
  • 唔好諗咁多喇,煮到埋黎先食

  • 問你仲有幾多日假,叫你清假

  • 其實呢, 佢哋炒你呢,你喺感覺到, 十居其九, 都唔會有錯,只不過喺佢哋幾時 take action。例如抽起晒你D重要工作,或者你跟開既嘢,會有人嚟主動話要跟等等。
    <br>不過, take action 嗰日,喺有徵兆,佢哋唔會比咁多嘢你做,仲有會問你手頭上啲工作嘅進度,到臨放工時,就會叫你入房,之後你知咩事啦。
    <br>你要嘅,就喺準備定一份辭職信,要take action 快過佢,咁樣你走咗之後,喺佢哋嘅記錄喺 "辭職" 而唔喺 "被炒",呢樣嘢好緊要,切記切記。

  • Vorteil replied at 2013-10-30 8:36 pm
    <br>其實呢, 佢哋炒你呢,你喺感覺到, 十居其九, 都唔會有錯,只不過喺佢哋幾時 take action。例如抽起晒你D重要工作,或者你跟開既嘢,會有人嚟主動話要跟等等。
    <br>不過, take action 嗰日,喺有徵兆,佢哋唔會比咁多嘢你做,仲有會問你手頭上啲工作嘅進度,到臨放工時,就會叫你入房,之後你知咩事啦。
    <br>你要嘅,就喺準備定一份辭職信,要take action 快過佢,咁樣你走咗之後,喺佢哋嘅記錄喺 "辭職" 而唔喺 "被炒",呢樣嘢好緊要,切記切記。
    <br>Old Lady,

  • .

  • I have been laid off for months. I am not particularly unhappy as I know it's not the end of the world.
    <br>I have a friend who went through all the treatment for breasts cancer, resumed to work after one year, just got the confirmation that the cancer has returned. Compared to what she is going through, I consider myself well blessed.

  • I am scared will laid off again....

  • No need or no point to worry about things which you can't control. It's been my second time to get laid off around too.

  • 同relationship有咩關系?

  • I am also get fired for two times before..
    <br>resign is a better way?

  • There are many different kinds of relationship, so why not? Besides there are more people in this message board. Are you the forum police?

  • old lady replied at 2014-02-23 5:26 pm
    <br>I am also get fired for two times before..
    <br>resign is a better way?
    <br>Why resign if you can get the surveillance package?
    <br>I was laid off, not fired, twice.

  • I thought laid off and fired are the same...

  • I can leave a good record if i resign...

  • Laid off, compensation + no -ve impact on record
    <br>Fired, no compensation + bad record

  • Laid off means redundant.

  • what u gonna do is not to worry but to find out why you have experienced few tims of being laid off. If u know what's going wrong with yourself, then your future is bright no matter where your next stop is.

  • Moi replied at 2014-02-23 5:28 pm
    <br>old lady replied at 2014-02-23 5:26 pm
    <br>I am also get fired for two times before..
    <br>resign is a better way?
    <br>Why resign if you can get the surveillance package?
    <br>I was laid off, not fired, twice.
    <br>I was laid off too!

  • Watford replied at 2014-02-23 7:20 pm
    <br>what u gonna do is not to worry but to find out why you have experienced few tims of being laid off. If u know what's going wrong with yourself, then your future is bright no matter where your next stop is.
    <br>Thank you for your opinion.I know what's wrong with myself, but how is the standard is important, you know different ppl with different, how to follow??

  • you know different ppl hv different standard, how to follow?

  • Watford replied at 2014-02-23 7:20 pm
    <br>what u gonna do is not to worry but to find out why you have experienced few tims of being laid off. If u know what's going wrong with yourself, then your future is bright no matter where your next stop is.
    <br>I can tell you getting laid off can be a stroke of bad luck, it doesn't necessarily mean there's something wrong about the person.
    <br>Don't get confuse redundancy with termination.

  • Moi replied at 2014-02-23 8:28 pm
    <br>Watford replied at 2014-02-23 7:20 pm
    <br>what u gonna do is not to worry but to find out why you have experienced few tims of being laid off. If u know what's going wrong with yourself, then your future is bright no matter where your next stop is.
    <br>I can tell you getting laid off can be a stroke of bad luck, it doesn't necessarily mean there's something wrong about the person.
    <br>Don't get confuse redundancy with termination.
    <br>sorry, what means of redundancy with termination?

  • R - 裁員
    <br>T - 解僱

  • Moi replied at 2014-02-23 8:39 pm
    <br>R - 裁員
    <br>T - 解僱
    <br>thanks Moi!

  • old lady replied at 2014-02-23 8:17 pm
    <br>you know different ppl hv different standard, how to follow?
    <br>no offence but you may need to ask a question why u r unable to meet their requirements. you know frying a staff is not as easy as drinking water. to try to figure it out make you easy know how to do next step.

  • Watford replied at 2014-02-23 9:00 pm
    <br>old lady replied at 2014-02-23 8:17 pm
    <br>you know different ppl hv different standard, how to follow?
    <br>no offence but you may need to ask a question why u r unable to meet their requirements. you know frying a staff is not as easy as drinking water. to try to figure it out make you easy know how to do next step.
    <br>I really don't know how to meet their requirement...how is their standard normally?

  • old lady replied at 2014-02-23 9:07 pm
    <br>Watford replied at 2014-02-23 9:00 pm
    <br>old lady replied at 2014-02-23 8:17 pm
    <br>you know different ppl hv different standard, how to follow?
    <br>no offence but you may need to ask a question why u r unable to meet their requirements. you know frying a staff is not as easy as drinking water. to try to figure it out make you easy know how to do next step.
    <br>I really don't know how to meet their requirement...how is their standard normally?
    <br>nobody can tell u except your boss. if u already knew your days in this company is counting, why dun u go to ask your boss what's going wrong with you and how to solve it? at least your boss still believe that you wanna change and perform better. Maybe it save your life in this company at last.

  • 老闆會預備一鑊生菜

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