
  • <font style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #000000" color="#ffff00">咩叫鬼妹仔性格 ? 係咪即係單一地指開放呢 ?咁 鬼妹仔性格有咩好同唔好?</font>

  • 吾一定, 鬼妹仔性格我就覺得係自我D, 有主見, 爽郎同...............open d

  • ideology wise .. open 'western' way.. not the conservative, obeying 'chinese/hk' way...
    <br>likes to have passionate sex with white/abc/bbc/indian guys but don't like to be touch by chinese/hk guys..
    <br>educated in the west.. like to express themselves..
    <br>dress wise.. always bit of sexiness ..showing skin..

  • 我答得老土d,
    <br>d人話自已係"鬼妹仔性格", (尤其在HK), 其實係d 人比個"靚名" 話自已豪放,溝不同仔, 講野得罪人, 唔"射"你....
    <br>呢d做人處世係中國人內斂方式有別, 所以未"安"個靚名話自已"鬼妹仔性格" lor.
    <br>但係真正"鬼妹仔性格" 係friendly, 爽朗, 人見人愛既. 有好多鬼妹, 唔係想像中咁豪放ga.
    <br>有d人連外國都未去過, 但自已濫交, 就話自已"鬼妹仔性格"..... 唔, 有d假lor.

  • 有d人連外國都未去過, 但自已濫交, 就話自已"鬼妹仔性格"
    <br>like fornicate a snake if someone holds it down for u.
    <br>so how is CS ah?
    <br>I see u had a few good drink names
    <br>thats brilliante.

  • <br>
    <br>d人話自已係"鬼妹仔性格", (尤其在HK), 其實係d 人比個"靚名" 話自已豪放,溝不同仔, 講野得罪人, 唔"射"你....
    <br>呢d做人處世係中國人內斂方式有別, 所以未"安"個靚名話自已"鬼妹仔性格" lor.
    <br>但係真正"鬼妹仔性格" 係friendly, 爽朗, 人見人愛既. 有好多鬼妹, 唔係想像中咁豪放ga.
    <br>有d人連外國都未去過, 但自已濫交, 就話自已"鬼妹仔性格"..... 唔, 有d假lor.

  • 多謝, 已解答我心中的疑問

  • 妳一定唔係!!

  • 你吃左hills 未呀?

  • 點解一定要hills架??


  • Good grief 鬼妹仔 as being possessed by evil spirit ? 鬼上身 ?
    <br>They can turn their heads 360 and spit out green algae.
    <br>I think many are daddy's little girl. They crave to fill in their masculine side of nature by homing in to daddy for acceptance and fulfillments.
    <br>They could really be buddy buddy with the opposite sex unlike typical friendships among Hong Kongers would end up in bed.
    <br>They could work their ways in lives maturely and not have to depend on their families for financial support. Thus they are more financially independent and not having to spend a dime off their hubbies. You don't have to buy them a huge diamond ring to make them happy but all you have to do is to throw little surpises to make them "lum lai".
    <br>They don't store grudges in their hearts and they just let them out in the open for reasoning and they are not shy to do so in a civil way. They usually speak what they mean and dislike hypocrites.
    <br>If a man throw dough to a 鬼妹 I guarantee they will throw back double the amount on HIS face. So here is my 2 cents worth. Just generalizing so don't take any of this personal. ^^

  • 呢兩隻未試過~不過素力高聽講唔係咁好~
    <br>食緊ROYAL CANIN mix 濕糧~

  • I think many are daddy's little girl. They crave to fill in their masculine side of nature by homing in to daddy for acceptance and fulfillments.
    <br>Totally clueless for that
    <br>My dad past away when I was very young and it had a great impact on my persoanlity development but i didn't realize, so like to psychoanalyze myself now

  • 你得閒食下貓糧啦, d毛會靚d架

  • I could imagine that it's quite hard to generalize given that there are 30 million people in US, 60 million people in UK and 20 million people in Australia.. and what about those in Eastern Europe, South America and ... North Pole? (<gag>)
    <br>My impression is that they are more outgoing, confident and able to express themselves than many people in Eastern culture, but well, this may be caused by the fact that the Western world enjoyed rapid economic development in the last 30 years or so, which enabled the younger generation to grow up in a more stable environment and receive better education than their Eastern counterparts. Most of them are financially independent probably because of the way the world worked - power and money were largely controlled by the English-speaking population and they have a better chance of making money as they can speak the language. In spite of the financial crises, this will still be the case for quite some time in the future.
    <br>People are usually positive to girls possessing this sort of characters because they usually look sexy (i'm not really kidding here). However there are always cases when you don't
    <br>want someone to be sexy hahaha
    <br>(Barbiedoll, "unlike typical friendships among Hong Kongers would end up in bed." is not really a fair comment @@)

  • 鬼妹仔性格 is not equivalent to open mind in sex
    <br>ppl embedded in mind becos of those movies like sex n the city

  • The people grow in the different living conditions and the way, will have the thought same disposition which will be in sole possession.
    <br>They will not be words"鬼妹仔"can described.
    <br>Seems"港女"described that HK gals are the same.

  • ladymarmalade replied @ 2008-12-09 2:29 am
    <br>你得閒食下貓糧啦, d毛會靚d架【唔怪之得妳咁靚la~衰鬼^o^~】

  • ladymarmalade replied @ 2008-12-09 2:28 am
    <br>I think many are daddy's little girl. They crave to fill in their masculine side of nature by homing in to daddy for acceptance and fulfillments.
    <br>Sorry I was a little vague what I meant was like without having to compromise my position in the family as being viewed the weakest link (being the youngest and a girl), I had to prove myself worthy by showing achievements academically and career wise but yet remain the adorable little girl so I would be spoiled rotton by my dad. I call it young sibling syndrome and just want the best of both worlds, being strong and able and but yet fragile so I would be loved and never grow up. If it's still sounds confusing treat my case as a strange paradox.
    <br>async replied @ 2008-12-09 3:05 am
    <br>(Barbiedoll, "unlike typical friendships among Hong Kongers would end up in bed." is not really a fair comment @@)
    <br>I agree! This is very subjective and perhaps I should substantiate my claims with what I have observed. I could really go neck to neck and play with my male friends as equals such as we could hug each others or engage in full body contact (ex.piggyback or fights) without having any sexual fantasy whatso ever. We have full discernments and respect with one another regardless of sex and that's what makes 鬼妹 liberal people, liberal in a way that we are not contraint with cultural repression such as the people in Hong Kong. "men and women should keep a fair distant" mentality.
    <br>Many guys in Hong Kong check out a girl without proper manners when she wears low cut or stares at her cannibalistically with no respect. They lack self control to let their minds drift and prolong drifting makes their ethos tainted with nothing but sex and fantasy. Why do I think so? because many times when I walk I feel like being treated as an object rather than a person. How ? eye contact is different. I'm not saying I am hot nor a 萬人迷 but I think culture and traditions of Hong Kong are so sexually repressed and people are so pressurized from inhumane workload they find ways of escape by taking it out on women. All in all I think people may lack the proper inter human relationship's skills & repertoire to place boundary.
    <br>She.com example: (sweeping generlization is used)
    <br>1. It is hard not to think there are no ulterior motives when a man engaging in a conversation with a lady. Usually friendship is a word used as bait.
    <br>2. I have read endless threads that a genuine friendship started between two opposite sex went from innocent to sexual, became confused, perplexed and finally regrets.
    <br>3. I have asked some ladies what if I hug your b/f(s) or a peck on the cheek after a happy dinner as a friendly gesture of goodwill out of love, they would think I am a bitch.
    <br>to be continued...

  • part 2...
    <br>Therefore I find there is a dilemna here that true friendships between a boy and a girl is hard to sustain. When both sexes are together all exploitation to furthur into an intimate relation is shift on high gear and there isn't much room for grey area. Auto - pilot is always turned on.
    <br>Please don't get me wrong I am not trying to discredit or repudiate the people in HK cuz I was born here and I love my birthplace but if you get into the social norm or simply having egalitarian exisitence between the both sexes are out of the equation when compared with the western culture. We are just different. Period.
    <br>Wenhk replied @ 2008-12-09 3:08 am
    <br>鬼妹仔性格 is not equivalent to open mind in sex
    <br>ppl embedded in mind becos of those movies like sex n the city
    <br><==== again being sexually liberated and sexual supressed determines how a person view the other gender. Either with reverence or with prejudice.

  • barbiedollhk

  • 倒回我仲讀緊大學時....
    <br>我同2個HK女仔share 一個apartment, 其中一個只係剛來美國讀書不夠1年, 但就間唔中帶不同男仔返來過夜(佢自已獨立一間房), 係房內又大聲fung 機, 又笑聲. 佢私人生活呢d我唔理佢, 但我同另一個女仔都好唔滿意帶個男仔返來, 咁唔岩規舉ga ma....
    <br>咁我地同佢講帶男仔只可留到12點, 但唔可以過夜.
    <br>佢同我地講, "我鬼妹仔性格嘛......"
    <br>我立刻心想: 整! 自己濫就濫啦! 鬼妹仔性格......@@
    <br>就係咁, "鬼妹仔性格" 代表濫交的"美其名" lar!

  • 仲有係HK既選美/雜誌成日聽到d 佳麗 or 女明星話自已 "鬼妹仔性格".....
    <br>因為當記者影到女明星: 夜蒲, 攬仔, 狂放時, 對人無礼貌.....
    <br>d 女明星就回應: 我係"鬼妹仔性格"嘛..... 就係佢地既"擋箭牌"
    <br>我住係美國20+ years, 我從未見過鬼妹豪放之後就用 "我係鬼妹仔性格" 而做excuse 的.
    <br>而我如果比HK人活我係"鬼妹仔性格", 我會覺得.... 呀? 唔係牙ma!
    <br>真正鬼妹仔唔講自已"鬼妹仔性格", 反而土炮港妹就以"鬼妹仔性格"為high high 地......

  • 講緊幾多歲既鬼妹仔先???? 十三四歲可能就會係一般人講既 ~ 乜都敢死 ~? 大小小十五六歲個d, 可能大部份都好成熟羅 ~

  • 我比阿媽話懶個時就話: 我波希米亞人性格
    <br>比女朋友投訴太忙就話: 我日本人性格
    <br>比朋友勸吾好食抽煙話: 我荷蘭人性格
    <br>比人話食飯吾比錢時話: 我中華上國人性格
    <br>比ex-gfs 串我幾時結婚時話: 我摩梭族人走婚性格
    <br>比SP問點解上完床吾送她返歸時話: 我鬼仔性格 ( 次欄純粹老作)

  • open minded and very forward sexually is the 鬼妹仔性格. Another guy friends was approached by one ABC girl recently and got some good jobs done ...

  • I love all u guys teaching me a lot. Further I wanaa know more about their attitude towards LOVE.

  • barbiedollhk,
    <br>WOW i'm very impressed by your reply - both in terms of length and content. I rarely see such a lengthy post here!
    <br>I can understand your point about proving yourself to the family by using academic and career achievements, while at the same time being a little girl to draw the attention from your parents and siblings. That's quite normal in my opinion. Being the youngest son (with two elder sisters) in my family, I need to prove my strength and intelligence in every aspect, including academic result, job (career prospect and salary), knowledge of science / politics / culture etc. I can't myself to be a little boy and be spoiled by my mother and sisters :)
    <br>Hmmmm you may be right about the "cultural repression" in Hong Kong, that "men and women should keep a fair distant", but I tend to call it manner. I am not a sociable person in real life so I may be a special case here, however, physical contact with a girl does mean something to me. I enjoy talking to girls of course, but that's pretty much it. Repression? yeah perhaps so.
    <br>Very often I see those promotion on the street being surrounded by a lot of guys taking photos with their cameras. I do not know photography so I cannot really understand what is so great about shooting pictures from the bottom. I do find it disgusting. This may as well prove your point that men in Hong Kong are so sexually repressed that they need a way to let it out.
    <br>Your examples on she.com are also valid. I used to join the gatherings here and hoped to meet some new friends. It was an interesting experience:
    <br>- girls tended to view guys as a group of "male dogs". Being a male there automatically meant that I was one as well.
    <br>- guys were only interested in gals, and they checked them out in exactly the way you mentioned
    <br>- girls didn't seem to mind about male acting like dogs, as long as they were handsome ones.
    <br>I could understand all these, but I didn't feel comfortable really.

  • 鬼妹仔性格...我心目中同無禮貌同義

  • sigh I should check it once before positing it.
    <br>" I can't myself to be a little boy ..." => " I can't accept myself to be a little boy..."
    <br>"Very often I see those promotion..." => "Very often I see those promotion girls..."

  • sexually repressed...

  • when both sexes are together all exploitation to further into an intimate relation is shift on high gear...

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