looking for: a GF with (basic) fashion sense

  • dont know y both of my ex Gfs got zero fashion sense. so strange to date and hang out with them. is it impossible to find a GF with some fashion sense from the net? I am well educated guy of my late 20s

    enjoy: dating, kissing, movies (romance, comedy 黃子華), sports, gym, philosophy (haha~!)
    appearance: fair face, short and slim, fashionable (a bit, i like mix n match. bit c-man, smart casual and "men" style.

  • I am well educated guy of my late 20s

    enjoy: dating, kissing, movies (romance, comedy 黃子華), sports, gym, philosophy (haha~!)

    appearance: fair face, short and slim, fashionable (a bit, i like mix n match. bit c-man, smart casual and "men" style. not those keep wearing hiphop/skater look in his 30s nono, i am talking about lam dog or ar kot, absolutely not!dont think too much ;) )

    I am sweet but not "sticky"


    fashionable (dont need to be very exaggerated/over-- always wearing highlight color and look like a moving glow stick. dont have to own a lot of luxury brand products. if you got fashion sense, a pair of Converse Jack Purcell would do, agree? and i buy girls who wear unisex look. can be very attractive!)

    prefer white skin, but i dont mind you are tanned if you are very pretty, it's the overall package, but in general, i like girls of white skin

    not A, AA cup is ok. slim or devil body haha. sorry, I dont think fat can be fashionable.

    mature and independent, i dont like talking on the phone on everyday basis. it's ok if we have things to share, but i dont like i have to "watch" tv with you on the phone while actually i could have other engagements. (handle my fiance, gym, tidy up my room...etc)

    please reach me via email:

    [email protected]

  • I am well educated guy of my late 20s

    enjoy: dating, kissing, movies (romance, comedy), 黃子華, sports, gym, philosophy (haha~!)

    appearance: fair face, short and slim, fashionable (a bit, i like mix n match. bit c-man, smart casual and "men" style. not those keep wearing hiphop/skater look in his 30s nono, i am not talking about lam dog or ar kot, absolutely not!dont think too much ;) )

    I am sweet but not "sticky"


    fashionable (dont need to be very exaggerated/over-- always wearing highlight color and look like a moving glow stick. dont have to own a lot of luxury brand products. if you got fashion sense, a pair of Converse Jack Purcell would do, agree? and i buy girls who wear unisex look. can be very attractive!)

    prefer white skin, but i dont mind you are tanned if you are very pretty, it's the overall package, but in general, i like girls of white skin

    not A, AA cup is ok. slim or devil body haha. sorry, I dont think fat can be fashionable.

    mature and independent, i dont like talking on the phone on everyday basis. it's ok if we have things to share, but i dont like i have to "watch" tv with you on the phone while actually i could have other engagements. (handle my fiance, gym, tidy up my room...etc)

    please reach me via email:

    [email protected]

    dont mind if just making friends and sharing fashion ideas. (I am not very good at giving advise to girls as some looks i can only tell you what tops can fit what trousers/skirts, but of coz i dont know where can you buy from )

  • 你咁有fashion sense, 但都幫唔到你兩個前女友?

  • 港女 replied at 2014-03-25 9:49 pm


    你咁有fashion sense, 但都幫唔到你兩個前女友?



    就算真係, 襯好幾套, 講少次, 一係著到好似人地去傳教咁:"我想問呢對咩鞋黎ga?"(果對我都真係唔知叫咩鞋...好似以前60-70年袋 d 60歲老姑婆教師著果對咁ge 黑皮鞋) 呢個係我第一個ex, 22歲.

    一係著到好似d 伯父打golf/行山咁:

    去澳門旅行, 難得2口子油店sweet 下, 佢整條4個骨伯父打golf nylon 褲.

    我又唔係要求你晒錢買名牌性感內衣...但你可唔可以唔好咁趕客? 比我仲麻甩, 小姐你想點? 洗唔洗比你整埋家有喜家第一集吳君如個look? 呢個係我第2個ex, 30歲.

    唔通叫佢丟晒依家d 衫咩?

    所以我想搵個有sense, 唔洗話好多衫. 買得arm, 唔洗多衫.

    我知我要求係怪d... well, 但試無妨

  • 有趣!


  • 港女 replied at 2014-03-25 10:43 pm





    whatever, i am not a story teller

    if you got sth else to talk to, free feel to email me, byebye

  • 你啲性格,反轉豬肚,數臭以前嘅ex,雖然唔出佢地名, 但係都令人反感!!!

    又唔諗下自己,又瘦又矮,自白又講到語無倫次, 都唔知點樣well educated.


  • 好似佢呢隻自我感覺良好嘅港男多的是,我為果兩位感到難過,居然有個啱啱配得上自己的前度喺公開論壇上數落及嫌棄自己嘅衣著品味。佢要求下個女友有「基本」時裝觸覺,但自己卻沒有對他人基本嘅尊重。

  • 港男之最 replied at 2014-03-26 1:37 am


    你啲性格,反轉豬肚,數臭以前嘅ex,雖然唔出佢地名, 但係都令人反感!!!

    又唔諗下自己,又瘦又矮,自白又講到語無倫次, 都唔知點樣well educated.



    最就唔敢, 我都只係有些少 fashion sense

    食花生無聊抽水唔覆啦 你話係咪係lor 如果你覺得踩下我開心d, 但對我黎講不痛不癢

  • 港女 replied at 2014-03-26 7:40 am




    其他唔回啦, 名都唔開, 點數臭法?

    大家覺得我咁講講ex 的衣著對佢有影響 還是d 人同fd 數自己男友對人有影響?


    仲有, 我係講fashion 所以只focus 講呢樣野, 我ex 一個sweet, 一個純過蒸餾水, 冇講佢地差。 差只係講fashion sense 方面。 鬧我好, 禍不及妻兒。

    再有challenge 都唔覆, 唔想變左罵戰

    Again, looking for serious relationship

    But dont mind making fds and sharing fashion ideas

    Good day

  • 你寫嘢真係好無厘頭吓,幾時由自己嫌棄前度衣著打扮,到要超人上身維護番佢哋轉頭?網友從來對佢哋品味有咩評價喎,就算有都係佢哋點解會揀同好似你咁刻薄嘅人一齊啫

  • 港女 replied at 2014-03-26 12:41 pm




    u really dont know 潮人, 有時係街見到D 著到唔知想點的人, 都會忍唔住笑下. 全身都9唔搭8, 衫又唔襯件褸, 條褲又同對鞋撞晒色, 仲要加對白襪仔. 忍唔住問:"呢個人想點?"


  • GF 我預左唔易搵

    making fds and sharing fashion ideas << 有冇, 傾下點襯衫?

    例如你買左件衫/褲/鞋好鍾意, send 張相黎睇下, 研究下點襯. or 全身都襯好差一部分.

    交流下ja, 我絕對唔係教父, 早抖

  • 要求別人前就唔該照下鏡!!



    你話女人肥無fashion sense?oh I am fashion design肥人一樣可以著得好好睇,著到有個人風格就好

    你應該不知什麼叫fashion sense!!


  • 版主不知所謂!!!

  • 矮男,學人講fashion sense,笑死

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