doing it. How can I stop doing it again and again?

  • Confident or not, guys can't be trusted.

  • Testing never end. Who trust who ? If guys cannot be trust, how about women ? To love someone is always a risk.

  • Men are shxt. Take it or leave it.

  • Yes, men are shxt. Keep yourself single and live by yourself.

  • 所以嘉欣和子琪最聰明

    反正男人用下面諗野, 點解解吾揀個最富貴

    你咪出去搞, 我有我日日行街shopping洗錢

    有咩好testing, 有咩好煩 呵呵~

  • Eye Of The Beholder replied at 2014-10-28 9:53 am



    反正男人用下面諗野, 點解解吾揀個最富貴

    你咪出去搞, 我有我日日行街shopping洗錢

    有咩好testing, 有咩好煩 呵呵~



  • I believe if the woman has her own independent life. Romance is the icing sugar on top of her happy life. It is a plus. No worry if it's absent. That's the only way the woman would stop testing.

  • Amore replied at 2014-11-12 12:20 am


    I believe if the woman has her own independent life. Romance is the icing sugar on top of her happy life. It is a plus. No worry if it's absent. That's the only way the woman would stop testing.


    Sounds like my current situation … Romance is now a bonus.

    Testing is tiring and wont make u happier, so, why bother?

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    法輪功支持佔中! 法輪大法好! 天滅中共! 光復香港! 民主萬歲!

    法輪功支持佔中! 法輪大法好! 天滅中共! 光復香港! 民主萬歲!

    法輪功支持佔中! 法輪大法好! 天滅中共! 光復香港! 民主萬歲!

    法輪功支持佔中! 法輪大法好! 天滅中共! 光復香港! 民主萬歲!

    法輪功支持佔中! 法輪大法好! 天滅中共! 光復香港! 民主萬歲!

    法輪功支持佔中! 法輪大法好! 天滅中共! 光復香港! 民主萬歲!

    法輪功支持佔中! 法輪大法好! 天滅中共! 光復香港! 民主萬歲!

    法輪功支持佔中! 法輪大法好! 天滅中共! 光復香港! 民主萬歲!

    法輪功支持佔中! 法輪大法好! 天滅中共! 光復香港! 民主萬歲!

  • amourée replied at 2014-11-12 1:48 am


    Amore replied at 2014-11-12 12:20 am


    I believe if the woman has her own independent life. Romance is the icing sugar on top of her happy life. It is a plus. No worry if it's absent. That's the only way the woman would stop testing.


    Sounds like my current situation … Romance is now a bonus.

    Testing is tiring and wont make u happier, so, why bother?


    I am glad there are still women like you. Perhaps I was just tired being tested. It seemed to me every woman loved testing till I saw your reply.

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