有冇試過喺老婆或女友在附近時搞第條女?any experience share?

  • try to fxxk a girl when my gf is in the dining room

  • chat in skype?

  • 我試過同EX和她妹妹一間房時攪。

  • dick replied at 2014-06-10 2:45 am
    <br>try to fxxk a girl when my gf is in the dining room
    <br>so excited! how is it?

  • she is my gf's fd and my gf is in dining room. one night, we eat in her fd's place and i met her up near toliet. For sure, beforehand, her fd already got some眉來眼去 with me and when she get out of toilet, i can see her underwear. For sure, she is not intended to do so but she knows i saw that. Then she just roll down her pants and I just plug in her pussy. Very exciting and all shoot inside.

  • dick replied at 2014-06-10 8:51 am
    <br>she is my gf's fd and my gf is in dining room. one night, we eat in her fd's place and i met her up near toliet. For sure, beforehand, her fd already got some眉來眼去 with me and when she get out of toilet, i can see her underwear. For sure, she is not intended to do so but she knows i saw that. Then she just roll down her pants and I just plug in her pussy. Very exciting and all shoot inside.
    <br>so excited! wanna try some exciting!

  • ming replied at 2014-06-10 3:05 am
    <br>how? her sister didn't know?

  • lady,
    <br>hi moring, want to share in we chat?
    <br>please add me if ok : Timmychan0309

  • dick replied at 2014-06-10 8:51 am
    <br>she is my gf's fd and my gf is in dining room. one night, we eat in her fd's place and i met her up near toliet. For sure, beforehand, her fd already got some眉來眼去 with me and when she get out of toilet, i can see her underwear. For sure, she is not intended to do so but she knows i saw that. Then she just roll down her pants and I just plug in her pussy. Very exciting and all shoot inside.
    <br>that's not "try", man!!
    <br>how's that possible for u 2 disappeared for a period of time when yr gf is in dining room?

  • make-up stories, silly!!

  • I was having sex with a girl and the gf rang me on the phone. Just for fun, I answered her and tried to chat using a normal tone while the girl was bj'ing me to cum. It was so exciting and hard to control my breathing when I shot into her mouth LOL

  • 有吖. 我成日去我女朋友屋企, 女朋友係廳度煲韓劇, 我就入房搞未來外母或者姨仔.

  • she男愈來愈有妄想症

  • 我唔知算唔算,有次同SP,去左唱K,點知女朋友突然問我係邊,我話同舊同學唱K,我循律問下佢黎唔黎,點知佢又一口答應,仲要係附近,當知道哩個消息,我同SP知道果晚唔可以一齊開飯,即刻衝入次所,開左飯先,出黎唔夠十五分鐘,我女朋友即到,嚇死我,我SP 就話趕住走,咁就得反我同女朋友唱,件事仲有小插曲,女朋友之後話聽人講成日係CEO次所搞,開始有啲撩我,但我話間房得我地兩個,出面見到入邊冇哂人,實入黎睇,所以推左佢。因為我怕DEE DEE啲味俾佢發現

  • oceanplay,
    <br>why doesn't your gf suspect you since you only with 1 girl (AND NOT A GROUP OF OLD SCHOOL FRIENDS)singing K?

  • 因為宜家係舊同學,當時未舊,SORRY,講得有啲含糊,果時係同學,差唔多SEM BREAK等考試,我呃佢其他同學冇反,得我地兩個,好悶,所以去唱K

  • lucky you had such a trusting/naive gf LOL.

  • 講哩啲!?

  • hahaha yes yes yes, all good lies start with a good dollop of truth! LOL

  • 講咩LIE 唔LIE呀,係度分享下啲,唔可以隨便分享既回憶姐,好壞唔好係度分啦

  • any more stories to share then?

  • SL 個老公我都識既,有一晚佢兩個黎我屋企飲酒飲天光,老公瞓左喺廳。老婆同我入左廚房打車輪,揸佢波,又摷佢gap gap,勁濕,唯獨是未仆。

  • you should have ask your SL for BJ in the kitchen too

  • 要佢BJ,撻著左佢,就要佢搞埋嘢

  • next time drug the drinks LOL

  • 打車輪,揸佢波,又摷佢gap gap,勁濕,唯獨是未仆,
    <br>I did all the above in my clubbing days with a girl in the center of the dancefloor, very exciting!

  • 係喎,激到喺佢老公面前搞呢搞露都得喎

  • when husband all drugged up, you can get the wife to BJ him while you take her from behind...then when he wakes up he will wonder why his underwear all wet with cum haha

  • wechat: hellonbuddy
    <br>skype: alexwong960

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