
  • 我有一個拍拖7年嘅男朋友, 佢係我中學同學, 所以我地同年嘅. 最近有位男同事追我.....我覺得佢好好, 好錫我, 而我亦都有d鍾意佢....點做好??

  • 其實而家個男朋友唔係唔好, 可能因為我做嘢, 佢讀書嘅關係, 我成日都覺得佢諗嘢太過簡單, 簡單到有d唔夠現實....有時真係覺得好似湊仔咁.

  • 試想想被你拋棄, 一直用心愛你既人沮喪落寞, 迷失街頭既樣, 你忍心嗎? 假如被人咁樣拋棄既人係你, 你又會點? 初相識, 當然會對你好好, 過七年又係乜野一會事? 可能得手七日之後已經係另一副面孔, 你未見過?

    一段感情唔係一朝一夕可以培養出黎, 為左新鮮感而白白浪費, 你又要花上幾多年頭才開花結果?

  • 初相識, 當然會對你好好, 過七年又係乜野一會事? 可能得手七日之後已經係另一副面孔, 你未見過?

    一段感情唔係一朝一夕可以培養出黎, 為左新鮮感而白白浪費, 你又要花上幾多年頭才開花結果?

    by .

    agree so much

  • You are undergoing a major change in living - From studying to working.

    During the transition, you will encounter lots of new things, including new guys "floating" around you. This can be a chaotic period.

    7 years is a long time and the feeling established should be cherished. I don't know much about the new guy and probably you don't know neither.

    You and your bf is not married. Dating is indeed a selection process.

    Look before you jump is the key. My advise is keep your eye open and don't get too easily impressed.

  • 到底, 係佢既唔夠現實令你想離開佢, 定係有人鍾意你, 所你你先想起飛腳? 坦白問一問自己, 亦公平點對待對方.

  • 可唔可以同果位男同事做下朋友, 了解下先?

  • 其實係男同事出現之前, 我都有諗過同男朋友分開, 但自己一直都冇決心. 可能因為同而家男朋友同年, 一齊越耐, 就覺得大家諗嘅嘢相差得太越...而且一齊咁耐, 雖然都開心, 但就冇被人照顧嘅感覺. 可能係因為而家個男同事嘅出現, 佢大我3年, 同佢一齊好有安全感, 好有被照顧嘅感覺.

  • 如果係真既, 根本就唔會煩, 分就分, 想甚麼? 分但又唔想冇左個水泡, 咁既想法咪搞到你依家咁囉, 有新目標都唔可以放膽上.

    記住, 你只係一廂情願認為佢會照顧你, 但冇七年既肯定, 唔好有太大期望.

  • 我試過,不過之後又返轉頭


  • I ended a 4-year relationship with previous gf and I am now with a new gf for almost a year. Conclusion: 各有各好 and no one is perfect

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