
  • 請大家俾d意見我. thx.

  • 我都諗梗~

  • 有冇人可以同我傾下?

  • honey_bear replied at 2010-09-30 11:15 pm
    <br>你現在搵幾多呀? 有咩大計?

  • 我大學畢業8年仲係搵11k, 真係唔敢講俾人聽.

  • 講得出你又做唔到,你都唔係今日先諗這問題,你可以講你的構思出來,看你有多大的理想。

  • anyone here?

  • I'm 27. I've HK$21K monthly.
    <br>I also wanna earn more money. Sigh~

  • 女王 replied at 2010-09-30 11:19 pm
    <br>女王, 講出黎聽下啦.
    <br>我就係諗唔到先出post 問人. 我唔係好有理想的人, 只係想生活過得好少少 (唔洗大富大貴).

  • Some1 replied at 2010-09-30 11:22 pm
    <br>I'm 27. I've HK$21K monthly.
    <br>I also wanna earn more money. Sigh~
    <br>would you mind telling what you do?
    <br>21k is quite a lot for me, im 29, but earn much less~ really shameful~

  • 現在香港搵食好難, 生活費又貴. 返工又受氣.

  • I'm a salesperson.
    <br>It should be HK$21K plus extra commissions.
    <br>Um... I wanna earn more. But just found I may need to change the industry in order to earn more.

  • Some1 replied at 2010-09-30 11:27 pm
    <br>I'm a salesperson.
    <br>It should be HK$21K plus extra commissions.
    <br>Um... I wanna earn more. But just found I may need to change the industry in order to earn more.
    <br>wah~ plus commissions??? it should be very okay la~ what kind of sales can have so high basic salary?

  • 夠食就算,最重要身體健康日子過得開心就好

  • poorguy replied at 2010-09-30 11:26 pm
    <br>現在香港搵食好難, 生活費又貴. 返工又受氣.
    <br>你只問人, 不如你講多D你自己的BACKGROUND, 別人才可幫你

  • maddingding replied at 2010-09-30 11:30 pm
    <br>講真食要好慳, 住冇地方, 日子點會過得開心?

  • High? I never think so. Just a little sales jer.
    <br>You can call me a Sales Manager (a better title) but I'm also ar no. 4. =.=
    <br>This world is very fair. You get what you deserve. Ha.

  • poorguy
    <br>我係呢代housewife,無咩值得羨慕, 我都有我o既責任同煩惱. 你做一份工唔夠錢, 可以weekend試下揾多份.

  • Bai_Wan replied at 2010-09-30 11:31 pm
    <br>poorguy replied at 2010-09-30 11:26 pm
    <br>現在香港搵食好難, 生活費又貴. 返工又受氣.
    <br>你只問人, 不如你講多D你自己的BACKGROUND, 別人才可幫你
    <br>上面都講左, 我29歲, 女, 香港某大學畢業8年, 做文職, 做過幾行, 現在份工做左1年多. 大學major搵唔到食=冇用, 我冇咩野叻, 個人較內向, 做唔到sales, 仲有咩想知?

  • Some1 replied at 2010-09-30 11:32 pm
    <br>High? I never think so. Just a little sales jer.
    <br>You can call me a Sales Manager (a better title) but I'm also ar no. 4. =.=
    <br>This world is very fair. You get what you deserve. Ha.
    <br>so, i deserve 11k only??? this makes me lose all my confidence.

  • Um... I was also quite passive when I was in secondary schools. You could actually know some outgoing friends to ''adjust'' your personality.
    <br>For the major in the university, we should never bound by what we learn. There's nothing impossible. Just how we make it. So I think you should ''adjust'' your mind first la. Too negative is no good. :-)

  • hw replied at 2010-09-30 11:33 pm
    <br>我係呢代housewife,無咩值得羨慕, 我都有我o既責任同煩惱. 你做一份工唔夠錢, 可以weekend試下揾多份.
    <br>我都明housewife有自己的煩惱, 我係天生幾suitable for housewife呢個job 的人, 可惜現在仲未嫁得出, 衣家d人又唔興生仔/ 生左仔都要返工.
    <br>我一份full time已經好累, 同好大壓力, 訓都訓唔好.
    <br>part time 都唔易搵呢, 你有冇介紹?

  • poorguy replied at 2010-09-30 11:39 pm
    <br>Some1 replied at 2010-09-30 11:32 pm
    <br>High? I never think so. Just a little sales jer.
    <br>You can call me a Sales Manager (a better title) but I'm also ar no. 4. =.=
    <br>This world is very fair. You get what you deserve. Ha.
    <br>so, i deserve 11k only??? this makes me lose all my confidence.
    <br>You misunderstand what I mean la. I mean the company pays for me for that amount and my boss will just ask me to do the workload deserving that amount. Do you know what I mean now? =.=

  • Some1 replied at 2010-09-30 11:42 pm
    <br>Um... I was also quite passive when I was in secondary schools. You could actually know some outgoing friends to ''adjust'' your personality.
    <br>For the major in the university, we should never bound by what we learn. There's nothing impossible. Just how we make it. So I think you should ''adjust'' your mind first la. Too negative is no good. :-)
    <br>我唔知點解, 係咪我個樣生得細同好怕羞,要見客/ selling/ 好少少pay既工都唔會請我.

  • Some1 replied at 2010-09-30 11:44 pm
    <br>poorguy replied at 2010-09-30 11:39 pm
    <br>Some1 replied at 2010-09-30 11:32 pm
    <br>High? I never think so. Just a little sales jer.
    <br>You can call me a Sales Manager (a better title) but I'm also ar no. 4. =.=
    <br>This world is very fair. You get what you deserve. Ha.
    <br>so, i deserve 11k only??? this makes me lose all my confidence.
    <br>You misunderstand what I mean la. I mean the company pays for me for that amount and my boss will just ask me to do the workload deserving that amount. Do you know what I mean now? =.=
    <br>i understand, but my workload & salary is not directly proportional.

  • poorguy
    <br>不如妳講下妳有咩做housewife既天生quali, 做倒一個稱職既housewife一d都唔易, 我自問麻麻...

  • Never think about how hard you are at the moment.
    <br>Sometimes just stop and look at some good people around. Just simply observe how different people do the same jobs and what results they get. Then you will learn that why someone deserve ''a certain value''.
    <br>Also, seldom complain but always do your best and ask for a better offer. :-)
    <br>Of course, staying happy is also very important la. ^^

  • 自已創業, 上網賣下野, 炒下股票,

  • I do agree that we should have our own business to get more money.

  • 先不說你個人有什麼賣點,在職場上想有好一點收入,你服務的企業先要有好的turnover, 而你本身在公司決策上有多大的幫助,你的收入就有多少。

  • fly replied at 2010-09-30 11:56 pm
    <br>先不說你個人有什麼賣點,在職場上想有好一點收入,你服務的企業先要有好的turnover, 而你本身在公司決策上有多大的幫助,你的收入就有多少。
    <br>你影響到幾多, 收入就幾多...
    <br>所以你應計下自已對公司的影響, 同行的水平,
    <br>呢排個市好左, 要轉請快...

  • 你大學讀乜, 職位和負責什麽?
    <br>有冇儲蓄? 有的話, 炒樓, 炒股, 買基金.
    <br>PARTTIME 你無體力, 便只可從正職著手.

  • I also have a part-time job. :-P
    <br>By the way, I'm a gal.
    <br>So never think that you're a woman. Then you'd better find a good man to get married (even I also wish).
    <br>We should also plan well for our lives ma.

  • 生活迫人,我人工又好低, 想轉行又唔知做咩好.

  • you guys are out of topic. It's time to make big money. Please raise.

  • 第一 做生意最揾得多, 不過冇路
    <br>第二 炒樓, 我見人多數賺, 我自己都賺少少
    <br>第三 炒股, 我唔係好守紀律. 賺少少
    <br>第四 做賺職

  • This topic just caught my eyes. I have been started thinking this for a while and I really think I should take action.

  • 你有咩大計呢?

  • Some1 replied at 2010-09-30 11:49 pm
    <br>Never think about how hard you are at the moment.
    <br>Sometimes just stop and look at some good people around. Just simply observe how different people do the same jobs and what results they get. Then you will learn that why someone deserve ''a certain value''.
    <br>Also, seldom complain but always do your best and ask for a better offer. :-)
    <br>Of course, staying happy is also very important la. ^^
    <br>im at a very unfair situation in my company , because all of my colleagues are perm staff with years of experience (it doesnt mean they do the well, they are just lucky); whereas im a contract staff with much less salary & no benefit.
    <br>im stress out because of my new boos , who is very tough & has bias on me.

  • DonLee replied at 2010-09-30 11:54 pm
    <br>自已創業, 上網賣下野, 炒下股票,
    <br>股票都有少少, 創業, 上網賣下野都可以諗下.

  • 炒樓啦, 賺最多.

  • resign la , 11K 要受氣, 又大壓力

  • fly replied at 2010-09-30 11:56 pm
    <br>先不說你個人有什麼賣點,在職場上想有好一點收入,你服務的企業先要有好的turnover, 而你本身在公司決策上有多大的幫助,你的收入就有多少。
    <br>就是沒什賣點, 我公司是幾千人的listed company. 但我dept 是operation, so the CEO will not recognize our afford / achievement even when the sales/ profit is high.

  • 趁iphone 熱
    <br>轉做 mobile sales 啦 幾好搵架
    <br>我個friend 啱啱出糧 人工係四萬蚊 都係一星期返六日咋

  • man replied at 2010-10-01 12:25 am
    <br>炒樓啦, 賺最多.
    <br>i dont have so much money to invest in the property market

  • 咁好揾? 係邊度做呀?

  • Status replied at 2010-10-01 12:14 am
    <br>This topic just caught my eyes. I have been started thinking this for a while and I really think I should take action.
    <br>so, what is your plan?

  • You have to observe what kind of persons your boss is ar.
    <br>I just think being an employee. My job is to solve problems for my boss. He paid me for solving problems, not creating problems, right?
    <br>You should find the way to get along with her/ him. Otherwise, it is no good for you ga. You can still be yourself but just have to adjust your tone and speech when talking to different people lor. We are taught to be cunning.
    <br>If his/ her bias is that strong, you have to find another way for yourself. Very fair. You are being selected but you can select something you desire ga.
    <br>Sleep tight. Have a good holiday. :-)

  • iphone 炒哂啦...

  • bella replied at 2010-10-01 12:27 am
    <br>趁iphone 熱
    <br>轉做 mobile sales 啦 幾好搵架
    <br>我個friend 啱啱出糧 人工係四萬蚊 都係一星期返六日咋
    <br>can u refer this job to me? thanks.

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