
  • 我仲係用緊d淨係可以打出同聽既電話....

  • Since you ask "其實係咪有需要換機呢", you are the only person on Earth to know whether you really need one.
    <br>I have a smartphone but I just use it for facebook to kill time when I am waiting for the bus. I do not play games and I almost never use Whatsapp.
    <br>It is convenient to use smartphone to make some reminders and synchronize the online calendar.
    <br>So, how would you use your smartphone if you bought one

  • 睇下你想唔想啦~~

  • 上台出好似平d~~

  • 今時唔用往日了...而家csl收得差左好多

  • 竟然係咁....?

  • 有需要換機係睇個人需要,唔需要理會係咪個個都用smartphone

  • 成日都用唔到...我都已經成日打去投訴都冇改善

  • 如offline..someone still can send me whatapps? just like MSN offline msg.

  • offline replied at 2012-04-22 2:40 pm
    <br>如offline..someone still can send me whatapps? just like MSN offline msg.
    <br>I think the messages are sent to whatsapp server first. Later, when you go online, you can pick up the message

  • offline replied at 2012-04-22 2:40 pm
    <br>如offline..someone still can send me whatapps? just like MSN offline msg.
    <br>I often go offline and get messages in the evening when I go online. The messages were sent in the morning

  • oh,mean same as MSN

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