Living is a burden

  • Woke up for work
    Put up a smile to blend in with others
    Return home to fulfill a family role
    Weekends meant switching roles.
    Month ends meant one payment transfer after another.
    The year went by had been no different from all those lapsed before that and worst still; sees no chance of any changing for the ones to come.
    Living is a burden.
    Is this my own reflection or shared by others?

  • 每個人生活也是差不多,日出而作,而入而息。

  • 家家有本難念的經,

  • 做人就是煩,好又一曰唔好又一日

  • People often said, life is full of misery. Although it is a fact deep inside our mind but not all dare to show it cos it drives your friends away from and strangers keep their distance.

  • 喜怒哀樂,人生總是有的,

  • Live each day as a it is, not everyone is blessed.

  • 來到世上,也許要活好每一天,開開心心嘛!

  • J
    <br>Somehwat your alias reminds me two things;
    <br>J as in Men in Black and J as in the "j". hum. what a name you picked.
    <br>Its Friday again.
    <br>Most hate Monday cos its another 5 days before break. In my case, I hate the weekend ahead of Friday.

  • 只是一個稱號吧,沒有什麼意思的。
    <br>點解 weekend 會 ahead of Friday 嘅?

  • what's your job? I think you dun like your job

  • 女人 replied at 2013-12-06 1:30 am

  • If I am any younger I would have suspect I am suffering from Midlife crisis, or if I am a woman, I might think my menopause is greeting me.
    <br>Sadly, thats been over or got nil to be with me.
    <br>I used to like my job until there is not much to do. I used to have hobbies but none of it intrigue me anymore. Can you imagine how sxxk it is that I have no wish.

  • old replied at 2013-12-06 11:44 am
    <br>If I am any younger I would have suspect I am suffering from Midlife crisis, or if I am a woman, I might think my menopause is greeting me.
    <br>Sadly, thats been over or got nil to be with me.
    <br>I used to like my job until there is not much to do. I used to have hobbies but none of it intrigue me anymore. Can you imagine how sxxk it is that I have no wish.

  • 非常認同吖。

  • i think the host is lost in life. instead of being uncontended.

  • 太陽永遠只得一個,在乎你用什麼心情去睇.

  • 女人

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