
  • 31 歲,5呎4吋,118磅,棕色長曲髮、陽光膚色,雙眼皮,外藉華僑,碩士畢業生, 國際著名品牌任職高級主任,月入三萬。總很難結識合適異性!

  • what is your 合適異性???

  • Fiona:
    <br>hihi, nice to meet u.
    <br>my details of info
    <br>31 歲,5呎6吋,138磅,專業人士, 總很難結識合適女性, 有意add我msn傾下
    <br>msn: [email protected]

  • fiona:
    <br>hihi, nice to meet u, can i meet u?

  • 啱咀型,啱傾,背景類似,孝順,玩得,但唔係playboy! 想認認真真拍拖!

  • Hi, nice to meet you, I am 37, can we be friend?
    <br>[email protected]

  • Fiona:
    <br>岩傾,背景同你相類似,孝順,玩得,唔係playgirl, 都想認認真真拍拖, 單身, 無不良嗜好, 你對男士無咩要求, 需要男朋友靚仔嗎?

  • Fiona replied at 2012-02-21 3:42 pm
    <br>啱咀型,啱傾,背景類似,孝順,玩得,但唔係playboy! 想認認真真拍拖!
    <br>it's me

  • fiona:
    <br>如你不嫌棄, 可以同你做個朋友先嗎? 你add我msn, 睇下同你岩唔岩傾?

  • 你咁既background 其實好好啦!!

  • fiona:

  • 我32, 年薪600K+,揸歐洲房車, 5尺9, 140LB, 任職高級經理

  • P replied at 2012-02-21 3:48 pm
    <br>我32, 年薪600K+,揸歐洲房車, 5尺9, 140LB, 任職高級經理
    <br>背景唔錯,可惜我不要SL了,些些!以你background要搵個廿頭靚女,so easy! Good Luck!

  • Fiona:
    <br>hihi, nice to meet u.
    <br>my details of info
    <br>31 歲,5呎6吋,138磅,資深專業人士, 樣子ok, 月入3萬, 想搵單身孝順, 有教養, 認真拍拖既女朋友, 有意請add我msn: [email protected]

  • victor replied at 2012-02-21 3:39 pm
    <br>hihi, nice to meet u.
    <br>my details of info
    <br>31 歲,5呎6吋,138磅,專業人士, 總很難結識合適女性, 有意add我msn傾下
    <br>msn: [email protected]
    <br>sorry... your email address turned me off... u must be a professional player..
    <br>i am not professional player. i want to find gf.

  • fiona:
    <br>winni 是不是同fiona係同一個人??

  • victor replied at 2012-02-21 4:08 pm
    <br>victor replied at 2012-02-21 3:39 pm
    <br>hihi, nice to meet u.
    <br>my details of info
    <br>31 歲,5呎6吋,138磅,專業人士, 總很難結識合適女性, 有意add我msn傾下
    <br>msn: [email protected]
    <br>sorry... your email address turned me off... u must be a professional player..
    <br>i am not professional player. i want to find gf.
    <br>ic.. then why did u name yourself as "hklover" in your email address...

  • victor replied at 2012-02-21 4:09 pm
    <br>winni 是不是同fiona係同一個人??
    <br>yep, it showed my nickname

  • Fiona replied at 2012-02-21 3:42 pm
    <br>啱咀型,啱傾,背景類似,孝順,玩得,但唔係playboy! 想認認真真拍拖!
    <br>I think the chances must be very slim [almost zero) via Internet. Anyway good luck gal.

  • victor replied at 2012-02-21 3:45 pm
    <br>岩傾,背景同你相類似,孝順,玩得,唔係playgirl, 都想認認真真拍拖, 單身, 無不良嗜好, 你對男士無咩要求, 需要男朋友靚仔嗎?
    <br>What about if I smoke? Do you see that as 不良嗜好?

  • fiona:
    <br>因為這個email唔係常用, 隨便改hklover, 我唔係隨便亂比email人, 識你耐d, 我用真正email同你傾, are u ok?

  • Hello, wish we can be a friend first.
    <br>See ya!

  • fiona:
    <br>我唔係搵食男, 亦唔係搵SL或SP, 我係認真想女朋友拍拖, 想搵一個對我認真既女朋友, 可以同你做個朋友先嗎?

  • Hi Fiona,
    <br>I'm 34, 5'10", 165lbs...
    <br>educated oversea and finished master degree in HK, having a stable and prof. job, I like sports and I also have a quiet side...
    <br>Hope we can chat sometimes and become friends...

  • playboy replied at 2012-02-21 4:12 pm
    <br>Fiona replied at 2012-02-21 3:42 pm
    <br>啱咀型,啱傾,背景類似,孝順,玩得,但唔係playboy! 想認認真真拍拖!
    <br>I think the chances must be very slim [almost zero) via Internet. Anyway good luck gal.
    <br>haha... thanks for your honesty, playboy! anyway, don't break too many girls' hearts... ok? :P

  • Fiona:
    <br>岩傾,背景同你相類似,孝順,玩得,唔係playgirl, 都想認認真真拍拖, 單身, 無不良嗜好, 你對男士無咩要求, 需要男朋友靚仔嗎?
    <br>What about if I smoke? Do you see that as 不良嗜好?
    <br>我唔食煙, 少飲酒, 有健康既運動, 例如打網球, 保ling, 你呢, fiona? 你有咩興趣?

  • fiona:
    <br>i am not professional player. 你可以add我msn, 了解下我既為人,可以同你做個朋友先都得, 若果唔岩做情侶, 都可以做朋友者

  • Fiona replied at 2012-02-21 4:15 pm
    <br>playboy replied at 2012-02-21 4:12 pm
    <br>Fiona replied at 2012-02-21 3:42 pm
    <br>啱咀型,啱傾,背景類似,孝順,玩得,但唔係playboy! 想認認真真拍拖!
    <br>I think the chances must be very slim [almost zero) via Internet. Anyway good luck gal.
    <br>haha... thanks for your honesty, playboy! anyway, don't break too many girls' hearts... ok? :P
    <br>Yes Fiona...Sure i will but i've never broken their hearts. They just keep on missing me even thou they dump me for years...haha...Life should be full of joy instead of predefined rules, rules & rules :p

  • hi Fiona, finding a desired parter (bf) is not really based on what conditions you have or he has. Most important is the feeling of each other. The feeling/relation is normally established during some conversation/dating in which understand each other. It's true that your background is very good in terms of your life & future but not necessary to use it to find a partner who may be even scared by it.
    <br>The way now you approaching likes a job recruitment which is NOT on a relation and feeling establishmetn basis.
    <br>Thus disclosing your background in such details is not really a good way for approach relationship. ^^

  • RanRan replied at 2012-02-21 5:18 pm
    <br>hi Fiona, finding a desired parter (bf) is not really based on what conditions you have or he has. Most important is the feeling of each other. The feeling/relation is normally established during some conversation/dating in which understand each other. It's true that your background is very good in terms of your life & future but not necessary to use it to find a partner who may be even scared by it.
    <br>The way now you approaching likes a job recruitment which is NOT on a relation and feeling establishmetn basis.
    <br>Thus disclosing your background in such details is not really a good way for approach relationship. ^^
    <br>this is a very great piece of advice, maybe this is what i don't realized v_v...and thus lead to failure in relationships... maybe i shall fine-tuned myself before finding a soul mate... tks Ran Ran!

  • Fiona, shall we chat more?

  • ^^ jus some piece of shxt lol... having said that your approaching is a kind of personality reflection. let it comes by natual.

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  • hey fiona

  • Fiona,
    <br>you r great, but bad for non-smoker.

  • Fiona replied at 2012-02-21 5:42 pm
    <br>RanRan replied at 2012-02-21 5:18 pm
    <br>hi Fiona, finding a desired parter (bf) is not really based on what conditions you have or he has. Most important is the feeling of each other. The feeling/relation is normally established during some conversation/dating in which understand each other. It's true that your background is very good in terms of your life & future but not necessary to use it to find a partner who may be even scared by it.
    <br>The way now you approaching likes a job recruitment which is NOT on a relation and feeling establishmetn basis.
    <br>Thus disclosing your background in such details is not really a good way for approach relationship. ^^
    <br>this is a very great piece of advice, maybe this is what i don't realized v_v...and thus lead to failure in relationships... maybe i shall fine-tuned myself before finding a soul mate... tks Ran Ran!
    <br>Good girl, learning how to live smart and learn from others. Good luck and take care.

  • @@你條件噤好都揾吾到!

  • 你眼角高咪遇唔到囉

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