Simple theory for She gal and guy

  • 1 Man good outlook -> no need find gal in She<br />2 Man bad outlook have money -> go for sex service<br />3 Man without anything -> Find she gal for free lunch<br /><br />a Gal good outlook -> too busy already<br />b Gal average outlook -> also busy coz too many hungry HK guys.<br />c Gal bad outlook -> also think she is princess, no need use She<br />d Gal bad outlook with mental problem ->  Come to she for luck.<br /><br />At then end is "3" matching "d" here

  • <p>So, the thread host is 3 or d? </p>

  • why do you even bother to spend time and analyze?

  • thoery?

  • Then I must be a lucky guy. I am a cat3 guy but be able to met cat-a or cat-b ladies in here. I must say, we are just fds, social meeting and dining, and nothing further.

  • Obviously such simple theory is derived from the thread owner's limited and unlucky experience.

  • michelle,could you share your experience?

  • Michelle,
    <br>Will you be charitable and take DG to see the world? :p

  • Michelle replied at 2011-07-10 4:42 pm
    <br>Obviously such simple theory is derived from the thread owner's limited and unlucky experience.
    <br>hi michelle, i works in CEntral and have car. Let me pay you dinner and we can have sex at a hotel after (with support) ... Do you has good body?
    <br>give tell more in email or msn
    <br>[email protected]

  • Centralman
    <br>I am a gal working in Central. I just finished a call conference with NY office. Wanna have a drink. I have a car & a driver. How about I pay you dinner and see whether u're decent to have my "support" ... Do you has good body?
    <br>Working in Central? My office has 5 office assitants who are all working in Central!

  • Central Gal replied at 2011-07-10 4:56 pm
    <br>I am a gal working in Central. I just finished a call conference with NY office. Wanna have a drink. I have a car & a driver. How about I pay you dinner and see whether u're decent to have my "support" ... Do you has good body?
    <br>Working in Central? My office has 5 office assitants who are all working in Central!

  • safari
    <br>I need to have prior consent from my net friends first ... please wait and it will take some time.
    <br>I woould rather take you to see the world la :D
    <br>Better polish your English first.
    <br>Central Gal
    <br>So cool girl ... if you have a vacancy in your office, let me know :)

  • Heaven has no rage like love to hatred turned, Nor Hell a fury like a woman scorned.
    <br>For those who dun understand, check it out from William Congreve's The Mourning Bride.

  • Central Gal replied at 2011-07-10 4:56 pm
    <br>I am a gal working in Central. I just finished a call conference with NY office. Wanna have a drink. I have a car & a driver. How about I pay you dinner and see whether u're decent to have my "support" ... Do you has good body?
    <br>Working in Central? My office has 5 office assitants who are all working in Central!
    <br>Chance to chat with you central girl? [email protected]

  • Michelle,
    <br>Sure. But pls consider there's lots of cheap, stupid & arrogant Central guys here!

  • It's not about where u work, how good is your language, how many staff u have. It's about how rich if u ar a man, how pretty if u a a woman. Everywhere is the same.

  • DG
    <br>If u really think that a guy with $ and a gal with pretty face can have perfect relationship, it shows how navie & superficial you are.
    <br>I think I have no desire to chat on this thread. Guys, hope this shallow topic won't bore you guys away.

  • DG replied at 2011-07-10 5:18 pm
    <br>It's not about where u work, how good is your language, how many staff u have. It's about how rich if u ar a man, how pretty if u a a woman. Everywhere is the same.
    <br>不過你又係度出現喎 ... 咁即係點呢?

  • central gal
    <br>to work in your firm must be tough. you've to sacrifice a sunday afternoon for work while Central Man is able to fool around on she. Seems worse are your colleagues in NY. They had to stay up ~4am and listened to your talk. My guess is you must be a big boss of some sort.

  • Actually, Guy and gal is from two different world. They can't put together for long. Gal need rich guy to make her life easier. Guy need pretty gal for "successful" mating. Simple as that.

  • Central Gal replied at 2011-07-10 5:25 pm
    <br>If u really think that a guy with $ and a gal with pretty face can have perfect relationship, it shows how navie & superficial you are.
    <br>I think I have no desire to chat on this thread. Guys, hope this shallow topic won't bore you guys away.
    <br>ha ... 你唔講野 ... 呢度就冇咁有趣lu

  • Everyone has his/her own reason come to here to discuss...No need to have the analysis...

  • DG replied at 2011-07-10 5:31 pm
    <br>Actually, Guy and gal is from two different world. They can't put together for long. Gal need rich guy to make her life easier. Guy need pretty gal for "successful" mating. Simple as that.

  • Hi Seekforlove, yr comment is fair. It's sometimes not easy to accept the fact for human being. No need to have emotional on the thread. I just state the fact here.

  • DG replied at 2011-07-10 5:43 pm
    <br>Hi Seekforlove, yr comment is fair. It's sometimes not easy to accept the fact for human being. No need to have emotional on the thread. I just state the fact here.
    <br>I don't think I m very good or rich, just normal guy...
    <br>and wanna try some luck here.

  • Hi Seekforlove, only poor one believe he/she has luck. I would rather believe there is no luck in the world

  • DG replied at 2011-07-10 5:43 pm
    <br>Hi Seekforlove, yr comment is fair. It's sometimes not easy to accept the fact for human being. No need to have emotional on the thread. I just state the fact here.
    <br>the fact? ...... how much data have you collected? How big was the sample size?

  • haha ... 喂 ... 呢度好玩呀 ... 大家返黎玩啦 ... 情情塔塔第二日先傾啦

  • michelle
    <br>但他心有不甘, 對she仍抱有一施幻想,先出文加以鞭策.

  • DG 去左邊呀!

  • Another fact is all man "eat outside" no matter rich or poor. I can't even get the sample of them.

  • DG replied at 2011-07-10 6:06 pm
    <br>Another fact is all man "eat outside" no matter rich or poor. I can't even get the sample of them.
    <br>咁又點喎 ... 你好似有d離題喎 ... 唔好轉話題住啦!

  • sorry chat. I observe that guy are more easy to face the fact. They can even brave enough to categorize themselves to 3. However, if u ask ladies that question, most are just running away. The rest not run away should be cat a.

  • oh ... DG 著左草?
    <br>我問左你兩個問題你都冇答 ...

  • Very unlucky. I am cat3. I want to upgrade to cat2. To be rich and marry a woman in China and give her a better live.

  • DG replied at 2011-07-10 6:17 pm
    <br>sorry chat. I observe that guy are more easy to face the fact. They can even brave enough to categorize themselves to 3. However, if u ask ladies that question, most are just running away. The rest not run away should be cat a.
    <br>sorry ... 以為你走左 ...
    <br>你咁講係即係第3類啦 ... 不過你又好似冇正面答 ... brave 又 brave 唔晒
    <br>你正面答左我 ... 我地就可以堂堂正正 ... 男人同男人咁去傾下呢個話題

  • hahaha. DG, work hard and good luck on your 升le

  • DG replied at 2011-07-10 6:24 pm
    <br>Very unlucky. I am cat3. I want to upgrade to cat2. To be rich and marry a woman in China and give her a better live.
    <br>ha ... 又sorry ... 總係遲過你 ...
    <br>忍係第3類 ... 咁都算似返個男人 ...

  • 咁但係你係度見過幾多女人 ... 然後得出呢個結果?

  • Michelle replied at 2011-07-10 5:57 pm
    <br>DG replied at 2011-07-10 5:43 pm
    <br>Hi Seekforlove, yr comment is fair. It's sometimes not easy to accept the fact for human being. No need to have emotional on the thread. I just state the fact here.
    <br>the fact? ...... how much data have you collected? How big was the sample size?
    <br>(參考左chat的答法) 你正面答左我 ... 我地就可以堂堂正正 ... 男人同女人咁去傾下呢個話題

  • Michelle replied at 2011-07-10 6:34 pm
    <br>Michelle replied at 2011-07-10 5:57 pm
    <br>DG replied at 2011-07-10 5:43 pm
    <br>Hi Seekforlove, yr comment is fair. It's sometimes not easy to accept the fact for human being. No need to have emotional on the thread. I just state the fact here.
    <br>the fact? ...... how much data have you collected? How big was the sample size?
    <br>(參考左chat的答法) 你正面答左我 ... 我地就可以堂堂正正 ... 男人同女人咁去傾下呢個話題
    <br>ha ... DG ... 你睇 ... e+係可以大家傾偈既時侯

  • Central Gal 4:56pm jul 10, 2011
    <br>I am a gal working in Central. I just finished a call conference with NY office. Wanna have a drink. I have a car & a driver. How about I pay you dinner and see whether u're decent to have my "support" ... Do you has good body?
    <br>Working in Central? My office has 5 office assitants who are all working in Central!
    <br>Central Gal 5:10pm jul 10, 2011
    <br>Heaven has no rage like love to hatred turned, Nor Hell a fury like a woman scorned.
    <br>For those who dun understand, check it out from William Congreve's The Mourning Bride.
    <br>Wow, I am so impressed. A gal like you shouldn't be hanging around here. It's too low class even for you to show up.

  • Simple facts about she men and women:
    <br>1. Most are badly educated;
    <br>2. Most are poor;
    <br>3. Most are of average looks
    <br>4. Most of the women are pork chops;
    <br>5. Most men are immature.

  • Yeah, mature man already go to enjoy sex service. Looking for ladies here is just wasting of time

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