
  • 溫心即係咩?

  • 即係窩心

  • 付出等於收穫嘛?

  • 我意思係,你會同樣做出窩心既行為?

  • 有乜要求?

  • kk replied at 2011-11-04 4:04 am

  • cool replied at 2011-11-04 4:05 am

  • <br /><br />not so easy la.....<br /><br />after i broke up with my last SL....      .....i kept trying and trying to find another sl.....but failed repeatedly.<br /><br />good luck in your search.

  • hi,i am too gentle,waiting for you...

  • 為何這樣問?

  • jasonnet replied at 2011-11-04 4:27 am

  • sad replied at 2011-11-04 4:26 am
    <br>not so easy la.....
    <br>after i broke up with my last SL....      .....i kept trying and trying to find another sl.....but failed repeatedly.
    <br>good luck in your search.

  • <br />Sl上心盞煩賤...的確矛盾<br /><br />haha...  you are right.     that's very truth.        and it's addictive.

  • jasonnet replied at 2011-11-04 4:27 am
    <br>你愛對方 付出都係幸福的

  • <br /><br />met some....       when u are serious with them, they just want to play.<br /><br />met some.....     when u have no interest in them, but they are serious.<br /><br />it's all luck afterall.              

  • Sl上心盞煩賤...的確矛盾
    <br>其實唔係想有人錫,又點會想搵個 sl 丫..

  • sad replied at 2011-11-04 4:31 am
    <br>haha...  you are right.     that's very truth.        and it's addictive.
    <br>開始就存在不忠,想期望甚麼呢?做人世!so fake!

  • little214 replied at 2011-11-04 4:32 am
    <br>jasonnet replied at 2011-11-04 4:27 am
    <br>你愛對方 付出都係幸福的

  • sad replied at 2011-11-04 4:31 am
    <br>haha...  you are right.     that's very truth.        and it's addictive.

  • 100個認同呀:)
    <br>你愛對方 付出都係幸福的

  • <br />sad replied at 2011-11-04 4:31 am <br />--------------------------------------------------------------- <br /><br />Sl上心盞煩賤...的確矛盾 <br /><br />haha...  you are right.     that's very truth.        and it's addictive. <br />=============================================================== <br />你本身有無男朋友呀?<br /><br /><br /><br />sorry.   i am a guy.   not a girl.         anyway, it's just not so easy to find a decent SL here.        But it's hard to find other channels for such candidate.

  • <br /><br /><span class="author">babe </span><span class="date">4:34am nov 04, 2011</span>
    <br><p class="text">sad replied at 2011-11-04 4:31 am <br />--------------------------------------------------------------- <br /><br />Sl上心盞煩賤...的確矛盾 <br /><br />haha...  you are right.     that's very truth.        and it's addictive. <br />=============================================================== <br />其實所謂Sl只不過過眼云煙 <br /><strong>開始就存在不忠,想期望甚麼呢?做人世!so fake!<br /><br />yes yes.     you can not be more correct.       totally agree.</strong></p>

  • sad replied at 2011-11-04 4:32 am
    <br>met some....       when u are serious with them, they just want to play.
    <br>met some.....     when u have no interest in them, but they are serious.
    <br>it's all luck afterall.              
    <br>serious so pain so hard so sad

  • <br />well....   i guess u just met a selfish guy.   That's all.        <br /><br />however, if your SL  really loves you; then he might suggest u to leave your bf and stay with him instead.        that's true love.    <br /><br />but i don't think u can find that kind of good man in this junk site.     it all depends on your luck and destiny.

  • sad replied at 2011-11-04 4:45 am
    <br>well....   i guess u just met a selfish guy.   That's all.        
    <br>however, if your SL  really loves you; then he might suggest u to leave your bf and stay with him instead.        that's true love.    
    <br>but i don't think u can find that kind of good man in this junk site.     it all depends on your luck and destiny.

  • 從遞補機制中填補感情缺失

  • not mean find kind of good man
    <br>Need mature and knowing heart man

  • 自暴自棄的吟遊詩人 replied at 2011-11-04 4:49 am

  • 我都想揾個SL, 可唔可以add我msn傾下? 我32歲, msn: [email protected]

  • not easy to find a matched one nowadays

  • <br /><br />i guess if one has the intention to find a SL......             such person would be a selfish one regardless of the gender.<br /><br />but the truth is...   ....u just get bored with the original bf / gf  and want to be in love again and again.....             <br /><br />such feeling is just so good.....      

  • talk and sharing feeling
    <br>today my point!

  • not mean find kind of good man
    <br>Need mature and knowing heart man

  • babe,
    <br>seems you need a good listener :)

  • babe replied at 2011-11-04 4:50 am
    <br>自暴自棄的吟遊詩人 replied at 2011-11-04 4:49 am
    <br>沒有感情缺失又何來 SL (Secret Lover).
    <br>SL 的身份,位置,就是在不想失去現有的情況下,填補缺失.

  • sad replied at 2011-11-04 4:53 am
    <br>i guess if one has the intention to find a SL......             such person would be a selfish one regardless of the gender.
    <br>but the truth is...   ....u just get bored with the original bf / gf  and want to be in love again and again.....             
    <br>such feeling is just so good.....      
    <br>that more alone and boring

  • <br /><br />i mean the feeling of 'being in love'.......      not so easy to find a person who can give me that feeling.              i should say...    ....it's easy to find someone to have sex here.      but not so easy to find a lover.

  • kk replied at 2011-11-04 4:53 am
    <br>not mean find kind of good man
    <br>Need mature and knowing heart man

  • sad replied at 2011-11-04 4:53 am
    <br>i guess if one has the intention to find a SL......             such person would be a selfish one regardless of the gender.
    <br>but the truth is...   ....u just get bored with the original bf / gf  and want to be in love again and again.....             
    <br>such feeling is just so good.....      

  • 自暴自棄的吟遊詩人 replied at 2011-11-04 4:55 am
    <br>babe replied at 2011-11-04 4:50 am
    <br>自暴自棄的吟遊詩人 replied at 2011-11-04 4:49 am
    <br>沒有感情缺失又何來 SL (Secret Lover).
    <br>SL 的身份,位置,就是在不想失去現有的情況下,填補缺失.

  • Need mature and knowing heart man <--- someone who know what women want

  • sad replied at 2011-11-04 4:55 am
    <br>i mean the feeling of 'being in love'.......      not so easy to find a person who can give me that feeling.              i should say...    ....it's easy to find someone to have sex here.      but not so easy to find a lover.
    <br>she.com現存的是 SL/SP (Sex Lover / Sex Partner)

  • sad replied at 2011-11-04 4:55 am
    <br>i mean the feeling of 'being in love'.......      not so easy to find a person who can give me that feeling.              i should say...    ....it's easy to find someone to have sex here.      but not so easy to find a lover.
    <br>why not easy?why just plan in here?
    <br>u try b4? got it?mean love feeling

  • Don replied at 2011-11-04 4:58 am
    <br>Need mature and knowing heart man <--- someone who know what women want
    <br>someone ...

  • 自暴自棄的吟遊詩人 replied at 2011-11-04 4:59 am
    <br>sad replied at 2011-11-04 4:55 am
    <br>i mean the feeling of 'being in love'.......      not so easy to find a person who can give me that feeling.              i should say...    ....it's easy to find someone to have sex here.      but not so easy to find a lover.
    <br>she.com現存的是 SL/SP (Sex Lover / Sex Partner)

  • sad replied at 2011-11-04 4:55 am
    <br>i mean the feeling of 'being in love'.......      not so easy to find a person who can give me that feeling.              i should say...    ....it's easy to find someone to have sex here.      but not so easy to find a lover.
    <br>"Being in Love" 你會傷你會痛,你會為他/她而流淚.

  • babe replied at 2011-11-04 5:01 am
    <br>Don replied at 2011-11-04 4:58 am
    <br>Need mature and knowing heart man <--- someone who know what women want
    <br>someone ...
    <br>just need some time :)

  • Don replied at 2011-11-04 5:04 am
    <br>babe replied at 2011-11-04 5:01 am
    <br>Don replied at 2011-11-04 4:58 am
    <br>Need mature and knowing heart man <--- someone who know what women want
    <br>someone ...
    <br>just need some time :)

  • <br /><br />i met my 1st   SL here....       ......the relationship lasted 4 years.....    just really loved her........        she didn't know whether to leave her bf  or stayed with me......            .....just a mess....  ....with tears and broken hearts, we broke up at the end.          Then i tried to find another SL here..........        ...but failed repeatedly.<br /><br />all i am getting is:    sex...  break up....    ...then sex again....  then break up again.       Just not so easy to find someone to have the love feeling at all.

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