
  • 我同佢一齊七年,但佢有第三者,分開左。相隔兩年後我地重遇,感覺好似親人咁,我地各自都有另一半。女友好怕我同ex有野,但我真係當ex係妹咁。你覺得我應該同ex繼續親人咁嘅關係,定係斷絕來往,廢事相方另一半唔開心?

  • 睇下你捨唔捨得。。有時d野好難2全其x。。。

  • 睇下你捨唔捨得。。有時d野好難2全其x。。。

  • 睇下你個心態係點, 界�走Y咪分得好清楚先, 就算唔見都會放�鬗葥掤

  • 保持聯絡

  • 另外, 朋友��, 冇乜所謂啦, 睇落你個心放唔低佢多d喎, right?

  • 我也曾經有相似的經歷,但我是女方,我可以告訴你,就算你地二人在清醒時如何分得清那不再是愛,但當你們軟弱時,便會有迷失的時候,始終大家心中也有一種不同於普通朋友的感情在內,最後只會大家也在迷妄掙扎,雖然那階段也會過,但又為何要大家也要受這苦,更甚是在這階段失去了現在所擁有的

  • well, if you gf is not comfortable about it, but you still want to keep in touch with your ex. Then i dont think you love your gf that much. Similar case happened to me before, i told my bf that i m not happy when he keep in touch with his ex, and he stopped since the day i told him. You guys may said i m "small air", but well, my bf cant force me to accept things that i dont like, and i cant force him either. Just do whatever you think is the best for you. But if you want my suggestion, just dont lie to your gf about it.

  • to me, 另一半 is much more important than an ex-gf/bf. I wont keep in touch with an ex if my bf/gf doesnt like it.

  • Some married couples end up like just any other family members. Close but not intimate. Passion disappeared. Flames extinguished. Sometimes they end up like "housemates". There isn't anywhere else to go so they might as well just stay there. So it is possible for ex's to become like family.
    <br>But if your gf has a problem with this, it might be more prudent to respect her wishes.

  • hello everyone!
    <br>我無牙, 我無錢, 我無品, 我無人性, 我有性病, 我唔戴套, 我食軟飯, 我呃女人
    <br>我係羅厚恩, 我住橫頭磡宏祖樓, 你今日著左 t-back 未?

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