
  • 生活中認識了一個小女孩, 我結了婚, 比她大了廿多年, 現在大家走在一起了.

  • 結左婚就好好對老婆,唔好去搞其他

  • 異地戀真唔容易

  • googe replied at 2014-01-18 10:27 pm
    <br>吊你路姆, 關你能事!

  • replied at 2014-02-02 11:25 pm
    <br>googe replied at 2014-01-18 10:27 pm
    <br>吊你路姆, 關你能事!

  • 異地戀都唔係第一次, 但今次特別難耐.

  • 結左婚就好好對老婆,唔好去搞其他

  • 假期最後一日, 好懶墮呀! 哈哈

  • 希望你老婆都去認識一個2X歲, 有心有力的大好青年來一段忘年戀

  • 青春無敵的小女孩同一時間應該都會同好幾個人走在一

  • 佢好難估, 頂尖大學高材生.

  • 係好事. 可在她身上搵番你失去嘅青春, 同時間. 不過, 記住, 祗是

  • 思念實在太沉重

  • 結左婚就好好對老婆,唔好去搞/諗其他

  • 異地戀都唔係第一次, 但今次特別難耐 <<<<< 吓 ...

  • 今年收到一份好特別的情人節禮物 ^^

  • 雖然相隔千里但仍然甜到漏

  • 時光飛逝, 幾個月貶下眼就過.

  • 結左婚就好好對老婆,唔好去搞其他

  • 傻仔

  • 狗仔, 乖, come on!

  • replied at 2014-04-29 12:24 pm
    <br>Well said, lol
    <br>I have creatied my thread for music related topics, you're missing the point, I'm talking about your thread. Why did you create the thread and not accept any comments? Then go round attacking people, spamming and trolling?
    <br>And can you read? I said take your arguement elsewhere? You're a lunatic.
    <br>Also googe is not my dog and he's not a dog, if so, you're not that much better than him, you're just plain rude and uncilvised.
    <br>You're so thick skinned, lol.
    <br>Just DO ONE!

  • LOL

  • What a rational world full of morons!

  • 當所謂道理,道德淪落為有心人手段,工具,利器. 可嘆, 可悲!

  • 結左婚就好好對老婆,唔好去搞其他

  • 狗仔, 乖!

  • Mr googe
    <br>滿口仁義道德, 其實假借道德為名, 撩事鬧非為實, 滿足自己變態心理!

  • Mr Panda
    <br>係呀! 真係好唔岩!
    <br>講得好, 講得妙!

  • 小女孩回來了

  • Hey, gold fish uncle, please fold! Lol

  • Fold?! LOL! Fold you into my arms! Come with uncle to the roof top!

  • Mr googe,
    <br>It is none of your biz! Again, you are not welcomed. Please leave.
    <br>I suggest you better go to more volunteer works to help others instead of state in the relationship forum and always follow the gals and doing such moliu stuffs, provided you are really intented to help others.
    <br>Nice to meet you again, you are so so so welcomed. My contact is [email protected], feel free to drop me a line. You are such a decent gal with last interaction.

  • replied at 2014-06-15 6:00 pm
    <br>Mr googe,
    <br>It is none of your biz! Again, you are not welcomed. Please leave.
    <br>I suggest you better go to more volunteer works to help others instead of state in the relationship forum and always follow the gals and doing such moliu stuffs, provided you are really intented to help others.
    <br>Nice to meet you again, you are so so so welcomed. My contact is [email protected], feel free to drop me a line. You are such a decent gal with last interaction.
    <br>Ewww, no thanks, I don't like gold fish uncles and I'm not a naive little gal. :p

  • MissKatie replied at 2014-06-15 7:38 pm
    <br> replied at 2014-06-15 6:00 pm
    <br>Mr googe,
    <br>It is none of your biz! Again, you are not welcomed. Please leave.
    <br>I suggest you better go to more volunteer works to help others instead of state in the relationship forum and always follow the gals and doing such moliu stuffs, provided you are really intented to help others.
    <br>Nice to meet you again, you are so so so welcomed. My contact is [email protected], feel free to drop me a line. You are such a decent gal with last interaction.
    <br>Ewww, no thanks, I don't like gold fish uncles and I'm not a naive little gal. :p
    <br>Yes, sure. It is a matter of fact. You know? Only you, only you can turn a gold fish uncle into a decent guy! Coz you are not a naive little gal but a decent charming lady.

  • replied at 2014-06-15 8:01 pm
    <br>MissKatie replied at 2014-06-15 7:38 pm
    <br> replied at 2014-06-15 6:00 pm
    <br>Mr googe,
    <br>It is none of your biz! Again, you are not welcomed. Please leave.
    <br>I suggest you better go to more volunteer works to help others instead of state in the relationship forum and always follow the gals and doing such moliu stuffs, provided you are really intented to help others.
    <br>Nice to meet you again, you are so so so welcomed. My contact is [email protected], feel free to drop me a line. You are such a decent gal with last interaction.
    <br>Ewww, no thanks, I don't like gold fish uncles and I'm not a naive little gal. :p
    <br>Yes, sure. It is a matter of fact. You know? Only you, only you can turn a gold fish uncle into a decent guy! Coz you are not a naive little gal but a decent charming lady.
    <br>WTF, lol.
    <br>You really think all females are that naive ? Or pandas think differently ?

  • MissKatie replied at 2014-06-15 8:09 pm
    <br> replied at 2014-06-15 8:01 pm
    <br>MissKatie replied at 2014-06-15 7:38 pm
    <br> replied at 2014-06-15 6:00 pm
    <br>Mr googe,
    <br>It is none of your biz! Again, you are not welcomed. Please leave.
    <br>I suggest you better go to more volunteer works to help others instead of state in the relationship forum and always follow the gals and doing such moliu stuffs, provided you are really intented to help others.
    <br>Nice to meet you again, you are so so so welcomed. My contact is [email protected], feel free to drop me a line. You are such a decent gal with last interaction.
    <br>Ewww, no thanks, I don't like gold fish uncles and I'm not a naive little gal. :p
    <br>Yes, sure. It is a matter of fact. You know? Only you, only you can turn a gold fish uncle into a decent guy! Coz you are not a naive little gal but a decent charming lady.
    <br>WTF, lol.
    <br>You really think all females are that naive ? Or pandas think differently ?
    <br>Welcome, I never think you are naive or stupid and in the opposite side. You are charming and wise. So you are able to turn a gold fish uncle into a decent guy.

  • 搵食熊貓?有趣有趣!好過同啲狼玩喔,好鬼悶!呵呵

  • MissKatie,
    <br>Thanks for your email and I have replied.
    <br>Boring? Chat is fine but can't be more. I just know a charming lady MissKatie.

  • replied at 2014-06-15 9:10 pm
    <br>Thanks for your email and I have replied.
    <br>Boring? Chat is fine but can't be more. I just know a charming lady MissKatie.

  • LittleredRhood replied at 2014-06-15 9:16 pm
    <br> replied at 2014-06-15 9:10 pm
    <br>Thanks for your email and I have replied.
    <br>Boring? Chat is fine but can't be more. I just know a charming lady MissKatie.
    <br>You are telling me you expect more than a pure chat now. LOL

  • Panda, your thread reminds me of my ex SL, I was his little gal, that's a sweet n bitter memory...... :)
    <br>I hate those who don't have a full picture of our stories, but keep commenting, they really sxxk!!!!

  • It is so called 道德撚! Just ignore it.

  • Stupid ass make me laugh ! LOL~~~~

  • Panda, don't you agree that Googe is a pretty sick tram guy, desperate to fall in love....

  • So_Blue replied at 2014-06-15 9:40 pm
    <br>Panda, don't you agree that Googe is a pretty sick tram guy, desperate to fall in love....
    <br>Anyway....any interaction with such creature is stupid.

  • He sent me love songs, poems, hand made gifts...enjoyed many romantic evenings....

  • So_Blue replied at 2014-06-15 10:18 pm
    <br>He sent me love songs, poems, hand made gifts...enjoyed many romantic evenings....
    <br>It is so romance, you die for that! LOL

  • replied at 2014-06-15 9:10 pm
    <br>Thanks for your email and I have replied.
    <br>Boring? Chat is fine but can't be more. I just know a charming lady MissKatie.
    <br>Absolutely absurd, what email? Why would I want to email you? Lol

  • MissKatie replied at 2014-06-15 10:33 pm
    <br> replied at 2014-06-15 9:10 pm
    <br>Thanks for your email and I have replied.
    <br>Boring? Chat is fine but can't be more. I just know a charming lady MissKatie.
    <br>Absolutely absurd, what email? Why would I want to email you? Lol
    <br>I'm so sorry to speak out too loudly, Of coz I lied about your emil, just a joke! LOL ~~~ Such a shy gal! You are so lovely.

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