呢度既人變晒......全部都只係想FREE LUNCH

  • 我5,6年前係度搵到個LONG TERM SUPPORTER, 都維持左年幾. 而家返黎想再搵, 但呢度變晒......一係呃水吹, 一係食完飯之後話要攬攬錫錫,拒絕既話即BLOCK, 一係攬完之後話有FEEL, 想講真感情唔俾錢,甚至要提供免費試玩之後先決定......大佬呀, 我一開始就講得好清楚, 我係搵SUPPORTER, 唔係男友, CHAT完之後先話唔知係搵SUPPORTER, 仲講晒粗口話我係雞......但係我個THREAD寫得好清楚, 亦一直客客氣氣傾計,想FREE LUNCH都唔使咁, 好似我黎搵SUPPORTER 就賤過地低泥, 你地搵FREE LUNCH既就高高在上......

  • 呢度d 男人係咁賤!

  • 真係可以搵到supporter

  • trade is trade... dont waste your time la

  • 男人係咁賤 replied at 2013-07-02 11:55 am
    <br>我真係試過, 不過好耐之前. 如果想FREE LUNCH咪自己開個THREAD搵, 係咪一定要話下人先開心呢

  • Dui replied at 2013-07-02 11:56 am
    <br> trade is trade... dont waste your time la
    <br>OF COURSE, 我無興趣講真感情

  • 佢地support 到你幾錢呀?講真

  • 但你都要小心,呢個世界上好多變態佬

  • however you want more than HK$ 40000 per month, and just meet one or two time per week, use condom, and no shoot for mouth...many limitation to the trader.
    <br>just all guy feel that you are on 79 and just a chicken to find "water fish" only!

  • 男人係咁賤 replied at 2013-07-02 12:03 pm
    <br>佢地support 到你幾錢呀?講真
    <br>我試過一個月都有過萬, 10K 到啦

  • 10k好少姐,家下求其打份工都有!!!!

  • 其實我見有d 男人個標題都寫住會support 人,你可以一試,

  • Reporter replied at 2013-07-02 12:04 pm
    <br>however you want more than HK$ 40000 per month, and just meet one or two time per week, use condom, and no shoot for mouth...many limitation to the trader.
    <br>just all guy feel that you are on 79 and just a chicken to find "water fish" only!
    <br>我從來未試過1個月要40K, 最多都係10......CONDOM就一定要, 個女仔真係俾你唔用既話, 你都驚啦~

  • 40 k 真係流料囉!!
    <br>= =''吹曬水!

  • 失望 replied at 2013-07-02 12:05 pm
    <br>男人係咁賤 replied at 2013-07-02 12:03 pm
    <br>佢地support 到你幾錢呀?講真
    <br>我試過一個月都有過萬, 10K 到啦
    <br>Sorry to hear for that, I am a mature man who want to find a stable one again, mind to chat in private for more
    <br>mail: [email protected]

  • If sex is not free, it should be charged?

  • 呢度多人想呃錢呃感情!!

  • 男人係咁賤 replied at 2013-07-02 12:07 pm
    <br>其實我見有d 男人個標題都寫住會support 人,你可以一試,
    <br>好多係假, 我ADD過, 有D呃相睇, 有D話俾人整蠱......
    <br>我係因為家庭經濟問題先要咁, 我本身有做野架

  • 失望

  • I do not see any problem of looking for free lunch.
    <br>On the contrary, I wonder why so many girls sell body for money like a merchandize.
    <br>So there is no ethical problem in selling body but there is problem in free lunch?
    <br>come on, what a world!

  • 失望 12:11pm jul 02, 2013男人係咁賤 replied at 2013-07-02 12:07 pm
    <br>其實我見有d 男人個標題都寫住會support 人,你可以一試,
    <br>好多係假, 我ADD過, 有D呃相睇, 有D話俾人整蠱......
    <br>我係因為家庭經濟問題先要咁, 我本身有做野架

  • 有人撩你喔,你可以試下

  • Master replied at 2013-07-02 12:10 pm
    <br>If sex is not free, it should be charged?
    <br>當然可以搵FREE LUNCH, 但唔係走去人地搵SUPPORTER既THREAD, 聲稱自己有興趣SUPPORT, 留MSN叫人同佢CHAT咁樣呃人

  • yuki replied at 2013-07-02 12:12 pm
    <br>失望 12:11pm jul 02, 2013男人係咁賤 replied at 2013-07-02 12:07 pm
    <br>其實我見有d 男人個標題都寫住會support 人,你可以一試,
    <br>好多係假, 我ADD過, 有D呃相睇, 有D話俾人整蠱......
    <br>我係因為家庭經濟問題先要咁, 我本身有做野架
    <br>May I?

  • So what replied at 2013-07-02 12:11 pm
    <br>I do not see any problem of looking for free lunch.
    <br>On the contrary, I wonder why so many girls sell body for money like a merchandize.
    <br>So there is no ethical problem in selling body but there is problem in free lunch?
    <br>come on, what a world!
    <br>而家無人話唔可以FREE LUNCH, 但唔係走去人地搵SUPPORTER既THREAD, 聲稱自己有興趣SUPPORT, 留MSN叫人同佢CHAT咁樣呃人

  • 失望 12:15pm jul 02, 2013Master replied at 2013-07-02 12:10 pm
    <br>If sex is not free, it should be charged?
    <br>當然可以搵FREE LUNCH, 但唔係走去人地搵SUPPORTER既THREAD, 聲稱自己有興趣SUPPORT, 留MSN叫人同佢CHAT咁樣呃人
    <br>d 人真係好衰!

  • You have better don't waster your time fooling around here, I most guys here are so heap, especially these who just date you out to have drink or dinner, but did not chat much with you before they date you. They just want to see if they have any chance to have free lunch. its risk free.
    <br>I do not agree with your way to make money, but its your choice, also still lots of other ways to make money.
    <br>I guess you are young lady, love yourself, take it easy..

  • man replied at 2013-07-02 12:11 pm
    <br>搵到就最好, 但期望唔大

  • just respect each other, you find your free lunch, she make her money, no conflict at all. but just please dunt make advantage from others, BE A MAN.

  • a bird replied at 2013-07-02 12:17 pm
    <br>You have better don't waster your time fooling around here, I most guys here are so heap, especially these who just date you out to have drink or dinner, but did not chat much with you before they date you. They just want to see if they have any chance to have free lunch. its risk free.
    <br>I do not agree with your way to make money, but its your choice, also still lots of other ways to make money.
    <br>I guess you are young lady, love yourself, take it easy..
    <br>我清楚知道我做緊咩, 只係唔明點解可以咁樣, D男人要SP要FREE LUNCH 咪自己開THREAD 搵, 無人話唔可以啊

  • a bird replied at 2013-07-02 12:20 pm
    <br>just respect each other, you find your free lunch, she make her money, no conflict at all. but just please dunt make advantage from others, BE A MAN.

  • 失望
    <br>[email protected]

  • here changed a lot compare with 4 year ago while I was very new to here. not just men, but also ladies, seems now very few ladies here, mostly are men, mainly some nasty men.
    <br>Men come here for sex, that for sure, but just be a man, mean like act like a real man.

  • 失望

  • 依度當自己係情聖最多,以為自己把口好得,其實笑梗佢地又吾知,不過she 都仲有好男仔既^^ 加油

  • seems trasi knows a lot of rich good guys here, then you can help 失望 to hook up with rich gentleman.

  • 失望 replied at 2013-07-02 12:17 pm
    <br>man replied at 2013-07-02 12:11 pm
    <br>搵到就最好, 但期望唔大
    <br>May I?

  • trasi_trasi replied at 2013-07-02 12:33 pm
    <br>依度當自己係情聖最多,以為自己把口好得,其實笑梗佢地又吾知,不過she 都仲有好男仔既^^ 加油
    <br>我無資格批評人, 所以好少回應, 睇多, 我相信好多女仔都係只會睇

  • a bird replied at 2013-07-02 12:36 pm
    <br>seems trasi knows a lot of rich good guys here, then you can help 失望 to hook up with rich gentleman.
    <br>人地有冇錢我吾知喎,甘gentlemen 就一定係

  • OO replied at 2013-07-02 12:39 pm
    <br>失望 replied at 2013-07-02 12:17 pm
    <br>man replied at 2013-07-02 12:11 pm
    <br>搵到就最好, 但期望唔大
    <br>May I?

  • I suggest you try hard to make other in other way, no matter man or woman, you can never rely on other for who life, even they are your parents.

  • trasi_trasi replied at 2013-07-02 12:42 pm
    <br>a bird replied at 2013-07-02 12:36 pm
    <br>seems trasi knows a lot of rich good guys here, then you can help 失望 to hook up with rich gentleman.
    <br>人地有冇錢我吾知喎,甘gentlemen 就一定係
    <br>then you dig out some rich gentleman for her. by the way, do you have any rich lady friends? hehehe....

  • trasi_trasi replied at 2013-07-02 12:42 pm
    <br>a bird replied at 2013-07-02 12:36 pm
    <br>seems trasi knows a lot of rich good guys here, then you can help 失望 to hook up with rich gentleman.
    <br>人地有冇錢我吾知喎,甘gentlemen 就一定係
    <br>你唔覺d man 咁gentle 係好假嘅咩?

  • 失望 replied at 2013-07-02 12:17 pm
    <br>So what replied at 2013-07-02 12:11 pm
    <br>I do not see any problem of looking for free lunch.
    <br>On the contrary, I wonder why so many girls sell body for money like a merchandize.
    <br>So there is no ethical problem in selling body but there is problem in free lunch?
    <br>come on, what a world!
    <br>而家無人話唔可以FREE LUNCH, 但唔係走去人地搵SUPPORTER既THREAD, 聲稱自己有興趣SUPPORT, 留MSN叫人同佢CHAT咁樣呃人
    <br>So it means you are just unlucky and have not met the right person who can meet your criteria.
    <br>But you cannot blame that people here has changed.
    <br>I respect your choice and wish you good luck.

  • 失望 replied at 2013-07-02 12:42 pm
    <br>OO replied at 2013-07-02 12:39 pm
    <br>失望 replied at 2013-07-02 12:17 pm
    <br>man replied at 2013-07-02 12:11 pm
    <br>搵到就最好, 但期望唔大
    <br>May I?

  • Am Pm replied at 2013-07-02 12:47 pm
    <br>trasi_trasi replied at 2013-07-02 12:42 pm
    <br>a bird replied at 2013-07-02 12:36 pm
    <br>seems trasi knows a lot of rich good guys here, then you can help 失望 to hook up with rich gentleman.
    <br>人地有冇錢我吾知喎,甘gentlemen 就一定係
    <br>你唔覺d man 咁gentle 係好假嘅咩?

  • 失望 replied at 2013-07-02 12:40 pm
    <br>trasi_trasi replied at 2013-07-02 12:33 pm
    <br>依度當自己係情聖最多,以為自己把口好得,其實笑梗佢地又吾知,不過she 都仲有好男仔既^^ 加油
    <br>我無資格批評人, 所以好少回應, 睇多, 我相信好多女仔都係只會睇
    <br>依度識人其實好揀,十個可能先得一個較好,比d 時間你一定搵到你想要架^^

  • a bird replied at 2013-07-02 12:48 pm
    <br>Am Pm replied at 2013-07-02 12:47 pm
    <br>trasi_trasi replied at 2013-07-02 12:42 pm
    <br>a bird replied at 2013-07-02 12:36 pm
    <br>seems trasi knows a lot of rich good guys here, then you can help 失望 to hook up with rich gentleman.
    <br>人地有冇錢我吾知喎,甘gentlemen 就一定係
    <br>你唔覺d man 咁gentle 係好假嘅咩?
    <br>Hey brother!

  • Am Pm replied at 2013-07-02 12:51 pm
    <br>a bird replied at 2013-07-02 12:48 pm
    <br>Am Pm replied at 2013-07-02 12:47 pm
    <br>trasi_trasi replied at 2013-07-02 12:42 pm
    <br>a bird replied at 2013-07-02 12:36 pm
    <br>seems trasi knows a lot of rich good guys here, then you can help 失望 to hook up with rich gentleman.
    <br>人地有冇錢我吾知喎,甘gentlemen 就一定係
    <br>你唔覺d man 咁gentle 係好假嘅咩?
    <br>Hey brother!
    <br>Hey Yo, Bro..
    <br>so I am not a gentleman, Never....haha

  • a bird replied at 2013-07-02 12:53 pm
    <br>Am Pm replied at 2013-07-02 12:51 pm
    <br>Hey brother!
    <br>U are a bird with no legs.

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