數盡 She.com 豬扒方罷休!!!

  • WTF!

  • 99% she.com gals are shxt-look gals

  • btw,
    <br>1.................. Super fat gal with 5'1 tall only
    <br>2...................... Super ugly + super fat waist gal
    <br>3........................ normal body but with a DINOSAUR face gal
    <br>where they live.............1. TST 2. YL 3. SSP
    <br>whats their nickname, or they english name ..........1. YuXi 2. DaiXy 3. BoXo
    <br>how old they are around ..................1. 28 2. 32 3. 29
    <br>long / short hair ....................1. long 2. short 3. long
    <br>their msn as follows...............
    <br>1.................. [email protected]
    <br>2. [email protected]
    <br>3.......................siXXa392@ hotmail.com
    <br>有邊個藝人可以攞噄對照下呢? e.g. 魯芬, Yu Molin等等!
    <br>1. Yan Yee ( when 6 yrs before )
    <br>2. 魯芬 ( Ugly version ! )
    <br>3. Wong Ha Wai ( younger version )

  • 數來數去得果3個!

  • 咁又唔岩喇...哥仔

  • she replied at 2011-02-12 4:16 pm
    <br>u want more?
    <br>i have 5 more pork chop gals to talk about now
    <br>wait me

  • yikfan replied at 2011-02-12 4:18 pm
    <br>Why ?
    <br>What i am wrong about?
    <br>i just tell out the TRUTH ONLY!!!

  • what's yr purpose for these 3 gals?? for sex / for friendsip / for sl/sp?????

  • correct la, everyone has the own right to tell on net. it's a free world lor.

  • 師兄,
    <br>要怪只怪自己識女太心急, 未了解就出左去.........
    <br>我早兩個月都比過over 200lb 的大肥婆約過出黎.
    <br>睇左場戲, 仲食埋餐飯先走.........其間比佢又巢又揸, 仲咀左幾野........
    <br>唔好再諗d唔開心o既野~~ 可能好多靚女等緊你都唔定~~~~~~

  • coffee cup replied at 2011-02-12 4:22 pm
    <br>what's yr purpose for these 3 gals?? for sex / for friendsip / for sl/sp?????
    <br>for SEX only
    <br>Of course!!!
    <br>see them as a human -flesh Aeroplane Cup lor
    <br>or a free of charge Chicken lor
    <br>so SIMPLE!
    <br>all she.com guys are think like this ga la

  • PatrickFire replied at 2011-02-12 4:25 pm
    <br>要怪只怪自己識女太心急, 未了解就出左去.........
    <br>我早兩個月都比過over 200lb 的大肥婆約過出黎.
    <br>睇左場戲, 仲食埋餐飯先走.........其間比佢又巢又揸, 仲咀左幾野........
    <br>唔好再諗d唔開心o既野~~ 可能好多靚女等緊你都唔定~~~~~~

  • u have seen their pics then come out ga wo......

  • u can ask them to meet in webcam first lo

  • 你咁有品,個天都會睇住派籌啦...公平既

  • PatrickFire replied at 2011-02-12 4:25 pm
    <br>要怪只怪自己識女太心急, 未了解就出左去.........
    <br>我早兩個月都比過over 200lb 的大肥婆約過出黎.
    <br>睇左場戲, 仲食埋餐飯先走.........其間比佢又巢又揸, 仲咀左幾野........
    <br>唔好再諗d唔開心o既野~~ 可能好多靚女等緊你都唔定~~~~~~
    <br>wah....poor you!

  • brother Ken,
    <br>If you ask me, I'd say OK, bad experience, laugh it off, don't waste time, move on to the next lor.

  • god replied at 2011-02-12 4:31 pm
    <br>agreed x 10000000000000000000

  • different people have didderent reaction ge. u like say that out, say la, i support you ga.

  • One bad experience - no big deal lor.

  • idiot replied at 2011-02-12 4:36 pm
    <br>One bad experience - no big deal lor.
    <br>i think he has lots of bad experiences lor....

  • PatrickFire replied at 2011-02-12 4:25 pm
    <br>要怪只怪自己識女太心急, 未了解就出左去.........
    <br>我早兩個月都比過over 200lb 的大肥婆約過出黎.
    <br>睇左場戲, 仲食埋餐飯先走.........其間比佢又巢又揸, 仲咀左幾野........
    <br>唔好再諗d唔開心o既野~~ 可能好多靚女等緊你都唔定~~~~~~

  • Kort replied at 2011-02-12 4:39 pm

  • ken師兄~ 就算比你嚮she.com 見到99個豬扒咁計, 都唔會係99%係豬扒啦~相信嚮she.com話既女性,唔會少過100個人, 何況你只係見到幾個係豬扒, 就當晒所有she.com 女仔99%豬扒, 你都係比較短視同埋其它人唔公平囉~<br /><br />期期大把人買六合彩啦~ 中到頭獎既機會真係有幾多人丫? 中到3個字既都唔係多啦~ 咁你又話彩馬會呃人呀? 你買10期中唔到3個字, 就話比人知,叫人唔好買六合彩,唔方有獎中呀? 中唔中係睇運氣既~ 你出第一個post, 我睇完,都會覺得~ 你真係唔好彩,見3個女人,但3件豬扒,仲要係張相係假既,但你重複又重複睇你出類似個post, 只會令人人覺得你無風度,由同情你變為覺得你完全唔似男人囉,d男人點會跟跟計較咁耐呀~同一件事出幾個post..........<br /><br /><br /><br />

  • ken兄

  • 可能佢唔好意思講,個二百磅把他推向牆邊,一手奄住佢個嘴,另一手大肆輕薄,。。。。話時話,KEN哥係咪有啲難以啟牙齒嘅野,難言之隱,先咁憤憤不平呢?

  • on79 replied at 2011-02-12 4:24 pm
    <br>correct la, everyone has the own right to tell on net. it's a free world lor.

  • PatrickFire replied at 2011-02-12 4:25 pm
    <br>要怪只怪自己識女太心急, 未了解就出左去.........
    <br>我早兩個月都比過over 200lb 的大肥婆約過出黎.
    <br>睇左場戲, 仲食埋餐飯先走.........其間比佢又巢又揸, 仲咀左幾野........
    <br>唔好再諗d唔開心o既野~~ 可能好多靚女等緊你都唔定~~~~~~
    <br>Why u not go away when u meet the ANIMAL ar???
    <br>Why u also go to see film and eat dinner with IT?
    <br>其間比佢又巢又揸, 仲咀左幾野..............wow!
    <br>Why u not call 999?
    <br>Why u not resist IT?
    <br>is it cos the pork chop is MUSCULAR than U???

  • coffee cup replied at 2011-02-12 4:29 pm
    <br>u have seen their pics then come out ga wo......
    <br>1. their pics are 10 years ago
    <br>2. they all has NO webcams

  • god replied at 2011-02-12 4:31 pm
    <br>你咁有品...............i JUST tell out the TRUTH to all Ching here
    <br>個天都會睇住派籌啦...公平既.............Wish u eat pork chops forever!!!

  • idiot replied at 2011-02-12 4:34 pm
    <br>brother Ken,
    <br>If you ask me, I'd say OK, bad experience, laugh it off, don't waste time, move on to the next lor.
    <br>But the next is also BAD lor

  • Coco_baby replied at 2011-02-12 4:45 pm
    <br>ken師兄~ 就算比你嚮she.com 見到99個豬扒咁計, 都唔會係99%係豬扒啦~相信嚮she.com話既女性,唔會少過100個人, 何況你只係見到幾個係豬扒, 就當晒所有she.com 女仔99%豬扒, 你都係比較短視同埋其它人唔公平囉~
    <br>期期大把人買六合彩啦~ 中到頭獎既機會真係有幾多人丫? 中到3個字既都唔係多啦~ 咁你又話彩馬會呃人呀? 你買10期中唔到3個字, 就話比人知,叫人唔好買六合彩,唔方有獎中呀? 中唔中係睇運氣既~ 你出第一個post, 我睇完,都會覺得~ 你真係唔好彩,見3個女人,但3件豬扒,仲要係張相係假既,但你重複又重複睇你出類似個post, 只會令人人覺得你無風度,由同情你變為覺得你完全唔似男人囉,d男人點會跟跟計較咁耐呀~同一件事出幾個post..........
    <br>ken師兄~ 就算比你嚮she.com 見到99個豬扒咁計, 都唔會係99%係豬扒啦~...................the truth is 99% gals here is pork chops!!!
    <br>相信嚮she.com話既女性,唔會少過100個人, 何況你只係見到幾個係豬扒, 就當晒所有she.com 女仔99%豬扒, 你都係比較短視同埋其它人唔公平囉~......................it is ur OWN judgement ONLY
    <br>期期大把人買六合彩啦~ 中到頭獎既機會真係有幾多人丫? 中到3個字既都唔係多啦~ 咁你又話彩馬會呃人呀? 你買10期中唔到3個字, 就話比人知,叫人唔好買六合彩,唔方有獎中呀?...........I agree ppl should not buy Mark Six too ga cos the chance of winning $$$ is too low !!!
    <br> 中唔中係睇運氣既~.............but the chance of WINNING is VERY low in she.com ma
    <br>你出第一個post, 我睇完,都會覺得~ 你真係唔好彩,見3個女人,但3件豬扒,仲要係張相係假既,..........i am NOT unlucky................this is just what happens to ALL guys in she.com here!!!
    <br>但你重複又重複睇你出類似個post, 只會令人人覺得你無風度,由同情你變為覺得你完全唔似男人囉,d男人點會跟跟計較咁耐呀~同一件事出幾個post............
    <br>1. I no need any ppl to 同情 me ( but i 同情 the pork chops more!!!)
    <br>2. I need to make all Ching beware of pork chop gals in she.com

  • hi ken~

  • idiot replied at 2011-02-12 4:49 pm
    <br>可能佢唔好意思講,個二百磅把他推向牆邊,一手奄住佢個嘴,另一手大肆輕薄,。。。。..........then the ANIMAL gal must be very very MUSCULAR wor!!!
    <br>話時話,KEN哥係咪有啲難以啟牙齒嘅野,難言之隱,先咁憤憤不平呢?...................I have been touched by the 3 DINOSAUR gals too!!!
    <br>Just like 911 incident for me !
    <br>莫非作為男人受左啲重大嘅屈辱,有怨無路數? ..........YUP YUP YUP!
    <br>I have more to tell later tonight for u guys
    <br>wait me!

  • gaogao replied at 2011-02-12 6:45 pm
    <br>hi ken~
    <br>I add u la
    <br>ur msn?

  • 哈哈哈...你輸左喇....haha

  • yikfan replied at 2011-02-12 6:50 pm
    <br>why u say this?

  • Ken replied at 2011-02-12 6:51 pm
    <br>yikfan replied at 2011-02-12 6:50 pm
    <br>why u say this?

  • Ken replied at 2011-02-12 6:50 pm
    <br>gaogao replied at 2011-02-12 6:45 pm
    <br>hi ken~
    <br>I add u la
    <br>ur msn?
    <br>我有太多fans,如yikfan ,yikfan,同yikfan,我費事俾佢果d人add!

  • yikfan replied at 2011-02-12 6:50 pm
    <br>keep losing will make hime more angry ga! no problem la. i like this guy ar, making this 9up place more alive!

  • gaogao replied at 2011-02-12 6:53 pm
    <br>Ken replied at 2011-02-12 6:50 pm
    <br>gaogao replied at 2011-02-12 6:45 pm
    <br>hi ken~
    <br>I add u la
    <br>ur msn?
    <br>我有太多fans,如yikfan ,yikfan,同yikfan,我費事俾佢果d人add!

  • 你有無小氣得咁緊要啊。。。自己搵野食,唔好彩食著屎。舊屎無錯架噃,舊屎都唔想架喎,你指住舊屎係緊鬧有用架咩。。。哈哈!

  • yikfan replied at 2011-02-12 6:54 pm
    <br>gaogao replied at 2011-02-12 6:53 pm
    <br>Ken replied at 2011-02-12 6:50 pm
    <br>gaogao replied at 2011-02-12 6:45 pm
    <br>hi ken~
    <br>I add u la
    <br>ur msn?
    <br>我有太多fans,如yikfan ,yikfan,同yikfan,我費事俾佢果d人add!

  • 你同留電話果個ken係咪同一個人?

  • Ken replied at 2011-02-12 6:25 pm
    <br>PatrickFire replied at 2011-02-12 4:25 pm
    <br>要怪只怪自己識女太心急, 未了解就出左去.........
    <br>我早兩個月都比過over 200lb 的大肥婆約過出黎.
    <br>睇左場戲, 仲食埋餐飯先走.........其間比佢又巢又揸, 仲咀左幾野........
    <br>唔好再諗d唔開心o既野~~ 可能好多靚女等緊你都唔定~~~~~~
    <br>Why u not go away when u meet the ANIMAL ar???
    <br>Why u also go to see film and eat dinner with IT?
    <br>其間比佢又巢又揸, 仲咀左幾野..............wow!
    <br>Why u not call 999?
    <br>Why u not resist IT?
    <br>is it cos the pork chop is MUSCULAR than U???
    <br>I didn't go away, coz I didn't wanna hurt her.
    <br>After watching film, she said really hungry, so
    <br>I thought it's better to eat something with her
    <br>Though she is not my cup of tea........
    <br>about her wet kiss, I had said no, but she kept going on........
    <br>So I won't let this type of event happen again

  • PatrickFire replied at 2011-02-12 7:06 pm
    <br>Ken replied at 2011-02-12 6:25 pm
    <br>PatrickFire replied at 2011-02-12 4:25 pm
    <br>要怪只怪自己識女太心急, 未了解就出左去.........
    <br>我早兩個月都比過over 200lb 的大肥婆約過出黎.
    <br>睇左場戲, 仲食埋餐飯先走.........其間比佢又巢又揸, 仲咀左幾野........
    <br>唔好再諗d唔開心o既野~~ 可能好多靚女等緊你都唔定~~~~~~
    <br>Why u not go away when u meet the ANIMAL ar???
    <br>Why u also go to see film and eat dinner with IT?
    <br>其間比佢又巢又揸, 仲咀左幾野..............wow!
    <br>Why u not call 999?
    <br>Why u not resist IT?
    <br>is it cos the pork chop is MUSCULAR than U???
    <br>I didn't go away, coz I didn't wanna hurt her.
    <br>After watching film, she said really hungry, so
    <br>I thought it's better to eat something with her
    <br>Though she is not my cup of tea........
    <br>about her wet kiss, I had said no, but she kept going on........
    <br>So I won't let this type of event happen again

  • hi gaogao,可以add我msn 傾計嗎,[email protected]

  • on79 replied at 2011-02-12 6:54 pm
    <br>yikfan replied at 2011-02-12 6:50 pm
    <br>keep losing will make hime more angry ga! no problem la. i like this guy ar, making this 9up place more alive!
    <br>thx u for ur support ar!

  • aiya replied at 2011-02-12 6:59 pm
    <br>你有無小氣得咁緊要啊.......i just talk out the TRUTH for all Ching
    <br>1.舊屎/ pork chop gals should go into the TOILETS to be flushed away lor.....
    <br>2.舊屎should not go out on steets to frighten guys lor
    <br>3.舊屎 should NOT stay in here to HURT guys feelings lor
    <br>4.舊屎 should not use 10 years ago pics to cheat guys lor
    <br> 你指住舊屎係緊鬧有用架咩。。。哈哈!......i not want other Ching to meet the shxt again ma

  • PatrickFire replied at 2011-02-12 7:06 pm
    <br>Ken replied at 2011-02-12 6:25 pm
    <br>PatrickFire replied at 2011-02-12 4:25 pm
    <br>要怪只怪自己識女太心急, 未了解就出左去.........
    <br>我早兩個月都比過over 200lb 的大肥婆約過出黎.
    <br>睇左場戲, 仲食埋餐飯先走.........其間比佢又巢又揸, 仲咀左幾野........
    <br>唔好再諗d唔開心o既野~~ 可能好多靚女等緊你都唔定~~~~~~
    <br>Why u not go away when u meet the ANIMAL ar???
    <br>Why u also go to see film and eat dinner with IT?
    <br>其間比佢又巢又揸, 仲咀左幾野..............wow!
    <br>Why u not call 999?
    <br>Why u not resist IT?
    <br>is it cos the pork chop is MUSCULAR than U???
    <br>I didn't go away, coz I didn't wanna hurt her............then u not hurt her, she hurt u lor
    <br>After watching film, she said really hungry,.........she/ it is hungry to EAT U lor
    <br> so
    <br>I thought it's better to eat something with her
    <br>Though she is not my cup of tea....................u too GOOD HEART la!
    <br>about her wet kiss, I had said no, but she kept going on..........u should hit her/ its UGLY face ar ma
    <br>So I won't let this type of event happen again.......U should do this b4 la!

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