
  • 之前與其他友人出去玩, clubbing, 意外地與其他男性發生了性關係,<br />擔心有bb 之餘亦唔知好唔好同男友坦白, 怕佢接受唔到,<br />我so far 只係第一次咁樣....有冇過來人試過? <br />應該點做? thanks!

  • 有心理準備,講就預左散,98%男人接受唔到

  • candy, just forget it... best to leave it as a secret.
    <br>the bigger question is whether you can control yourself from cheating again. now that you have done it, it's harder to resist the temptation of doing it again...and again. lol

  • 真係一次都冇可能接受?

  • 我只怕if 有意外中左,,,應該瞞唔到佢..

    <br>[email protected]

  • 又多一名賤女供大家抽插

  • 有沒中出先?

  • ok, thanks ben!

  • lady
    <br>who are the 2% of the guy that would accept their gf cheating on them? lol

  • do you enjoy it? If i were you i will keep this secret relationship

  • shxt, ben 原來都係一個搵食賤人

  • that was really an accidence.....
    <br>i think of not to tell but in case really got baby then can't hide anymore~~~

  • 我21歲,都幾細粒152cm, 有啲肉地啦。工作嘅地方響酒樓不過係負責event,所以平時對住啲都係酒樓佬。 我原本自己有男朋友,但係工作既時間係完全夾唔到,有次發現佢出過軌之後雖然一齊番但個心都係有條刺想報復佢,不過一路都遇唔到適合人選,自問酒樓佬真係哽唔落。直至遇到mr. Y 佢係頂原本負責operation嘅經理,我嗰日一番到公司見到佢企係個場中間。因為佢六呎高所以一眼就見到佢,眼細細鼻高高,笑起上尼好溫柔,雖然大我15年但一啲都唔似,更唔似酒樓佬。人又高,膊又夠橫,著住套西裝......總之已經吸引咗我啦。平時都係工作上溝通,不過我知佢對我都有興趣,我番工係著件吊帶外面係西裝跟住著西裙同黑絲,同埋我地辦工室係同一間房,有時我明知佢係度都會拉低啲件衫。同佢傾野都會有意無意露下溝俾佢睇,佢係有(目急) 的,有時mr. Y同我講野都係望對波先,雖然我知,但一啲都唔怕醜,仲覺得好興奮。不過佢從來都唔會講咸濕野所以我仲更加有興趣!

  • tether replied at 2014-03-24 4:59 pm
    <br>who are the 2% of the guy that would accept their gf cheating on them? lol
    <br>Some with open mind and love his gf, forgive take long time as well

  • 食左事後藥未?

  • 冇事後藥...

  • candy, you will likely do it again. lol

  • 好心你有仔就自重下啦,還出去clubbing, 埋又係預咗有豔遇。你唔姣條仔,條仔點會同你上床。跟本就係你條港女西癢,想吃外賣。

  • candy replied at 2014-03-24 4:59 pm
    <br>ok, thanks ben!
    <br>我之前與其他友人出去玩, clubbing, 意外地比其他男性(基佬)發生了性關係,好擔心有AIDS 之餘亦唔知好唔好同女友坦白, 怕佢接受唔到....

  • OIC, I think you are less than 25, right?

  • yes...less than 25...
    <br>so i better not to tell the truth?

  • she replied at 2014-03-24 4:57 pm
    <br>你話你老母呀? 我第一個屌你老母~~

  • candy replied at 2014-03-24 5:17 pm
    <br>yes...less than 25...
    <br>so i better not to tell the truth?
    <br>I worry you get AIDS or 性病 more than BB.
    <br>By the way, if you tell your bf, then your relationship will be gone!

  • ben replied at 2014-03-24 5:19 pm
    <br>she replied at 2014-03-24 4:57 pm
    <br>你話你老母呀? 我第一個屌你老母~~

  • want handsome and enjoy the exciting, then free and no protect for yourself,
    <br>by the result you just become a free lunch with guys only, then all your relationship will be lost too....

  • Doctor replied at 2014-03-24 5:20 pm
    <br>candy replied at 2014-03-24 5:17 pm
    <br>yes...less than 25...
    <br>so i better not to tell the truth?
    <br>I worry you get AIDS or 性病 more than BB.
    <br>By the way, if you tell your bf, then your relationship will be gone!
    <br>the case wasn't like that,,,the guy is not a stranger, not really hv aids case...but for BB...really not sure..
    <br>i want some opinion/ comment here, thanks!

  • 警察 replied at 2014-03-24 5:21 pm
    <br>ben replied at 2014-03-24 5:19 pm
    <br>she replied at 2014-03-24 4:57 pm
    <br>你話你老母呀? 我第一個屌你老母~~
    <br>警察, really?! Sorry !!
    <br>你話你老母呀? 我第一個抽插你老母~~ 警察, 抽插你老母呀!!

  • candy replied at 2014-03-24 5:24 pm
    <br>Doctor replied at 2014-03-24 5:20 pm
    <br>candy replied at 2014-03-24 5:17 pm
    <br>yes...less than 25...
    <br>so i better not to tell the truth?
    <br>I worry you get AIDS or 性病 more than BB.
    <br>By the way, if you tell your bf, then your relationship will be gone!
    <br>the case wasn't like that,,,the guy is not a stranger, not really hv aids case...but for BB...really not sure..
    <br>i want some opinion/ comment here, thanks!
    <br>OK, you may send mail to me, then I reply with you in private.
    <br>[email protected]

  • ben replied at 2014-03-24 5:24 pm
    <br>警察 replied at 2014-03-24 5:21 pm
    <br>ben replied at 2014-03-24 5:19 pm
    <br>she replied at 2014-03-24 4:57 pm
    <br>你話你老母呀? 我第一個屌你老母~~
    <br>警察, really?! Sorry !!
    <br>你話你老母呀? 我第一個抽插你老母~~ 警察, 抽插你老母呀!!

  • i appreciate discussioni but no arguement pls?

  • hi
    <br>question is...... why u go for unsafe sex as just for fun?

  • no..as i said it was really an accidence only,,

  • candy replied at 2014-03-24 5:48 pm
    <br>no..as i said it was really an accidence only,,
    <br>but can you tell me... did you enjoy the sex that time?

  • hi candy,
    <br>can we chat in skype?
    <br>[email protected]

  • 啪啪啪,老公啊,插大力の啊!!西西癢啊!

  • 成班變態係度攪攪陣。

  • cheater replied at 2014-03-24 5:49 pm
    <br>candy replied at 2014-03-24 5:48 pm
    <br>no..as i said it was really an accidence only,,
    <br>but can you tell me... did you enjoy the sex that time?
    <br>is that related?

  • no one here able to share exp of same?

  • candy replied at 2014-03-24 4:51 pm
    <br>e-mail me / Skype
    <br>[email protected]

  • candy replied at 2014-03-24 5:59 pm
    <br>cheater replied at 2014-03-24 5:49 pm
    <br>candy replied at 2014-03-24 5:48 pm
    <br>no..as i said it was really an accidence only,,
    <br>but can you tell me... did you enjoy the sex that time?
    <br>is that related?
    <br>yes of cos. I am sure your bf would ask if you tell him what happened. are you willing and ready to get into that?

  • joyce929 replied at 2014-03-24 6:11 pm
    <br>candy replied at 2014-03-24 4:51 pm
    <br>e-mail me / Skype
    <br>[email protected]
    <br>屌你條臭西 你個西好撚臭呀 賤西

  • cheater replied at 2014-03-24 6:12 pm
    <br>candy replied at 2014-03-24 5:59 pm
    <br>cheater replied at 2014-03-24 5:49 pm
    <br>candy replied at 2014-03-24 5:48 pm
    <br>no..as i said it was really an accidence only,,
    <br>but can you tell me... did you enjoy the sex that time?
    <br>is that related?
    <br>yes of cos. I am sure your bf would ask if you tell him what happened. are you willing and ready to get into that?
    <br>means u suggest me to tell the truth?

  • joyce929 replied at 2014-03-24 6:11 pm
    <br>candy replied at 2014-03-24 4:51 pm
    <br>e-mail me / Skype
    <br>[email protected]
    <br>tks added.

  • candy replied at 2014-03-24 6:20 pm
    <br>cheater replied at 2014-03-24 6:12 pm
    <br>candy replied at 2014-03-24 5:59 pm
    <br>cheater replied at 2014-03-24 5:49 pm
    <br>candy replied at 2014-03-24 5:48 pm
    <br>no..as i said it was really an accidence only,,
    <br>but can you tell me... did you enjoy the sex that time?
    <br>is that related?
    <br>yes of cos. I am sure your bf would ask if you tell him what happened. are you willing and ready to get into that?
    <br>means u suggest me to tell the truth?
    <br>only if you are ready to face the consequences. not many can...

  • 96810874, AMY, 14 巴港女,真手提電話, 96810874....

  • <br>
    <br>means u suggest me to tell the truth?
    <br>only if you are ready to face the consequences. not many can...
    <br>i still treasure this relationship, i also think if i tell the truth we will be over...
    <br>that's why so upset...

  • Candy
    <br>我不知你男友是什麽為人, 一般男人都好花心, 10個有9個都有偷食, 但相反卻好少能夠忍受自己女人偷食
    <br>我覺得你要過到自己一關, 只是稍一不慎偷食咗一次, 唔使太過介懷. 你話成日都偷食就話是明顯對不起男友

  • candy replied at 2014-03-24 5:24 pm
    <br>Doctor replied at 2014-03-24 5:20 pm
    <br>candy replied at 2014-03-24 5:17 pm
    <br>yes...less than 25...
    <br>so i better not to tell the truth?
    <br>I worry you get AIDS or 性病 more than BB.
    <br>By the way, if you tell your bf, then your relationship will be gone!
    <br>the case wasn't like that,,,the guy is not a stranger, not really hv aids case...but for BB...really not sure..
    <br>i want some opinion/ comment here, thanks!

  • No thinking on this happen is okay

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