
  • 係唔係每段感情都要存在大話架呢??

  • 咩事呢大哥?

  • 又係果d開始時話自己係幾咁專一,唔會講大話....最終又係一腳踏兩船,分手收場囉.

  • 最可笑既係佢係微訊度改個名都叫做"唯一"....

  • 你點知道?

  • 同佢分咗手5個月,琴晚同佢一個好朋友食飯時,從言談間知道.

  • What kind of relationship you guys are? Still single? Then you both have right to choose. If you are confidence enough, beat that man down.

    If you guys are sl or sp, then I think you should have this preparation start from the beginning, no?

  • 如果係sl or sp的話,就唔會hurt啦...明知遊戲規則都hurt,扺死啦

  • 為乜分手呢?

  • ok, then it was gf and bf. So she has no right to go out with others before she made her decision?

  • Hold On : 只係go out 就唔係一腳踏兩船啦

    Mid Autumn : 一個同事實不同既理由

  • 調查員(男) replied at 2013-09-13 11:09 am


    Hold On : 只係go out 就唔係一腳踏兩船啦

    Mid Autumn : 一個同事實不同既理由


    You mean she slept with him?

    Let me tell you an ugly fact. If you are targeting the girls that only sitting at home, wait for your call, then I am sure that next time the same thing will happen again. (Do think again why the same case happened twice? It was absolutely not only her problem)

    You may look for a lower quality one, ask her to get marry with you asap. Or improve yourself to be more competitive. Then you will always holding the key.

    *I am female and most of my friends are doing the same nowadays. I am not saying that she is right but everyone has their right to choose the better. Without dating with the others, how can you choose?

  • 明白你既道理...那女人也不要怪男人去滾啦...是嗎

  • You are still thinking negatively. You need to be glad that they made you become a better man in the future.

    Try to source out the reason but not blaming here.

    One more thing, she did not cheat you anything. You both have the right to choose.

  • Miss Hold On

    pls hold on

    i totally disagree with you

    she is cheating

    u support cheating?

  • Mid Autumn replied at 2013-09-13 11:49 am


    Miss Hold On

    pls hold on

    i totally disagree with you

    she is cheating

    u support cheating?


    Mid Autumn, you may totally disagree with me. I am telling him an ugly fact that is happening nowadays. Wish he may improve himself, at that time gals will chase him back.

  • Hold On

    she is cheating

    she made an agreement with brother

    that means brother forgo many chances to go out with other girls

    why brother is willing to sacrifice is because the girl should pay the cost of being dignity too

    but she wasn't

    don't fool the crowd

    if she wants to remain the right to choose, don't make the bf/gf contract

  • Unless you was there during their conversation, otherwise we never know the truth.

    This was why I was not judging who was right and who was wrong. I just want him to know the reality that happening nowadays.

  • Mid Autumn:唔緊要,每個人有每個人既想法,應該尊重唔同意見既想法,所以我地應該尊重Hold on既想法.

    好彩男人就算到左50歲,只要你有錢,keep得到,都仲可以溝到十零二十歲既女仔,但女人到左5x就....希望佢到時唔好"targeting the man that only sitting at home, wait for her call", 同埋唔好怪男人"has their right to choose the better".....

  • yes this is the ugly fact

    i say marriage and similar contracts are ugly


    don't keep false values

    cheating someone is hurting someone, and the cheating one will be hurt some day too, perhaps more severe

    shall we let it stop or propagate?

    trust is such a valuable matter, we should build not destroy

    you need it too

  • 就係因為宜家既人都係咁諗,所以宜家既離婚率不斷上升....因為就算結左婚,都可以因為搵到個覺得更好既就離婚.

  • i think divorce is ok.

    first divorce then find another one.

    first break-up then find another one.

    don't reverse the sequence.

  • Let me share a sad story with you guys if we are talking about divorce and would like to know what will you do if you are in the same case.

    A couple of 40 years old both very tradition and christians. They both were virgins when they got married 10 years ago. 4 years ago, they have a kid. Seems to be a very happy family, they go to the gathering every sunday together.

    Everything is so normal until i found out the man involved in another affair. I spoke with him and he said after his marriage, he is suffering a very unhappy sex life. But because of the religion and their kid so he cannot divorce.

    The situation continues and the man feels very happy and relax while he is going out with another one.

    If you are in his situation, what will you do?

  • 如果我是那男人,我寧願背著一次罪人的罪名,總好過長期背著背叛的罪名。而且,時間越耐就會越泥足深陷,越遲被發現就會造成更大的傷害。

  • 點解hold on會覺得係一個sad既story呢....以你既觀點,個男人都只係""has his right to choose the better",有乜唔啱呢??

  • 如果係我,我只會諗,唔會行動....性唔會大過愛.

  • >>又係果d開始時話自己係幾咁專一,唔會講大話....最終又係一腳踏兩船,分手收場囉.

    Ain't sure how long u 2 knew each other before started dating. Perhaps next time, spent more time to get to know each other b4 start a relationship.


    5 months and u r still starring. That's bad, I'm telling you as it ain't going to change anything.


    As u've said, plenty are still available. So, time to move on.

  • 調查員(男) replied at 2013-09-13 1:44 pm




    如果男人很愛太太, 根本不會有婚外情, 一條鎖匙唔會響.....

    如果我係那男人, 一切照現狀, 反正跟小三無可能白頭到老.

  • >>A couple of 40 years old ... married 10 years ago. 4 years ago ... have >> a kid ... man involved in another affair ... suffering a very

    >>unhappy sex life ... cannot divorce ... very happy and relax while he >>is going out with another one.

    That's a typical male marriage understanding -- selfish, ignorant and indecisive. Religion is merely a excuse of ur friend to maintain both relationships and he is (oh, yes!) enjoying it. When he is with mistress, he enjoys the happiness. With his wife and kid, enjoys being labelled as "a good husband".

    What he really should do is to make up his mind and decide which woman, ignoring the kid, he loves most? Not just sexual appeal, but also understanding, share and caring. Once decided, move towards that direction and break the other relation.

    But the fact is, ur friend, most likely, will continue maintain both relations and will do nothing about it. Until some day, when one of the woman can't stand it any longer and commit to dissolve it, ur friend will then make up his mind.

  • 調查員(男) replied at 2013-09-13 1:43 pm


    點解hold on會覺得係一個sad既story呢....以你既觀點,個男人都只係""has his right to choose the better",有乜唔啱呢??


    I feel sad because:

    1) They did not have chance to see whether they match or not because of the religion.

    2) Now they cannot divorce is also because of the religion and kid.

  • Hold on replied at 2013-09-13 3:20 pm


    調查員(男) replied at 2013-09-13 1:43 pm


    點解hold on會覺得係一個sad既story呢....以你既觀點,個男人都只係""has his right to choose the better",有乜唔啱呢??


    I feel sad because:

    1) They did not have chance to see whether they match or not because of the religion.

    2) Now they cannot divorce is also because of the religion and kid.



  • I am not familiar with religion so no comment about it. Seems his wife after gave birth to their kid, doesn't want to ml with him. This is what I have heard.

  • 調查員(男) replied at 2013-09-13 4:23 pm





  • 點解每次都係被騙收場?

    抵你死啦! 做一次傻仔重唔够.

    Never make the same mistake twice !!

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