
  • 一個月前和老闆應酬飲大咗,我半推半就下同老闆發生咗關係,佢有送野俾我當補償,但我一直個心好唔舒服。。。我對佢都有feel,但未至於要搞嘢。。。上星期同佢返大陸做嘢,搞掂晒佢又車我去爆房,之後好似一般情侶咁行街食飯,過程係開心,但返到屋企又覺得自己好cheap,佢又好似當我sl咁。。。。補充資料,佢有老婆仔女,我有未婚夫。。。。


  • 唔好唔開心啦

  • it's just casual sex. nothing to worry about. as long as u enjoy it that's ok. don't tell your fiance

  • 不想做就辭職,不能拖

  • 你有無come啊?

  • Come 係咩

  • 我前幾日都同公司密書上了床

  • Stop your silly action until it is too late.

  • take the benefit as you can, and keep the relationship in secret.

  • even replied at 2014-02-11 9:10 pm
    <br>take the benefit as you can, and keep the relationship in secret.
    <br>For how long? And for how long you can keep it as a secret?

  • I stumbled upon such relationship can be undergo for a ages if you can handle it well.Just grab the benefit.

  • even replied at 2014-02-11 9:15 pm
    <br> I stumbled upon such relationship can be undergo for a ages if you can handle it well.Just grab the benefit.
    <br>If you can handle it well, if he can handle it well, if you can win mark six, LOL

  • googe replied at 2014-02-11 9:12 pm
    <br>even replied at 2014-02-11 9:10 pm
    <br>take the benefit as you can, and keep the relationship in secret.
    <br>For how long? And for how long you can keep it as a secret?
    <br>成日搭嗲,你係咪on 9㗎?

  • 谷高 replied at 2014-02-11 9:17 pm
    <br>googe replied at 2014-02-11 9:12 pm
    <br>even replied at 2014-02-11 9:10 pm
    <br>take the benefit as you can, and keep the relationship in secret.
    <br>For how long? And for how long you can keep it as a secret?
    <br>成日搭嗲,你係咪on 9㗎?
    <br>Are you?

  • thousand of extramarital affairs going down there, and people just simply like it. You can not just stop them to love each other.

  • even replied at 2014-02-11 9:20 pm
    <br>thousand of extramarital affairs going down there, and people just simply like it. You can not just stop them to love each other.
    <br>Is that love?

  • clearly it is not charity, what do you make?

  • if they are not found to be guilty, where the question is?

  • even replied at 2014-02-11 9:29 pm
    <br>if they are not found to be guilty, where the question is?
    <br>There is something called morality.

  • How about dignity?

  • yawn, admit it, they do not disappear whether you like it or not.

  • People get killed doesn't mean you want to be killed

  • what got you so concern about it?i have no idea whats wrong with it, it is not taboo for ages. why we so reluctant to talk about it. Whatever. No one wining anyway. It is today 21st century make what us look like.

  • they do naive, because of it. They were both extremely organise people. Everything can go wrong, it will go wrong.

  • 就算佢想越軌都冇人house, 可以站在道德高地

  • even replied at 2014-02-11 9:39 pm
    <br>what got you so concern about it?i have no idea whats wrong with it, it is not taboo for ages. why we so reluctant to talk about it. Whatever. No one wining anyway. It is today 21st century make what us look like.
    <br>If it's not taboo for ages, will you let your wife/husband to find SL/SP? Will you announce to your relatives? Will you allow your daughter to behave like that?

  • even replied at 2014-02-11 9:43 pm
    <br>they do naive, because of it. They were both extremely organise people. Everything can go wrong, it will go wrong.
    <br>If you drink, don't drive and there will be no drink driving. Simply as that.
    <br>If you plan A, B happens, but how is that related to having affairs causally?

  • 呢個 googe 應該係食屎痾飯的無聊西,what about morality, dignity? 你去開班傳道啦!個個topic 都見你條友入去俾意見,起人底,真 on lun 9

  • 佢拖都冇乜拍過, 淨係在家打飛機, 理論多過乜咁, 佢講D野係人都識up啦, 你講到啱一啱又點啫, 但現實發生緊既又係另一回事呢, 講到咁守規距, 又唔見發咗

  • In reality, there are still many people respect their marriage.

  • 佢應該係西嚟,冇飛机打

  • In reality, morality, dignity has nothing to do with money.

  • 谷高 replied at 2014-02-11 9:55 pm
    <br>西又好, 九又好啦, 佢都好少有機會用到架啦

  • 你啱, 都應該係西嚟, 正常男人好少唔駛用

  • Anything else in your minds?

  • 版主係r版,s版開左幾條thread講呢件事,

  • Probably want some good advice

  • chauvinism

  • Anything else?

  • fine, just treat them bloody more compassion. I would not care this magic way, some sort reasonable relationship. I am not tradition. If you do not call,say it next time. They like each other until one morning they may realised they change. whats the problem?find the right way and behave the right way,you really can not put such therapy on woman, it is chemistry. Do you look at the literature? in order to happen, it really a some problem there hasn't them. Because it is my setting, spon·ta·ne·ous, ok...congratulation, you are such trouble free person.

  • they have feeling on each other, their brain told them, just some sort of thing make their body told them too.

  • Take it easy la. Tell him u want to end the relationship if u don't want to maintain it.

  • 你老細碌野勁嗎?

  • What's the problem? Finish one before you start another.

  • is how we engage each.It may sound controversial to you, and this thing matter. And increasingly working with traumatic event. It has been utterly fascination.

  • is you conceptualise people who use the marriage to maintain what you called "love".

  • even = sal ?

  • If you do not like this kind of relationship, should just let your boss know and don't go out with him anymore.
    <br>He will be happy to end it this way as he got lucky already.
    <br>If you can find another job, time to switch job.
    <br>Better not sink further into this kind of messy situation. Pull the plug while you still can.

  • even replied at 2014-02-12 12:31 am
    <br>is you conceptualise people who use the marriage to maintain what you called "love".
    <br>Use marriage to maintain love? Why on earth do you think that this is my idea?
    <br>Finish one before you start another one. Too simple to understand?

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