如果一個男人話,想用有bb來解決三角關係. 而想我有,咁佢係愛我,定係無Q用晤想自己做決定??

  • Pls , anybody can answer me??
    <br>both of us are not married. but he feel painful infonrt of us .
    <br>he said these, If i got a bb he can make a final decision. Dose he love me ? or just an excuse ?
    <br>men, please give me answer in honest
    <br>thank you so much

  • that make things worse

  • 都係果句, 佢同時可以同兩個人o係埋一齊, 有幾愛你/你地?
    <br>要有bb先可以做決定, 就更加荒謬; 咁如果另一個都有左, 又或者兩個都有左, 咁點先?

  • yeah, i know. so hurt i heard these words.
    <br>I relly love him truth heart very much.
    <br>but he dated another scretely .........do alots of things behind me....

  • 點解男人會咁自私,不負責任...

  • 其實你咁問得,你都知答案啦 ^^ 做決定啦

  • mimi

  • 佢係點都好,千祈咪搵個bb黎教飛,否則你就同佢一樣咁pk.

  • well

  • yeah, I won't do that. I love baby so much. I won't let her/him have a single family and a pk father

  • 好,樓主,您識得咁諗,我冇聲出咯!

  • 你千祁唔好做D咁蠢嘅事。
    <br>我有個同事四月就生啦,本來話聖誕節結婚嘅,點知公司聖誕 party 唔見個同事,原來個死佬走咗喇。
    <br>而家我地 Baby Shower 唔送禮物,大家夾現錢做人情送俾佢呀。

  • so hurt,
    <br>don't be silly, he told u like that, maybe he want to keep making love with u.
    <br>well, ur guys may marry if u really have his baby...but i don't think u can trust this guy, and i don't think he can be with u for the rest of ur life
    <br>as u know he has other gf, u can guess how much he love u...

  • <br>You already know the answer .........
    <br>Otherwise, you wont be in this shxt. You even have to use the baby to keep him. Now ..... your baby is only a tool. Nothing else but a tool. You should leave him regardless of how much you love you. Anyway, he's only a first class pk. You deserve someone better.
    <br>If you really have baby, pk lah! Congratulations for that!!!!

  • 佢想唔戴套咋嘛,你咁都信?

  • 要解決三角關係應該唔使出到BB既...如果你無, 係咪一路拖落去?? 定係如果人地有bb就會飛左你?? 個男人又無責任, 又無勇氣...連做男人既資格都無...你都係唔好等佢啦, 自己做決定, 放棄佢啦.......

  • 我ex又係咁. 不如生bb, 果時我都唔太sure佢有第2個, 我話唔得,要結婚先...佢仲同我講, 我肯同你生, 生左先結
    <br>後來先知原本佢有第2個, 我同佢又一齊咁多年, 唔知點分開好. 唯有用生bb黎迫自己選擇.
    <br>最後我選擇分手, 連朋友都唔想做
    <br>呢種男人唔要都唔可惜,佢地最愛o既係自己, 唔想負責任.......

  • 如果一個男人話,想用有bb來解決三角關係.
    <br>----> 你男友痴膠花啦~~ 你仲睬佢?? 早走早著啦!!!!

  • 如果一個男人話,想用有bb來解決三角關係.
    <br>----> 你男友痴膠花啦~~ 你仲睬佢?? 早走早著啦!!!!
    <br>by DH - 02/15/07 11:37
    <br>咪係, 我心裡面第一句都係 : 痴線! 個男人都有病! 早走早著!

  • 如果佢同第三者都講同一番說話時, 你會點?
    <br>如果你地一齊有bb, 咁點算?

  • 點解男人會咁自私,不負責任...
    <br>by so hurt - 02/14/07 23:24
    <br>反問一句、点解D女人、自己對個問題都有疑問時候、重可以自欺欺人。到有時有幹、就講埋D信錯人、要信錯、就第一個信錯自己。 個網有D人重好笑。 ”拍心口話無事先被人打真軍、吾通吾被咩”、 吾洗拍心口咋、要打、簽左紙晩晩都比你打囉!我以前都聴過呢類笑話、個女人話個男友同自己一起、比人玩左両、3年後、都未有左、個男友同佢講、我都係揀返以前個女友喇、一句説話、都明白架啦!果個女仔重On99話等個男人回心轉意。0米継続比人免費玩。

  • 唔好用bb 黎作為一個籍口啦~~

  • 人總有迷茫既時候, 你洗唔洗話 d 女人點, 又鬧人 on99 呀? 你濫用頓號我又話你 on99 得唔得? 做人將心比己啦! 唔該!

  • 可以。就算我講得正確都可以話我On99.因為除左濫用頓號外、無野可以反駁

  • 嘩, 即係擺到明, 同時間拖2個女人, 同時間同2個女人上床........??????
    <br>仲要2邊都想要, 揀唔到!!??

  • 路過果然真係ON能99

  • wow....2 gals compete for a man...who pregnant first, who win?!

  • 女人A
    <br>1) he couldn't forgert his ex . he want me but also feel guility for his ex . he confuse and greedy ,
    <br>2) due to my quility( ok good) he couldn't trust me that I really really Love him. I was untrustable for him .
    <br>Actually, It was pass. I stopped dealing with him , So hurt that he don't know my love .
    <br>also, very very very disappointed he is such a pk guy who I fell in love
    <br>我只係好難過,自己一遍真心真意, 真係講得話係好少女情懷一樣,愛佢,而佢竟然係咁樣.

  • so hurt
    <br>記住, 呢d咁不負責任既男人真係唔駛恨
    <br>就算俾你同佢結到婚, 佢都唔慌對你好, 你仲要日日驚佢出面有無第三者
    <br>當初我都選擇主動分手, 兩個月後, 俾我遇上一個比佢好十倍既男人

  • connie

  • 做咩要等佢揀,見工咩
    <br>唔好累你比人罰 HK$1,500.- (掉垃圾)

  • yes , thx 無氣閙 so much

  • 叫個男人去死啦!!

  • 個男人係指:
    <br>我就算同第二個女人做愛, 你冇得出聲,

  • 只係,自己真係付出過,總希望知道,好大都好,對方有無愛過自己.呢個係好重要.有愛過的話,我會死得眼閉.
    <br>by so hurt - 02/15/07 20:16
    <br>it doesn't matter any more,
    <br>remember, it's his fault,
    <br>he cheated you, he lied, he's a PK,
    <br>forget him, erase him from your memory,
    <br>let's celebrate by CNY's firework!!!

  • 無氣閙
    <br>thx ,見到你的回覆好激動.好想喊.
    <br>yes. I promise , I must start a good new page without him !!!!!!!

  • 新年新希望, 祝福你!!!

  • 多謝你地

  • 與其肉隨砧格上, 何不拿起菜刀大力斬..................斷條情絲????
    <br>呢個男人無資格選擇, 但你有. 加油!

  • yyy

  • 唔係衰唔衰比佢睇問題, 問題係你要活得好. 唔使同佢比較, 只係你自己好好地活就夠喇. 做到視佢如無物你就完全康復了.
    <br>happy new year!

  • 妖,咁嘅男人,一早飛左佢九世喇,仲要留係度俾佢做洩欲工具同幫佢生仔,醒下喇.

  • let me tell u a real story:
    <br>a man told his lover to bear a baby boy for him, told her their plan about a very bright future. sometime later, gal was pregnant, she was happy as she thought they would get married soon and start a new chapter of life with the man she loved so much and most importantly she could fulfil his wish to have a baby boy.
    <br>Sarcasticly, when she told her lover she was having a baby, he stuned and started to worry then fear. After a few days of thorough thinking, he told her that he didn't have the ability to raise a family(an excuse of course as he came from a rich family) and not pyschologically ready too. Even worse he was one foot two boats.........and admit will not leave the other woman in the soon future. Man vanished since then and never appeared.
    <br>Gal was so sad and cried for months......and her health deterriorated as she could not get to sleep for weeks...........when she was 12 weeks pregnant and came to the final call for a decision , she chose to give up though she had the ability to raise the baby as she couldn't bear to watch him grow up without remembering this insult. She couldn't bear a child for a man who didn't love her and she didn't love him anymore.

  • so hurt
    <br>我唔知你幾多歲啦, 我今年都29喇, 幾個月前先發現個衰人一腳踏兩船, 仲要同個女人結埋婚, 我當時真係想死左去就算, 因為個衰人口口聲聲話會同我結婚, 原來係想釣住我既手段!! 枉我白白浪費左幾年既青春俾�
    <br>好在朋友不停咁開解我, 先至死唔去
    <br>你而家最緊要係重拾自信, 唔好以為個男人咁對你, 係你唔好先會咁, 係佢唔識珍惜你罷了
    <br>其實我而家都唔止一個人追我, 你睇下, 呢個世界, 總會有識欣賞你既人
    <br>唔好為個衰人唔開心, 作賤自己喇, 唔開心就會殘, 殘左一定唔靚, 成個殘樣咁, 係男人見到都驚啦
    <br>出去買多d靚衫, 扮到鬼火咁靚, 引多d狂蜂浪蝶黎, 到時大把選擇, 你就會後悔咁遲先走人

  • 希望你快d可以振作, 唔好將自己美好既青春白白咁溜走, 歲月不留人, 趁仲後生就快快搵個好男人吧

  • 你男友咁講係因為:

  • 好少
    <br>yup. I closed all the channel that he can find me .
    <br>stand up for a new life
    <br>好可怕一件事....令我標冷汗. 真係100個興幸我能夠Stop自己.晤肯再見佢,再聽佢電話.如果真係發生'我身上,我呢世就比佢遭塌啦. 多謝.多謝.多謝.我一定會銘記於心.一定會好好開始自己新生活
    <br>抱歉,好難過聽到你往事. 好多謝你咁堅強鼓勵.我而加無事. 聽完大家留言後.我開始厭惡佢,開始覺得佢好dirty..好下濺....係好事.可以憎佢我就可以理智.^_@ 因為失戀令我瘦好都.反而更秒佻好多. 所以我日日都扮到自己好靚出街.多左好多人望我. 自己開心好多.自信多返好多啦. 講得好對. 仲有好多choice.我只係23only.仲有大把世界.
    <br>( yes, very agree) haha...
    <br>我聽完大家客觀意見,個心開懷好多.放鬆好多. 多謝大家.充心地感激你地鼓勵我.鬧醒我. 救我一命, 就我未來一樣.

  • on9 懲戒男, 扮咩能野ar, 改alias唔敢用nickname ar? 邊個夠你咁有heart咁鐘意收集同post潮文? 講野態度, 措詞, 連思維都一能樣, 當人白痴ga? 你唔只一次ga la, 上次俾人踢爆左無聲出la, 你條雞蟲一直有睇呢度, 轉個頭張d post post過去高登度俾人發現左....正一過街老鼠, haha 以上既係我寫既, 出一個post, 心虛既"某人"即現身, wakaka

  • 點解你會遇上呢種人? 因為物以類聚

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