
  • 如己離婚又係有個仔,想揾個伴,是否好難呢?還是揾返離左婚的男人?

  • 緣....

  • pizzalover replied at 2013-12-04 11:01 am

  • karen replied at 2013-12-04 11:05 am
    <br>pizzalover replied at 2013-12-04 11:01 am
    <br>Don't be silly here, now so many free-lunch hunter to look for you now, be careful la, if you want the answer, then goto book shop to find it, better that all the free-lunch dogs will chase you to fxxk in bed only.
    <br>here, no real heart, no real caring, just fxxk fxxk ufck at all!
    <br>Good luck

  • 已婚男..
    <br>但覺得無需一定揾返離左婚的男, 有緣就好..

  • 妳接受sl/sp嗎?

  • she..com replied at 2013-12-04 11:29 am
    <br>karen replied at 2013-12-04 11:05 am
    <br>pizzalover replied at 2013-12-04 11:01 am
    <br>Don't be silly here, now so many free-lunch hunter to look for you now, be careful la, if you want the answer, then goto book shop to find it, better that all the free-lunch dogs will chase you to fxxk in bed only.
    <br>here, no real heart, no real caring, just fxxk fxxk ufck at all!
    <br>Good luck
    <br>你好,我post左多次,不過post唔上,唔知係咪she 有問題...
    <br>我都明白和知道啦....不過我從未約出去見面,放心,只是chat only...就算有都係大家搵伴,寂寞吧...或許找個離了婚的男人傾下都ok...

  • pizzalover replied at 2013-12-04 11:32 am
    <br>但覺得無需一定揾返離左婚的男, 有緣就好..

  • Simon replied at 2013-12-04 12:11 pm

  • At least that married man has kid, if not, it is difficult. Because he has get used to freedom so why he needs to jump back and need to raise up one more kid?
    <br>All the divorce man that I have met here, they just want to have casual relationship.
    <br>Don't be silly.

  • All free lunch dogs here, they all just want a bit of fun, be careful.

  • karen replied at 2013-12-04 12:26 pm
    <br>Simon replied at 2013-12-04 12:11 pm

  • karen replied at 2013-12-04 12:26 pm
    <br>Simon replied at 2013-12-04 12:11 pm
    <br>Karen, 屌唔屌西呀?

  • karen replied at 2013-12-04 12:26 pm
    <br>pizzalover replied at 2013-12-04 11:32 am
    <br>但覺得無需一定揾返離左婚的男, 有緣就好..
    <br>我係話未結過婚都好, 唔一定離左婚..
    <br>小三做唔過, 青春有限..

  • 返教會? 或者比率高

  • 唉.....你唔明冇撚插果種寂寞 ...

  • Simon replied at 2013-12-04 1:03 pm
    <br>karen replied at 2013-12-04 12:26 pm
    <br>Simon replied at 2013-12-04 12:11 pm
    <br>Karen, 屌唔屌西呀?
    <br>Fake Simon

  • Simon replied at 2013-12-04 1:13 pm
    <br>Simon replied at 2013-12-04 1:03 pm
    <br>karen replied at 2013-12-04 12:26 pm
    <br>Simon replied at 2013-12-04 12:11 pm
    <br>Karen, 屌唔屌西呀?
    <br>Fake Simon
    <br>原來係Fake Simon....見你咁賤格, 本來想扣搵你玩下, disappointed

  • karen replied at 2013-12-04 1:27 pm
    <br>Simon replied at 2013-12-04 1:13 pm
    <br>Simon replied at 2013-12-04 1:03 pm
    <br>karen replied at 2013-12-04 12:26 pm
    <br>Simon replied at 2013-12-04 12:11 pm
    <br>Karen, 屌唔屌西呀?
    <br>Fake Simon
    <br>原來係Fake Simon....見你咁賤格, 本來想扣搵你玩下, disappointed
    <br>我真系吾能屌你吖 ..

  • Simon replied at 2013-12-04 1:37 pm
    <br>karen replied at 2013-12-04 1:27 pm
    <br>Simon replied at 2013-12-04 1:13 pm
    <br>Simon replied at 2013-12-04 1:03 pm
    <br>karen replied at 2013-12-04 12:26 pm
    <br>Simon replied at 2013-12-04 12:11 pm
    <br>Karen, 屌唔屌西呀?
    <br>Fake Simon
    <br>原來係Fake Simon....見你咁賤格, 本來想扣搵你玩下, disappointed
    <br>我真系吾能屌你吖 ..

  • Karen, 第一次見書男話唔屌,你行運

  • Gal replied at 2013-12-04 1:46 pm
    <br>Karen, 第一次見書男話唔屌,你行運

  • welcomed to add me at wechat: QQ #: 810763246

  • Simon replied at 2013-12-04 1:50 pm
    <br>Gal replied at 2013-12-04 1:46 pm
    <br>Karen, 第一次見書男話唔屌,你行運
    <br>Karen offer 你又唔屌?扁心!

  • Simon replied at 2013-12-04 1:50 pm
    <br>Gal replied at 2013-12-04 1:46 pm
    <br>Karen, 第一次見書男話唔屌,你行運
    <br>she 真係好多人渣!

  • pizzalover replied at 2013-12-04 2:02 pm
    <br>welcomed to add me at wechat: QQ #: 810763246
    <br>You looking for SL ?

  • Gal replied at 2013-12-04 2:07 pm
    <br>pizzalover replied at 2013-12-04 2:02 pm
    <br>welcomed to add me at wechat: QQ #: 810763246
    <br>You looking for SL ?
    <br>he is looking for free lunch!

  • karen replied at 2013-12-04 2:06 pm
    <br>Simon replied at 2013-12-04 1:50 pm
    <br>Gal replied at 2013-12-04 1:46 pm
    <br>Karen, 第一次見書男話唔屌,你行運
    <br>she 真係好多人渣!
    <br>你衣家先知 ?!!

  • just a chatting nf to kill time

  • They always say they want a nf then after they ask if you wanna be SL /SP.....

  • 離婚有孩子嘅女人好容易搵倒性伴侶,因為佢哋知自己咩底細,冇單身女人咁有要求,好多餓男會以佢哋為首選。如果講另一半,可能有相同經歷嘅離婚男人會了解你狀況多啲同夾啲,不過凡事要講緣份。

  • 都要睇個女人係乜質素

  • Gal replied at 2013-12-04 2:36 pm
    <br>They always say they want a nf then after they ask if you wanna be SL /SP.....
    <br>net friend --> tel friend --> meeting friend --> bed friend

  • there is a nerdy guy next door looking for a wife wor. good match and good luck. lol

  • 難, 好多時d時間要比晒個細路, 無時間比到我.

  • Suki replied at 2013-12-04 2:46 pm
    <br>Gal replied at 2013-12-04 2:36 pm
    <br>They always say they want a nf then after they ask if you wanna be SL /SP.....
    <br>net friend --> tel friend --> meeting friend --> bed friend
    <br>All want fxxk fxxk friends

  • nerd replied at 2013-12-04 2:46 pm
    <br>there is a nerdy guy next door looking for a wife wor. good match and good luck. lol
    <br>He wants to marry a woman who is richer than him to 脱貧!

  • PP replied at 2013-12-04 3:05 pm
    <br>nerd replied at 2013-12-04 2:46 pm
    <br>there is a nerdy guy next door looking for a wife wor. good match and good luck. lol
    <br>He wants to marry a woman who is richer than him to 脱貧!
    <br>what's wrong with that? many women want the same thing!!!

  • Women naturally want to marry up. He either has to be super lucky or very 唔揀擇 to get one.

  • Only if he's hot, if not no deal.

  • PP replied at 2013-12-04 3:22 pm
    <br>Women naturally want to marry up. He either has to be super lucky or very 唔揀擇 to get one.
    <br>it should be a new world and a new age where men and women are equal. it's really double standard for women to demand equality in life and in work while all along wanting to keep their special privileges from the past.
    <br>grow up girls... lol

  • nerd replied at 2013-12-04 3:31 pm
    <br>PP replied at 2013-12-04 3:22 pm
    <br>Women naturally want to marry up. He either has to be super lucky or very 唔揀擇 to get one.
    <br>it should be a new world and a new age where men and women are equal. it's really double standard for women to demand equality in life and in work while all along wanting to keep their special privileges from the past.
    <br>grow up girls... lol
    <br>That day will come when guys give birth to babies, lol

  • equality =/= sameness
    <br>too broad a concept for some to comprehend. lol

  • equity = happiness ?
    <br>i believe not everyone buy it

  • nerd replied at 2013-12-04 3:31 pm
    <br>PP replied at 2013-12-04 3:22 pm
    <br>Women naturally want to marry up. He either has to be super lucky or very 唔揀擇 to get one.
    <br>it should be a new world and a new age where men and women are equal. it's really double standard for women to demand equality in life and in work while all along wanting to keep their special privileges from the past.
    <br>grow up girls... lol
    <br>Double standards will always exist between the gender. The day men stop being superficial is the day women stop being materialistic.
    <br>Wake up nerd.

  • lady replied at 2013-12-04 12:39 pm
    <br>At least that married man has kid, if not, it is difficult. Because he has get used to freedom so why he needs to jump back and need to raise up one more kid?
    <br>All the divorce man that I have met here, they just want to have casual relationship.
    <br>Don't be silly.

  • Simon replied at 2013-12-04 12:50 pm
    <br>karen replied at 2013-12-04 12:26 pm
    <br>Simon replied at 2013-12-04 12:11 pm

  • Simon replied at 2013-12-04 1:03 pm
    <br>karen replied at 2013-12-04 12:26 pm
    <br>Simon replied at 2013-12-04 12:11 pm
    <br>Karen, 屌唔屌西呀?

  • karen replied at 2013-12-04 1:10 pm
    <br>唉.....你唔明冇撚插果種寂寞 ...

  • 道理/理論很多都明, 寂寞卻很真實.. there always is lucky one..

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