
  • 我同EX男友分開左 1.5 年半..一直以來佢想快d 結婚..但背後我知道由我地一開始.佢出面收埋左一件大6妹<br /><br />每日同佢一齊時候..我都俾緊<span><span id="pixlwrd_416126" onmouseover="WordSnap.action('over', '9034', event, this)" style="DISPLAY: inline; CURSOR: pointer; COLOR: #000000; WHITE-SPACE: nowrap; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffcc00; TEXT-DECORATION: none" onmouseout="WordSnap.action('out', '9034', event, this)">機會</span></span>佢..每次講到結婚..大家觀念好唔同最後都冇 conclusion..(加上佢爸年紀大好想快d結婚生仔 <span><span id="pixlwrd_314345" onmouseover="WordSnap.action('over', '8522', event, this)" style="DISPLAY: inline; CURSOR: pointer; COLOR: #000000; WHITE-SPACE: nowrap; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffcc00; TEXT-DECORATION: none" onmouseout="WordSnap.action('out', '8522', event, this)">sa</span></span>tisfited 佢老人家心願...)<br />當然,我同佢日子都係一年..仲有好多 uncertainty 未可以咁快講到結婚..我覺拍住拖都冇問題<br /><br />最後.我地分開左.但我冇踢爆佢我知佢同個上海妹既事<br />我好傷心....佢就繼續上海香港2邊走過住d風流既日子..如是者...一年前佢地2個最後結左婚..本身知道左呢件事好傷心..但後來<span><span id="pixlwrd_245693" onmouseover="WordSnap.action('over', '6198', event, this)" style="DISPLAY: inline; CURSOR: pointer; COLOR: #000000; WHITE-SPACE: nowrap; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffcc00; TEXT-DECORATION: none" onmouseout="WordSnap.action('out', '6198', event, this)"><span><span id="pixlwrd_944136" onmouseover="WordSnap.action('over', '8828', event, this)" style="DISPLAY: inline; CURSOR: pointer; COLOR: #000000; WHITE-SPACE: nowrap; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffcc00; TEXT-DECORATION: none" onmouseout="WordSnap.action('out', '8828', event, this)">朋友</span></span></span></span>都話我 "有咩好傷心...梗加要祝福佢2個啦"<br /><br />當時分手.佢話分左手冇可能再做朋友.....後來我地都 block 左 大家 msn...年半後.....沉晚我開 msn見到佢unblock 左我 msn .....<br />但我都冇 unblock 佢............<br /><br />我諗緊佢想點呢...............<br />1.   係咪 click 錯左<br />2.   其他動機<br />

  • rice apple - just let you and move on.....

  • 想同你打友誼波

  • 你仲心思思

  • 你稔多左

  • 肯定唔是click錯

  • 曾經佢講過..分左手就冇朋友做....呢句說話
    <br>我相信...佢真係有心找我的話,相信有好多途徑,唔需要msn。之不過我好奇佢發咩神經無神神unblock我 msn
    <br>我應該 unblock 佢試探他嗎

  • 人地都放底左你, 你仲未放底人...

  • Kort replied at 2011-03-05 12:13 am
    <br>人地都放底左你, 你仲未放底人...
    <br>then why he sudden Unblock my msn ???

  • 就係因為已經放低左你, block唔block都無所謂了

  • 我應該 unblock 佢試探他嗎

  • 點解唔直接del左佢

  • 我做唔到...
    <br>其實我放低左佢..但我真係做唔到..要 delete 佢

  • 咁即係未放低啦
    <br>放低左就會 a)做返朋友 b)ignore/ del呢個人

  • 请问 MSN 度点睇到人地 BLOCK/UNBLOCK 你呢?

  • riceapple replied at 2011-03-05 12:08 am
    <br>但我好清醒自己唔會返轉頭 <------- Good
    <br>我相信...佢真係有心找我的話,相信有好多途徑,唔需要msn。之不過我好奇佢發咩神經無神神unblock我 msn
    <br>我應該 unblock 佢試探他嗎 <----- up to you
    <br>have you thought of other possibilities? life is full of uncertainties.........
    <br>do u know something on Fate & Destiny?

  • man replied at 2011-03-05 6:41 am
    <br>riceapple replied at 2011-03-05 12:08 am
    <br>但我好清醒自己唔會返轉頭 <------- Good
    <br>我相信...佢真係有心找我的話,相信有好多途徑,唔需要msn。之不過我好奇佢發咩神經無神神unblock我 msn
    <br>我應該 unblock 佢試探他嗎 <----- up to you
    <br>have you thought of other possibilities? life is full of uncertainties.........
    <br>do u know something on Fate & Destiny?
    <br>possibilities ? u mean between me and him ? if so, never. As i mentioned, he has married already. I dont have any expection on him. just hope he regret wt he did on me.
    <br>Fate & Destiny.. wt do u mean ?

  • 我都睇清楚左好多野..

  • Why are you being affected by just the "unblock" ?
    <br>You dun have to answer me, just ask yourself ...

  • 其實不論佢Block 唔Block 你都好, 你最緊要問自己一個問題:一個背住你同第個女人一齊gum 奈gei 男人,仲值唔值得你花時間去同佢一齊? 就算佢宜家話離左婚,想同番你一齊, 你都要考慮下啦。

  • Dun be Silly la..

  • sometimes, i put a post in the forumn as to looking for you guys' support and agreement.
    <br>i admit i wont have any expectation on him anymore.
    <br>just curious on wt he is thinking due to his behaviour.
    <br>anyway, i got a lot of message from you guys. no need to analzye on either block and block this action.
    <br>just ignore him from now on, right ?

  • riceapple replied at 2011-03-05 11:09 am
    <br>sometimes, i put a post in the forumn as to looking for you guys' support and agreement.
    <br>i admit i wont have any expectation on him anymore.
    <br>just curious on wt he is thinking due to his behaviour.
    <br>anyway, i got a lot of message from you guys. no need to analzye on either block and block this action.
    <br>just ignore him from now on, right ?
    <br>you made a wise choice!

  • hopefully. thankss

  • what else a man wants beside sex, nothing

  • 無須試探....聯絡番只會再 hurt 多次....=.="

  • there are many ways he can "find" me.. not only unblock the msn. that's why i insist not to unblock him finally

  • o...is good then, you can have your own life back

  • be tough, be strong, life will go on

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