
  • <p class="MsoNormal" style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt"><font face="Times New Roman" size="3">我已婚,有自己的住所,我有細路,都幾精靈,我同內子亦很融洽。<br />我有朋友,亦有相交卅年的知己。<br />我有工作,足夠一家糊口。<br />我亦有SL,不經不覺已相戀十年了,感情有增無減。<br />但我仍會覺得悶,會感到寂寞,點解?<br />我都有係SHE同人玩過,但開心過後一樣感到空虛…<br />請問你地有無同樣的情況?</font></p>

  • 不如跟人返教會,尋找番心靈上既滿足...

  • Dont bull s on whatever reasons you find for yourself, simply. Because you are human, you either control your desire, don't blame on it, or enjoy the way you like

  • I do hv husband and sl, and i also like to meet guys to fill up the gaps in between.
    <br>I dont feel that kind of lonely as you do, but i just enjoy meeting ppl who cares about me, who put their attention on me and who wants me.
    <br>I think I am just being greedy and enjoy life, its nothing wrong as far as you are able to manage it. Dont let it get out of control, you will be in trouble!

  • Yes
    <br>I had SL before but feel even more lonly after break up
    <br>U know that wont last long anyway

  • Ayisha, nice read, and lovely mindset, I can't agree more!
    <br>And I said if we can handle it well, we can enjoy both good and dark size, more from my experience, it can help to ease my marriage. Because I understand more what person I am..

  • Sound fancy, ayisha, ginna, I wish to fill up u gap too,

  • 相傳宋仁年間,深澤某村,一家人只有母子兩個人,母親年邁多病,不能幹活,日子過得很苦,兒子王妄,三十歲,沒討上老婆,靠賣草來維持生活。
    <br>有一天,王妄照舊到村北去拔草,拔著拔著,發現草叢裏有一條七寸多長的花斑蛇,渾身是傷,動彈不得,王妄動了憐憫之心,小心翼翼地拿回了家,沖洗塗藥,一會功夫,蛇便蘇醒了,沖著王妄點了點頭,表達它的感激之情,母子倆見狀非常高興,趕忙為它編了一個小荊簍,小心地把蛇放了進去,從此母子倆精心護理,蛇傷逐漸痊癒,蛇也長大了,而且總像是要跟他們說話似的,很能可愛,母子倆單調寂寞的生活中增添了點小小的樂趣,日子一天天過去,王妄照樣打草,母親照樣守家,小蛇整天在簍裏。忽一天,小蛇覺得悶在屋子裏沒意思,爬到院子裏曬太陽,被 陽光一照變得又粗又長,象根大樑,這情形被老娘看見了驚叫一聲昏死過去,等王妄回來,蛇已回到屋裏,恢復了原形,著急地說:「我今天失理了,把母親給嚇死過去了,不過別怕,你趕快從我身上取下三塊小皮,再弄些野草,放在鍋裏煎熬成湯,讓娘喝下去就會好。」王妄說:「不行,地樣會傷害你的身體,還是想別的辦法吧!」花斑蛇催促地說:「不要緊,你快點,我能頂得住。」王妄只好流著眼淚照辦了。母親喝下湯後,很快蘇醒過來,母子倆又感激又納悶,可誰也沒說什麼,王妄再一回想每天晚上蛇簍裏放金光的情形,更覺得這條蛇非同一般。

  • Hollowman, ginna,
    <br>Ayisha, 你有丈夫,又有SL,你搵人fill up the gaps in between後會感到對你的SL內疚的嗎?

  • no name,
    <br>the article i posted is very long, thanks for your reading time.
    <br>the snake in the article can be a person or evil mind or anything that we can think of.
    <br>as we want many, so we feel powerless to satify ourself... consequently we feel hollowness when we are standing in crowd and alone, the snake is swallowing us.
    <br>lunch time, i am hungry enough to swallow an elephant. :P

  • Ayisha replied at 2010-09-29 3:53 pm
    <br>I do hv husband and sl, and i also like to meet guys to fill up the gaps in between.
    <br>I dont feel that kind of lonely as you do, but i just enjoy meeting ppl who cares about me, who put their attention on me and who wants me.
    <br>I think I am just being greedy and enjoy life, its nothing wrong as far as you are able to manage it. Dont let it get out of control, you will be in trouble!
    <br>Hi, Ayisha, I am having the exactly same situation. Mind made a friend with me (a female)?

  • Connie,
    <br>This is a kind of life. Must be enjoy, no regret. How's your situation now?

  • connie
    <br>maybe, you would feel better to go do some volunteer works?

  • Ben. I am fine but just sometimes could not fee him. I am a very passionate person and would like my partner acting the same.
    <br>noone. I have done a lot of these before. Now I really have no time to do this.

  • Connie,
    <br>I can sense and agreed that caring should be interactive. It is not workable in single way. That's the reason why there are lots of opportunity for all of us to fill the gap.

  • connie,
    <br>then how long you come togehter with your SL?

  • connie
    <br>how could you have time for sl's? if u are so busy?

  • no name
    <br>it's amazing that your sl's relationship can last for such an long time. Mind to share with us on how does you guys maintained it for this long?

  • no name
    <br>I want to know too. How to keep such long secret relationship?

  • hi angle
    <br>i have such experience before
    <br>can we chat?
    <br>[email protected]

  • Angel
    <br>Are you married and looking for sl too. Keeping such a long secret relationship is not easy, I tried before, but just only last for a year.

  • Noone,
    <br>I dont know how to say, but i think the followings may be helpful.
    <br>1. She is your lover, not for sex.
    <br>2. The relationship is only between me and her, I will not explose our relationship to anyone who know both of us
    <br>3. Be patient and considerate
    <br>4. Similar background (we both married)
    <br>5. Dont take any photo
    <br>6. Prepare a model answer together in case your SL's wife or husband call you.

  • no name
    <br>thanks for the advice.
    <br>yeah, i think similar background (both married) are essential.

  • no name
    <br>but still 10 yrs isnt a short span in time. it's admirable that yours can lasted. i suppose. ^^

  • Sorry, angel,
    <br>I havent seen your messenge when i reply noone. Hope you find it useful from my words.
    <br>Sam, you are welcome to share ur experience with us here.
    <br>Morphis, try again.

  • No Name,
    <br>thanks for the list of tips, I also think it is important to be able to keep the relationship strickly secret for it to be able to continue.
    <br>As with any relationship, being considerate and kind to each other is a necessity.
    <br>There must be something other than sex keeping two people together, otherwise the sex just fizzles out really fast

  • no name
    <br>your world seem colorful enough. still want someone to color your world even more?

  • noone
    <br>are you married also? do you have a sl before too ?

  • Yes, Peter,
    <br>Sex actually is not important between me and her.

  • morphis
    <br>why? does it matter?

  • no name
    <br>perhaps, u possessed too much in life already. lonliness served u right.

  • perhaps lonliness is just another feeling that one should treasure and experience as well, they make for a good contrast with fufilment. This way you know how good the rest of your life is!
    <br>Even the emporers of old went to buddhist retreats and ate vegetarian once in a while to cleanse their souls

  • Noone,
    <br>coluerful? I dont know...
    <br>maybe I still want "play", or maybe i feel lonely when she is not besides me.
    <br>When she is busy in her work, i want find someone...
    <br>but after that i feel guilty.

  • Peter and Noone,
    <br>I will think about your words, thanks.

  • no name
    <br>if u still wanna play. play you go then.
    <br>but it might be dire consequences later, just an reminder!

  • typo
    <br>it might have*

  • noone
    <br>just to see if you are the same kind or not. As people who got married for long are always feeling bored and lonely

  • morphis
    <br>i have been there n done that before, and my sl's was single.

  • We are together for 8 months only, still in the stage of getting use to each other. Agree with you that sex is not the most important thing between us.

  • connie
    <br>any regrets? was it an happy occassion?

  • noone
    <br>so you don't have any sl now? What do you feel of having a sl ?

  • morphis
    <br>mind sharing us your experiences too?

  • morphis
    <br>my experiences sxxks. wkakakaka.........

  • typo
    <br>why they censored the word 'sxxk'?

  • noone
    <br>i got several sl before, but always can't keep it long, and the longest one was only last for a year. I think it was because most of them were single, and they would give up the relationship once they found a permanent one.
    <br>are you single or married?

  • Connie
    <br>so you are still keeping with your sl ? Everything is smooth? 8 months is not short already for that relationship

  • morphis replied at 2010-09-30 3:55 pm
    <br>so you are still keeping with your sl ? Everything is smooth? 8 months is not short already for that relationship
    <br>Yes but his emotion is always up and down. I think it is because he is still single and I am married.

  • morphis
    <br>am i married? use your logic!

  • connie
    <br>he behave that way, coz he love you.

  • Hi ladies,<br /><br />Not easy to fall in love again. This does not only apply to ladies, but guys as well. <br /><br />I think when people get older, the have done what they like to do. Remember, in the old days when I was a kid, I was very happy when I bought a CD or a pair of new sports shoe. I dont feel the happiness when I do the same thing. It becomes part of my daily life to buy things repeatedly.<br /><br />This same logic applies to our emotion. We love and we hurt. And broken up and find another lover. Over and over again, we fall in love and finally got married. Everything is repeating and we no longer have the feeling we used to have. <br /><br />Greedy is a human nature (esp. in a capitalist city). After marriage, we look for SL and hope to satisfy our dark hole inside our heart. The hole become bigger and bigger, and we feel more loneliness.  And most of all, it is not easy to get ourselves satisfied, let alone our emotional or physical relationship (bf/gf, SL, SP, etc)<br /><br />Well, i am also just a human being and have the above natural desire in my heart as like everyone of you here in she.com<br /><br />[email protected]<br /><br />Hermond<br />

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