Everything on my own

  • Broke up..then move home..everything on my own now..so tired and lonely

  • 你日日痾屎, 沖涼, 擦牙, 洗面都係一個人架, 又唔見你呻一個人痾屎, 沖涼, 擦牙, 洗面好tired and lonely

  • 吹撚漲 replied at 2013-02-07 10:11 am
    <br>你日日痾屎, 沖涼, 擦牙, 洗面都係一個人架, 又唔見你呻一個人痾屎, 沖涼, 擦牙, 洗面好tired and lonely
    <br>You can ignore my post if u dun understand what loneliness is.
    <br>Dun know why some ppl here become so rude now.

  • You can say whatever you like but please respect yourself and others..no foul/dirty language here please!

  • Take care please.

  • date replied at 2013-02-07 10:27 am
    <br>Take care please.

  • Well, so boring today in office, u?

  • date replied at 2013-02-07 10:31 am
    <br>Well, so boring today in office, u?
    <br>work is endless but got no mood to work

  • I was the same like you last year at this time ....

  • Well, take rest for recover, and time is a good medicine. You will find a new good gf in your future.

  • Let try to spend your time independently. Add Oil !

  • Lam replied at 2013-02-07 10:44 am
    <br>I was the same like you last year at this time ....
    <br>so what did u do to overcome the situation?

  • Chris replied at 2013-02-07 10:45 am
    <br>Let try to spend your time independently. Add Oil !
    <br>TX but lack of oil to add. I spent 8 years with him. It was so difficult to be completely independent and all on my own now.
    <br>Moving home makes me even tired and lonely..this is something mentally not physically. Want so much to find some comfort and support.

  • Hi, Just think positive. You have your own flat now. And no one disturb/bother your everything and decision.

  • tired replied at 2013-02-07 11:02 am
    <br>Chris replied at 2013-02-07 10:45 am
    <br>Let try to spend your time independently. Add Oil !
    <br>TX but lack of oil to add. I spent 8 years with him. It was so difficult to be completely independent and all on my own now.
    <br>Moving home makes me even tired and lonely..this is something mentally not physically. Want so much to find some comfort and support.
    <br>Dun feel sad in this moment ! You must have fresh energy to stand up right now. It's close to be handover and You will have to accommodate yourself to the changed situation. Let keeping forward from now on !

  • Tired,
    <br>Take a rest in lunar new year holiday. Then think carefully next few steps you go. You will overcome for sure.^^

  • I feel so lonely too, even holiday is coming up so soon

  • Forrest replied at 2013-02-07 11:09 am
    <br>Hi, Just think positive. You have your own flat now. And no one disturb/bother your everything and decision.
    <br>Staying in the flat alone makes me even lonely..prefer going out all the time now..just go home for sleeping and nothing else

  • miu replied at 2013-02-07 11:16 am
    <br>I feel so lonely too, even holiday is coming up so soon
    <br>dun like holiday now

  • My loneliness comes from even I tried hard to express my hard feeling, he will not give any comfort to me, I am alone and only can accept this situation. The only way out if to quit him =[

  • tired~
    <br>你的感覺我想我懂(雖情況有點不同)其間更牽扯到事業(收入)! 當下感覺衰無可衰! 從頭到尾憂鬱整整兩年!! 現在回頭看 經驗跟我說天無絕人之路! 當下事情該辦的照著辦 好日子慢慢會再現的! 自我心態調節很重要 有本事忘記不愉快你就贏拉! 多跟正能量的朋友交流亦是重點 心情總需要出口 朋友絕不能缺! 你會好起來的!
    <br>新年新希望 是時候改革了! 窮則變變則通 這話準沒錯! 我的經歷^^

  • tired replied at 2013-02-07 11:17 am
    <br>Forrest replied at 2013-02-07 11:09 am
    <br>Hi, Just think positive. You have your own flat now. And no one disturb/bother your everything and decision.
    <br>Staying in the flat alone makes me even lonely..prefer going out all the time now..just go home for sleeping and nothing else
    <br>I see, Maybe find a psrt time job is good for you to fill-in all of your own time for recovery.
    <br>Just hang out with your friends. Do sth else.

  • Exactly, nobody like holiday when lonely without partner. Life is going forward n enjoy more. Let have a break and think how to putting up decorations for your own.

  • miu,
    <br>you should be happy to quit him and happier if you can remove him from your heart

  • miu replied at 2013-02-07 11:19 am
    <br>My loneliness comes from even I tried hard to express my hard feeling, he will not give any comfort to me, I am alone and only can accept this situation. The only way out if to quit him =[
    <br>So poor situation. how long you go with him?

  • agree, need build up more +ve energy.
    <br>快樂唔係人地比, 係自己找的. 加油囉

  • forever_batbat replied at 2013-02-07 11:23 am
    <br>你的感覺我想我懂(雖情況有點不同)其間更牽扯到事業(收入)! 當下感覺衰無可衰! 從頭到尾憂鬱整整兩年!! 現在回頭看 經驗跟我說天無絕人之路! 當下事情該辦的照著辦 好日子慢慢會再現的! 自我心態調節很重要 有本事忘記不愉快你就贏拉! 多跟正能量的朋友交流亦是重點 心情總需要出口 朋友絕不能缺! 你會好起來的!
    <br>新年新希望 是時候改革了! 窮則變變則通 這話準沒錯! 我的經歷^^

  • 快樂係自己爭取的, 學懂獨立, 才會學懂珍惜, 才可再去愛!
    <br>現在咪當放下假, 才去迎接下一次陽光 la !

  • miu replied at 2013-02-07 11:25 am
    <br>agree, need build up more +ve energy.
    <br>快樂唔係人地比, 係自己找的. 加油囉
    <br>hope both of us can get rid of someone who doesn't deserve our love soon!

  • tired replied at 2013-02-07 11:37 am
    <br>miu replied at 2013-02-07 11:25 am
    <br>agree, need build up more +ve energy.
    <br>快樂唔係人地比, 係自己找的. 加油囉
    <br>hope both of us can get rid of someone who doesn't deserve our love soon!
    <br>Agree no more!

  • Take yr breath away ... Everything may arrange by fate.

  • tired~ 忘了說 我現在過得很好! 房/車/生活..各樣不缺 生活優哉!! 一事換一事的開始 這是轉機 好把握吧! ;D
    <br>miu~ 這兩天我大紅!! 你高調的Like 要當心自身安全喔! =P

  • forever_batbat replied at 2013-02-07 11:43 am
    <br>tired~ 忘了說 我現在過得很好! 房/車/生活..各樣不缺 生活優哉!! 一事換一事的開始 這是轉機 好把握吧! ;D
    <br>miu~ 這兩天我大紅!! 你高調的Like 要當心自身安全喔! =P
    <br>hope i could be like you and saying the same thing next year

  • tired replied at 2013-02-07 11:54 am
    <br>forever_batbat replied at 2013-02-07 11:43 am
    <br>tired~ 忘了說 我現在過得很好! 房/車/生活..各樣不缺 生活優哉!! 一事換一事的開始 這是轉機 好把握吧! ;D
    <br>miu~ 這兩天我大紅!! 你高調的Like 要當心自身安全喔! =P
    <br>hope i could be like you and saying the same thing next year
    <br>我撐你! 你終會好好的!! ;D

  • forever bat bat, you are so positive! Thanks.
    <br>tired: 共勉之~

  • 嘿 ;D

  • tired replied at 2013-02-07 11:02 am
    <br>Chris replied at 2013-02-07 10:45 am
    <br>Let try to spend your time independently. Add Oil !
    <br>TX but lack of oil to add. I spent 8 years with him. It was so difficult to be completely independent and all on my own now.
    <br>Moving home makes me even tired and lonely..this is something mentally not physically. Want so much to find some comfort and support.
    <br>feel sorry on u....but add oil

  • tired
    <br>breakup's might be an blessing in disguise!
    <br>n would you prefer the relationship to carry on? even though the feelings faded?

  • tend replied at 2013-02-07 12:17 pm
    <br>breakup's might be an blessing in disguise!
    <br>n would you prefer the relationship to carry on? even though the feelings faded?
    <br>完全明白, 分手其實係咪唔需解釋?

  • miu

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