我想整水果朱古力俾我男朋友食,想問下邊度可以買到乾杏脯(即橙橙地一塊果d)。(city super除外)

  • 藥材舖(中藥)會唔會有?

  • 應該向d賣乾果既舖頭有, 即係有芒果乾呀~ 豬肉乾呀~ 尤魚絲呀...等等乾果食品賣果d舖頭.
    <br>我都唸緊整乜朱古力俾我男友呀! 加油呀! 但如果用乾杏脯會唔會苦家?

  • 事緣多年前曾經有朋友響godiva買過隻水果朱古力,無記錯係杏脯沾上朱古力,好好味。

  • http://www.godiva.com/recipes/recipe.aspx?
    <br>Godiva White Chocolate Apricot Almond Pizza
    <br>Yield: 16 slices
    <br>Difficulty: Easy
    <br>Preparation: 45 minutes plus setting times
    <br>1/2 cup whole almonds, toasted

    <br>1/2 cup shelled unsalted pistachios
    <br>1/2 cup dried cranberries
    <br>1/3 cup toasted rice cereal
    <br>1/4 cup chopped dried apricots
    <br>10 bars (1.5 ounces each) Godiva Solid Ivory, cut up
    <br>18 whole dried apricots
    <br>1/4 cup dried papaya or pineapple, cut into 1/16-inch-wide strips
    <br>Line 2 baking sheets with aluminum foil. Trace 8-inch circle on each piece of foil, using an 8-inch cake pan as a guide.
    <br>Combine 1/4 cup almonds, 1/4 cup pistachios and 1/4 cup cranberries, rice cereal and chopped apricots in a bowl.
    <br>Place the solid ivory in a microwave-safe bowl. Microwave at medium (50% power) for 1 minute. Stir. Microwave for 30 seconds more or until chocolate softens. Stir until smooth.
    <br>Stir in nut/fruit mixture. Place half in center of each 8-inch circle. Spread each into an 8-inch circle. Garnish with remaining almonds, pistachios and cranberries. Top with whole apricots and papaya strips.
    <br>Refrigerate pizzas about 30 minutes or until they just begin to harden. Cut each pizza into 8 wedges, using a sharp thin-bladed knife. Allow pizzas to set completely at room temperature or in the refrigerator before removing from foil. Store pizza slices between layers of waxed paper or aluminum foil in an airtight container in a cool place for up to 2 weeks.
    <br>*To quickly toast almonds, spread them on a microwave-safe plate. Microwave on high (100% power) for 1 minute. Stir. Microwave 30 seconds more or until toasted.

  • 係呀!係橙色果隻肉,但係我食果次唔係呢隻,好簡單果d橙色肉一半係朱古力。

  • 我老公都好鍾意食朱古力同杏脯, 我想問下要買邊種朱古力先夾到個味?
    <br>是不是將朱古力了融了, 加杏脯便可以....

  • hehe﹕我睇個食譜話融o左d朱古力,再搵杏脯沾一半放涼就得。

  • 我喺紹香圖貫架啲杏脯乾

  • 請問紹香圖貫響邊?

  • 百佳

  • 銅鑼灣近利舞台有間叫(麼鳳)應該有得買.

  • Mongkok (Nathan Road/Mongkok Road)some Taiwan style store ( sell dried pork , beef ) , they also sell dried mango , pineapple ,apricots.....

  • 都有咖

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