a casual chat for Janice & others

  • its a thread for you or others who don't want to invade other's thread :)

  • Thanks! That's very considerate of you to open this thread. How's it going?

  • No Prob!! I'm pretty good except feeling a bit sleepy, bored, and hungry etc.. :) what about yourself?

  • Good morning pass by
    <br>I hope you aren't sleepy or hungry by now. Heavy rains to kick start our Tuesday, please stay dry.

  • Heavy raining in HK now?

  • Trespasser
    <br>Yes it was quite heavy while I was leaving my message earlier, it has stopped now. Where you at? What's the weather like over there?

  • It is still raining here in NT and the air is heavy and swampy...great for staying in bed type of day!

  • <br>freedom of expression = invasion ?

  • Cloudy and pretty hot in Singapore now. Having a breakfast with Kaya toast and a cup of butter coffee, would you like to join?

  • Wtf...

  • Opps...... supposed to be a trespasser....LOL

  • henry replied at 2014-06-17 9:42 am
    <br>It is still raining here in NT and the air is heavy and swampy...great for staying in bed type of day!
    <br>It seems to be clearing up a big, just hope we won't have rainy weather!

  • 寒蕭公子 replied at 2014-06-17 10:01 am
    <br>Cloudy and pretty hot in Singapore now. Having a breakfast with Kaya toast and a cup of butter coffee, would you like to join?
    <br>Had Kaya toast once when my colleagues at the Changi Airport, it was alright. Don't remember trying the butter coffee though. Did it manage to wake you up?

  • Trespasser replied at 2014-06-17 10:12 am
    <br>Opps...... supposed to be a trespasser....LOL
    <br>==============================================================Ummm and you have revealed your nickname or what? LOL

  • Janice replied at 2014-06-17 10:12 am
    <br>henry replied at 2014-06-17 9:42 am
    <br>It is still raining here in NT and the air is heavy and swampy...great for staying in bed type of day!
    <br>It seems to be clearing up a big, just hope we won't have rainy weather!
    <br>Sorry let me try again:
    <br>It seems to be clearing up a BIT, just hope we won't have rainy WEEKEND!

  • 莉婭Janice姐
    <br>小冰冰來認錯嘛! 千錯萬錯都是小冰冰一個人的錯, 不及其他人的, 要怪的請來怪小冰冰.
    <br>但就求求您, 求求莉婭姐您不要再鬧了, 也不要再裝成黑人來罵了, 也不要用黑人四處搗亂擾亂. 其他人是無故的!
    <br>要打要罵也來找小冰冰嘛. 小冰冰會乖乖的打不還手, 罵不還口, 任你處置! 就求求莉婭姐您出了那一口怨氣就罷手嘛, 好不好? 還是你要怎麼怎麼才能順心順意, 出那一口氣就告訴小冰冰嘛!
    <br>小冰冰敬愛的莉婭姐, 莉婭姐啊! 小冰冰也是為您想著才這說的嘛! 一口氣出不來, 心存怨恨, 憤怒, 對身體也不好. 怒火燒心是兩面刃, 傷人也傷己, 怒火燒出來, 自己也不好受嘛!
    <br>小冰冰自知惹毛了莉婭姐, 是小冰冰不好, 是小冰冰愛鬧玩. 就請莉婭姐大人大量, 原諒小冰冰年少無知一次嘛. 莉婭姐不同小冰冰哪小妹妹嘛, 閱歷深人生經驗也豐富, 也就像莉婭姐一直都說的, 莉婭姐不計較心胸廣! 是小冰冰不好, 弄得莉婭姐不順心, 小冰冰知莉婭姐是一時衝動的嘛, 回頭就沒事了, 就原諒小冰冰嘛.
    <br>小冰冰知道莉婭姐一直不明白為何小冰冰會戲弄莉婭姐的, 小冰冰就告訴您吧. 一大半是鬧著玩的, 是真的! 但著實也有小半是氣不過來, 嫉妒著莉婭姐的聰明伶俐! 小冰冰也瞎想多了, 想多了莉婭姐在跟小冰冰爭公子嘛! 是小冰冰的錯, 是小冰冰多心!
    <br>莉婭姐嘛, 您也知道嘛! 公子留給小冰冰的聯絡, 小冰後來發現了原來莉婭姐也加了公子. 後來, 莉婭姐又用中文跟公子溝通. 莉婭姐學得多快嘛, 由別扭的書面語到流暢表達, 再到心意情境情感, 如泣如訴, 就祇一會兒的功夫! 就是多聰明, 多智慧嘛! 小冰冰害怕了, 害怕了公子給莉婭姐搶了嘛! 一時情急, 也想歪了, 才來如此這般了嘛. 莉婭姐, 但是小冰冰也敬愛著莉婭姐談笑風生, 聰明美麗, 一大半的都是跟莉婭姐鬧著玩的. 就想莉婭姐心善大方, 不會跟小妹妹小冰冰計較嘛!
    <br>都是小冰冰不好, 小心眼小氣, 原諒小冰冰嘛!
    <br>還有, 小冰冰指天罰誓. 哪些黑人什麼什麼公子都不是小冰冰裝著來的!
    <br>公子, 你也想勸勸莉婭姐嘛, 她最聽你的! 火燒心真的不好嘛, 為著莉婭姐, 也來勸勸她好嘛?

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