Wednesday afternoon, who actually want to work

  • 無人想

  • Good response. But thats not just Wednesday afternoon, its everyday.
    <br>Sometimes i do wonder why I am sitting by the computer chatting when i am suppose to be doing something productive.

  • Right, same feeling here.
    <br>I should have plenty of tasks waiting for me, but don't wanna put effort on it instead of chatting here.

  • so sleepy at this wed afternoon
    <br>huge work has to clear
    <br>but kinda boring as well

  • Boring job , boring life. That's why we are here.

  • 清閑難得..

  • but in here, still boring!! > <

  • pizza,
    <br>u must enjoy your peaceful life.
    <br>For those who are at work, just work and work. mindless time.
    <br>for those who are not at work... its strange to think about why ain't i working... it feels bad to be killing time at home when most other people are supposed to be working...

  • ZL,
    <br>actually, i prefer being busier

  • pizza...
    <br>For those of us who have the luxuary to be sitting at home by the computer, we have the choices, we can choose whether to continue to kill time or to make ourselves busy.
    <br>For those who are working like hell ( thats probably about 1/2 of hk), getting bored is a luxuary, wishing to be busier is simply words from those who are lucky enough to have the spare time to think about themselves, or even to moan about having too mucb time on their hands.
    <br>For me, i am not moaning about having free time, I am just disappointed in myself for being upset and not doing things.
    <br>I wonder if anyone have similar problems as me, just sit down and do nothing productive, when are lots waiting to be done.

  • 我都好悶.

  • then you are a very lucky person loop.
    <br>There are so many people in our society where they spend all their time working, paying of rent, food and other living expenses. They hardly get enough sleep, let alone have time to be bored.
    <br>I wont envey them, but i do wish there are something in my life that could give me just a little bit more motivation...
    <br>are there anything that motivates you? any of you?

  • ZLHK,
    <br>我唸個個人心目中, 點都有的野想做下, 我有的朋友想買樓, 有的又話想買支好靚既紅酒, 另外有個話想養隻貓. 個個人都唔同. 我唸你都有既.

  • Me... there are so much that I want to do,
    <br>in economics, wants are unlimited, and resoureces are scarce.
    <br>The resource that I lack the most right now is motivation.
    <br>It took me enough effort just to get up and sit by the computer.
    <br>Oh, btw, there are lots of good wine available at Sotheby, ask your friend to just request for a cateloge and he/she might find some good wine, often cheaper than ordering per box from abroad.

  • 係唔係發生左的咩事另到你無哂衝勁 ? 去下旅行, 散下心.
    <br>人-總有些時候會迷失, 不過, 只要回想作日的夢, 然後尋找那熟悉的感覺...自自然然你會活起來.

  • actually, it sounds silly, but just now i took a walk to the park, gave myself a great slap, but sadly,
    <br>loud, but feelingless.
    <br>u kind of know you supposed to feel hurt, but couldn't feel any of it.
    <br>losing senses.

  • 你係唔係失戀 ?

  • ZLHK replied at 2012-03-28 4:52 pm
    <br>when we get lost and keep questioning ourselves, but will never have an answer, maybe we know the reasons and just dont want to admit, that's so sad
    <br>try to find anything to cheer yourself up
    <br>knowing it's hard but we still have to inspire ourselves
    <br>what a tough life ...............

  • no... not at all. I am senseless about love, since I was a teenager, being murdered of any trust, believe, hope for true love.
    <br>Just walked into a church, hoping to find some inspiration..
    <br>but no... even in a house of lord, they are all busy doing things.
    <br>I just feel like...... a piece of material waiting to be recycled. another word, rubbish, waiting for a rubbish collector to transform me, met me, burn me or just bury me 6 ft under

  • Vman replied at 2012-03-28 5:18 pm
    <br>ZLHK replied at 2012-03-28 4:52 pm
    <br>when we get lost and keep questioning ourselves, but will never have an answer, maybe we know the reasons and just dont want to admit, that's so sad
    <br>try to find anything to cheer yourself up
    <br>knowing it's hard but we still have to inspire ourselves
    <br>what a tough life ...............
    <br>I did, i did look, i did try to look for the next engine of my life. But its either the engine got rusted, ill-maintained, or its running on dirty fuel, powerless, giving out toxic gas to the surrounding.
    <br>Its a lovely water fountain outside, I used to love it, birds singing...
    <br>but now i only notice those elderly sitting on near by benches, wasting for their time to come.

  • ZLHK replied at 2012-03-28 5:33 pm
    <br>be relax, pls
    <br>dont push yourself to dead end
    <br>life is tough enough
    <br>there are unlimited challenges and hopeless always
    <br>unless you dare to suicide, otherwise you have to find a way out, easter holidays are coming, try to take a short trip if possible.....or get yourself drunk, but maybe you will be more depressed afterwards

  • Vman replied at 2012-03-28 6:20 pm
    <br>ZLHK replied at 2012-03-28 5:33 pm
    <br>be relax, pls
    <br>dont push yourself to dead end
    <br>life is tough enough
    <br>there are unlimited challenges and hopeless always
    <br>unless you dare to suicide, otherwise you have to find a way out, easter holidays are coming, try to take a short trip if possible.....or get yourself drunk, but maybe you will be more depressed afterwards
    <br>I guess i am no where near dead end.
    <br>At least I don't have to think about making a living.
    <br>But its when you dont have to do that, then getting yourself out is no longer motivated.
    <br>but anyway, i did spend sometime going out this afternoon, came back with ease, and a little be more energy to take some actions...
    <br>I am looking forward to see you in person, or see you again here...
    <br>Good night, Vman.

  • 朋友 為何悲傷
    <br>那陽光 早已經灑落身上
    <br>前方的道路 天氣晴朗
    <br>濃霧啊 也已經煙消雲散
    <br>可是你時常 還是低頭向下望
    <br>望向那空氣裡的一點茫然 我知道你怎麼想
    <br>你說人生匆匆 你也知道不要想太多
    <br>可是那距離越來越遠 夜深時候空虛不好受
    <br>人生是一張 單程的車票
    <br>只需珍惜現在擁有的 它會一直往前跑
    <br>朋友 不要悲傷
    <br>那陽光 燃燒著無窮希望

  • 朋友 為何悲傷
    <br>那陽光 早已經灑落身上
    <br>前方的道路 天氣晴朗
    <br>濃霧啊 也已經煙消雲散
    <br>可是你時常 還是低頭向下望
    <br>望向那空氣裡的一點茫然 我知道你怎麼想
    <br>你說人生匆匆 你也知道不要想太多
    <br>可是那距離越來越遠 夜深時候空虛不好受
    <br>人生是一張 單程的車票
    <br>只需珍惜現在擁有的 它會一直往前跑
    <br>朋友 不要悲傷
    <br>那陽光 燃燒著無窮希望

  • thanks for your lyrics, Vman.
    <br>Are you as hopeful as the lyrics you gave me??

  • zl
    <br>i do have up and down always
    <br>but i always encourage myself, am a lucky one
    <br>comparison in some circumstances is meaningless, i know well
    <br>but life must go on
    <br>i still hope to travel around to explore more
    <br>so dont give up

  • vman
    <br>u sound like
    <br>centrolol! haha

  • keyword replied at 2012-03-29 6:01 pm
    <br>u sound like
    <br>centrolol! haha
    <br>=============================================================what a small she world
    <br>see you are here again keyword!!
    <br>centralol, know she has her own thread but seldom visit
    <br>you can join hers, do believe she is nice gal and good chatmate ^^

  • vman,
    <br>how considerate you are to both myself and the young gentleman named "keyword".
    <br>you are a lucky girl? of course you are.
    <br>If you think you are lucky then u are really lucky.

  • keep reminding myself if i always think in negative side
    <br>i'll never be a happy one
    <br>there is something missing in my life too, but i'll think also, at least i have a job, i can travel, i can drink and dine with you one day (hahahahah), with good friends and my family, so i'm a lucky one, rite ^^

  • 知不知即使走遍世界搜探
    <br>人怎麼講都好 你有你本性
    <br>先要喜歡自己 愛自己

  • It seems this song is not for me.
    <br>Talking about missing pieces, what are yous?

  • ZLHK replied at 2012-03-30 10:09 am
    <br>It seems this song is not for me.
    <br>Talking about missing pieces, what are yous?
    <br>this song can be for anyone
    <br>when i'ms down, like reading / listening to those positive songs and articles to encourage myself
    <br>missing pieces guess la....hahahahahha

  • I don't like guessing, its not pleasent to live in a world of uncertainty.
    <br>But I like getting things from people's mouth,
    <br>and this is usually much easier when there are alchol involved.

  • ZLHK replied at 2012-03-30 1:36 pm
    <br>"and this is usually much easier when there are alcohol involved".....
    <br>hahahahahhaha let's see if there would be a chance to know my missing pieces, hahahaha

  • 其實我好有興趣同 Vman 做個朋友既, 但我又驚出黎大家係唔係要講英文架?

  • I like it that you are so detail minded in your choice of words.
    <br>this could lead to a whole world of thoughts.

  • special replied at 2012-03-30 1:59 pm
    <br>其實我好有興趣同 Vman 做個朋友既, 但我又驚出黎大家係唔係要講英文架?
    <br>my pleasure to have friends here :)
    <br>surely wont chat in english during our meet, hahahhaha

  • ZLHK replied at 2012-03-30 2:00 pm
    <br>this could lead to a whole world of thoughts.
    <br>zl, see, still have hope in fantasy thoughts, so nice, rite, hahahahahaha

  • how are you btw? I'm 40

  • centralol is so popular everywhere! lol

  • lily 我係被佢發表既另外一個主題吸引到我

  • special replied at 2012-03-30 3:32 pm
    <br>how are you btw? I'm 40
    <br> fine, thanks!! if for making friends, age is not a problem!! always wonder you guys concern ladies' ages, honestly i'm a senior already, hahahaha

  • lily replied at 2012-03-30 3:38 pm
    <br>centralol is so popular everywhere! lol
    <br>lily, need to clarify, am not centralol...
    <br>believe she is a nice lady at ^^

  • special replied at 2012-03-30 3:41 pm
    <br>lily 我係被佢發表既另外一個主題吸引到我
    <br>what is it about, i wonder?

  • Vman replied at 2012-03-30 3:44 pm
    <br>lily replied at 2012-03-30 3:38 pm
    <br>centralol is so popular everywhere! lol
    <br>lily, need to clarify, am not centralol...
    <br>believe she is a nice lady at ^^
    <br>guess u are not here! but she is so popular in many decent guys are chasing after her. lol

  • lily replied at 2012-03-30 3:53 pm
    <br>guess u are not here! but she is so popular in many decent guys are chasing after her. lol
    <br>no doubt centralol is so popular here,
    <br>and a nice lady is worth to be approached by decent guys ^^

  • Hey Vman, still here?

  • 明年今日
    <br>若這一束吊燈傾瀉下來 或者我已不會存在
    <br>即使你不愛 亦不需要分開
    <br>若這一刻我竟嚴重痴呆 根本不需要被愛
    <br>永遠在床上發夢 餘生都不會再悲哀
    <br>人總需要勇敢生存 我還是重新許願
    <br>例如學會 承受失戀
    <br>明年今日 別要再失眠 床褥都改變
    <br>如果有幸會面 或在同伴新婚的盛宴
    <br>明年今日 未見你一年 誰捨得改變
    <br>離開你六十年 但願能認得出你的子女
    <br>在有生的瞬間能遇到你 竟花光所有運氣
    <br>到這日才發現 曾呼吸過空氣

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