有冇人係第三者? 我同左個有婦之夫一齊左3個星期..聽日情人節, 我冇期望, 希望亦唔會失望...

  • 我想知你地平時過時過節係咪會特別寂寞...
    <br>我都唔知點, 我25歲, 佢37歲, 仲要衰到同一間公司做野

  • 佢約左妳未?

  • 我同佢過時過節會早D慶祝...一樣開心,因為有心.....

  • jj,
    <br>i also have the same situation like you

  • hp, angel, 448
    <br>其實, 一開始已經懶係好蕭灑咁同佢講話, 可以當佢老婆唔存在, 我亦唔會要求任何野...
    <br>冇呀, 冇約我,,,但我知佢訂左紮花卑我

  • jj,
    <br>where will you get the flowers? office or home?

  • 其實, 一開始已經懶係好蕭灑咁同佢講話, 可以當佢老婆唔存在, 我亦唔會要求任何野...

  • 448,
    <br>The flowers will be delivery to my ofiice.
    <br>And we are working in the same office. so crazy....

  • hp
    <br>依家已經有少少後悔 啦

  • he should deliver to your home ma! it is so embarassing. is he your senior or your peers?

  • 我同佢新年去台灣四日三夜....我地開始左2日已經癲到即刻計劃新年走出香港..
    <br>暫時, 我同佢雖然日日見, 但就真係乜都未發生, 即係未上過床...算係好事啦...

  • jj,
    <br>it doesn't matter whether you have sex with him. It is going to be hurt if you continue the relationship even without sex

  • jj
    <br>你諗真d 呢個d 值得你花時間同青春落去0既話就繼續囉.....可能到你真係醒覺0既時候,已經浪費左好多年0既青春

  • 448,
    <br>He is my departemnt manager. I know we are so crazy...maybe we both lived in foreign countries before and thus we have different values. I mean...honestly, we cant see if there is any chinese ethical problems of what we are doing.

  • jj,
    <br>I agree. I am also from overseas. But you have to understand 1 thing. You are not and will not going to ruin his family.

  • 我覺得最害怕既係佢唔係真心, 只係悶, 只係想逢場作戲, 攞我黎攝時間.

  • 我知, 大家都覺得我浪費青春同時間, 連佢都同我講, 話我好傻, 因為冇將來...
    <br>我知, 但有乜辦法呢,
    <br> 一來已經點著左個火頭,
    <br>三來對男人已經冇期望, 因為以前傷得太深,一早都有打算就算將來冇人同我結婚都冇所謂.
    <br>四來因為自己經歷太多, 覺得人, 只要開心就夠了, 及時行樂. 將來既野冇人知...
    <br>大家可能會覺得我不知所謂, 因為我做人第三者, 但其實我真係冇想過去搶人老公, 亦唔想傷害人. 我只係想係有可能既情況同時間許可下, 佢能分點時間陪我...

  • jj,
    <br>So long as you know there is no future, I support you. You are still young ma

  • hp
    <br>但如果你愛佢, 你明知佢係你都心甘情願~
    <br>我同佢...我林佢應該唔係允我攝時間.因為佢傻到叫我去佢屋企, 佢話想我了解多點佢既野, 例如佢幾千本書, 幾千隻碟等...
    <br>邊有男人咁傻架 ? 就算你地可能覺得佢想我去佢屋企係因為想同我上床, 但都冇理由係自己屋企啦. 我係男人都唔會帶情婦返自己屋企啦. 有乜事, 發起癲上黎個女人走上自己屋企嘈咪好大鑊?!

  • JJ,
    <br>有我支持你, 我同你一樣!!

  • 448,
    <br>so how long have u been with him?
    <br>and when u guys be with a married man, will u also look for another guy when u have the chance?

  • <br>多謝你支持, 希望你都快樂!

  • jj,
    <br>dun get me wrong. wish you hv a happy chinese new year

  • 你要知道,根本無人阻你0既想法,最後係點,當然係無人知啦,但希望你唔會後悔你自己做過0既野

  • 我都鍾意左個已婚男人...

  • 男人既心諗乜, 佢自己先會知道.
    <br>妳同佢一齊, 唔好放棄選擇, 最緊要識玩呢個遊戲.

  • hp

  • 甘.....當作人生一個經歷都未嘗不可

  • 各位姐妹, 結果你地今日點呀?

  • Is married guy more attractive. I hv dated married gals, once having sex with me and her man call her that she can pretend nothing and keep saying missing you, my pussy design for you inside only.... so I didn't believe marriage and even serious relationship. But I wont meet a gal more than twice a month as I know this is game only. But you gals here seems get losed.

  • single guy ,
    <br>I think we are not lost. You know, Love is something beyond control. When it happens, it happens. Doesnt matter he is a single guy or married guy.

  • jj,
    <br>u r so cheap and on lun 9... and u will destory other's family..

  • Jess,
    <br>No need to swear here. I do not have the intention to destroy other's family.

  • really hard to judge whether dating a married guy is selfish act or a crave for true love that shouldnt be bounded...
    <br>basically, i dont see it as a sin to get along with the married. Though, my question is does it worth doing so?

  • (1) if u look for love & stable relationship, married is no way a comparable choice to a single guy
    <br>(2) if u look for fun, then girls OUGHT to make sure their mother nature wont come up sometimes later... i.e. wanting to get married &hv a family with their loved one

  • frankly, i doubt if any women can truly let go of the desire to be able to marry her guy... I didnt mean all women hv to get married... (yes, there r many single women these days)
    <br>Yet, the case is different tha u got a lover, and both loved each other, u just cant hv a family like any other lovers... Becos he's married..
    <br>sigh... it ll all be too hard, too hard....

  • 你地太自私了....
    <br>3)人攪到人地分開,原本這個人就不是你的, 難道你這樣做你會開心嗎
    <br>4)你現在可能有青春去玩, 但你的時間浪費了在他身上, 到最後是不是和他一起, 有誰知呢?
    <br>聰明的女人, 想想吧...

  • 25 歲....

  • ok ya, 人最緊要開心, 為自己先啦, 啲人成日扮偉大咁話為其他人, 多 Q 余.....

  • 你今日種下既因,他日會嘗返.

  • .

  • 我就有一個有夫之婦係我lover,不過今年第一次既情人節佢都冇陪我

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