• HK has been completely damaged as a result of your stupid incapability.  It is time for you to recognise and back off!!!   Turn the HK back to us!!!   This is the place for we HK people but not the stupid central China!!!   Make sure you know what the f uck you have done to screw our kids and our people in HK

  • 勿當奴

  • let's go for strike tomorrow

  • 一直以黎有呢班人破壞社會和諧,出爾反爾,急市民唔急既事,醫療,教育,環保,住屋問題通通都做唔好,無一次唔令市民失望.但係仲可以硬頭皮玩起鎦..真係DKLM

  • 自古以來,統治呢樣野係好難滿足到每個人.

  • but they have been working almost everything against what we want.
    <br>I care most about our education system. Why we need to take off the A level adn O level? why we need to study Chinese history? Why the recentl history but not the old one?
    <br>I guess those f ucking son of the bitches they just care how to brown nose and make some score on their ufcking score card@

  • 我唔係幫呢幫官.的確佢地亦有難度,順得哥情失嫂意.幫得有錢佬,窮既會更加百上加巾!到幫得窮人,班有錢人又炸形!

  • 很認同luipo你所講,香港貧富懸殊太嚴重,令到好多政制不能係中間取平衡.但又要生活係呢個地方,那可以點?

  • sure. again, they should not mess up with the education system. This si the only thing I care the most. They have done more than that and that's why i think they should try to get things done in a way not to please the stupid centralchina

  • 香港既教育制度係好唔掂,但亦無可否認也是太落後.

  • megan

  • that's why we need to get united and show our voices to this stupid govt. I dont care about teh economic value, but I do care about our next generation!

  • 政府係唔會用心去理呢班中下產人仕,家陣擦班有錢佬鞋,其一原因係班狗官都緊張自己退休後路或自己既下一代出路.

  • to hell they go!!
    <br>To hell Donald Tsang go!!
    <br>To hell all those stupid ass go!

  • luipo和版主是已為人父母嗎?
    <br>我作為母親也覺得對香港的教育制度感到失望! 但生活在這地方也感到很無奈,只能巴巴看著現有的教育制度越來越"貴族化",有錢便有好學校,無錢便讀九流學校。

  • 我沒有小朋友.....

  • beatles, you are also a jerk, u cheat women!!!

  • luipo

  • 總之特首由中央欽點,香港小市民係唔會有好日子......

  • Well....we are getting to a point that we cannot even pay for good education. Even if you have money you cannot get good education.
    <br>International school is not a good school system. And now we dont have A level nor O level and we could have fewer choice to get our kids to better school.
    <br>So...we have no way out.

  • 迫你地子女出國留學

  • in some sense that stupid jerk was voted by us...cos we asked Tung to step down

  • luipo

  • megan

  • luipo

  • lets go

  • kick them out

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