
  • It's actually quite expensive travelling to UK, as Pounds keeps on appreciating in value, it's about GBP1=HKD15.5. I visited UK last Sept. Motel in Manchester and Liverpool costed GBP65, London's GBP99 for room for 2 pax. And train is expensive too. Travelling from Manchester to London is about GBP60.

  • 咁去英國跟團好還是自由行好.............................

  • 英國係歐洲其中一個治安較好既地方,除非你唔知頭唔知路,亂打亂撞去咗貧民區,否則一般旅遊問題都不大......

  • England is very very nice place but the living standard is very very high now.
    <br>you can find a cheap hotel about 80-90 pound per night. traffic is also very expensive, take london as example, the min. charge is about 6 pounds. Beasfast is about 3.5 pound, lunch about 7 pound and dinner about 15 pound. It would depend on what you live and eat.
    <br>Anyway, what is your budget?

  • 2萬蚊是否不夠........

  • 二萬蚊真係好似「mun 咗 D」,就算應付到你食宿同搭車,到時見到有野想買,又點算呢?唔係度度可以比你簽卡架喎,要現兜兜比既時候都要預多少少CASH。就算真係二萬蚊夠你用,但要去咁耐,真係唔知到時有乜額外駛費,出門都係多個錢響身好......

  • 我都係咁諗,唯有等我儲多些錢才諗啦!

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