究竟Peter叔抑或Fergusxxx PK啲?

  • 歡迎各SHE友各抒己見 (字數不限)

  • peter x1

  • 點解呢?

  • 唔知自己樣衰仲四圍化名

  • 鐵笛書生最PK!<br />已得到內幕消息,頻開Man in She同Ferguxxx 線係鼠輩小人Subconscious。

  • 有線新聞 replied at 2010-06-28 12:27 am
    <br>已得到內幕消息,頻開Man in She同Ferguxxx 線係鼠輩小人Subconscious。
    <br>咁你估錯了,乜你以為憎佢地討厭佢地既人得Sub9一個? 其實係有為數不少既人吾like佢地,不若而同咁圍剿佢地

  • Peter叔點都贏個馬鼻,吹到老槤咁大,明明係衰,死口吾認.最不齒係明明衰到認哂都吾認衰,中要龜縮,轉頭又宣佈自己勝利,你話佢係咪忽架?! 十足曾蔭權宣佈自己"起錨"行動穫得空前成功一樣, 你話係咪情程要冚巴佢

  • 中要衰on9個下死,衰左,吾認,冇人理佢,中要逐條thread走去撘d無聊嗲,繼續冇人理佢,佢又繼續同空氣答嗲,原因只有一個,吾衰得.

  • D中年又冇本事嘅男人特別討厭.

  • 投peter一票 replied at 2010-06-28 12:15 am
    <br>wrong & misleading comments.......

  • 有線新聞 replied at 2010-06-28 12:27 am
    <br>已得到內幕消息,頻開Man in She同Ferguxxx 線係鼠輩小人Subconscious。
    <br>the thread initiator is silly enuf not having done so........
    <br>no need to vote, 鐵笛書生最PK!

  • <p><font size="1">明衰左吾認衰最可恥 replied at 2010-06-28 1:46 am<br />-----------------------------------------------------------------<br />Peter叔點都贏個馬鼻,吹到老槤咁大,明明係衰,死口吾認.最不齒係明明衰到認哂都吾認衰,中要龜縮,轉頭又宣佈自己勝利,你話佢係咪忽架?! 十足曾蔭權宣佈自己"起錨"行動穫得空前成功一樣, 你話係咪情程要冚巴佢</font></p>
    <br><p><font size="1">Turtleman龜縮人咁做法簡直係比得上"禮義廉"<br /></font>=================================================================<br />ManinShe最可恥 replied at 2010-06-28 1:53 am <br />中要衰on9個下死,衰左,吾認,冇人理佢,中要逐條thread走去撘d無聊嗲,繼續冇人理佢,佢又繼續同空氣答嗲,原因只有一個,吾衰得. </p>
    <br><p>擺明衰左而吾認衰中話人stupid既人係冇好下場,最終只會自我毁滅,亦可知佢幾冇風度 <br />~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~<br />hope that you are not the same person, but, obviously............<br /><br />these two comments are self contradictory and i wait for them to sort it out before i comment further<br /><br />as usual, i won't respond to all, and i don't chat in all threads, too... </p>

  • comment replied at 2010-06-28 9:36 am
    <br>hope you are not talking of your ownself.......

  • AndyLAU replied at 2010-06-28 10:09 am
    <br>comment replied at 2010-06-28 9:36 am
    <br>hope you are not talking of your ownself.......
    <br>I am talking about you, you useless, disgusting and impotent uncle ... hahaha.

  • i am NOT, 4 sure..........

  • Both bachelors are considerably and equally disgusting. besides his consistent annoying behavior, peter also has shown the signs of severe brain damage and extremely low self-esteem. fergusxxx used to be a psycho too but fortunately he has partially recovered.

  • Your analysis is correct and impartial.

  • thx comment. studying a psycho's behavior is definitely a challenging task. i would like to thank peter too for giving me the opportunity to gather my data.

  • i don't know what is the meaning of this thread? you guys like to spare time for this? why so many negative emotions?

  • dear ivy
    <br>things happen with reasons and consequences.

  • Ivy,
    <br>Perhaps you did not encounter with these pathetic guys and disturbed by them before. if so, you would understand why so many ppl dislike them.

  • comment<br /><br />Please name a few who dislike me. <br /><br />By the way, why are you hiding your identity, you don't want me to know who you are, or you are ashamed of what you are doing?<br /><br />

  • Please refrain from naming your twin brother "lame" to make me laugh.<br /><br />

  • AndyLAU replied at 2010-06-28 10:08 am
    <br><p><font size="1">明衰左吾認衰最可恥 replied at 2010-06-28 1:46 am<br />-----------------------------------------------------------------<br />Peter叔點都贏個馬鼻,吹到老槤咁大,明明係衰,死口吾認.最不齒係明明衰到認哂都吾認衰,中要龜縮,轉頭又宣佈自己勝利,你話佢係咪忽架?! 十足曾蔭權宣佈自己"起錨"行動穫得空前成功一樣, 你話係咪情程要冚巴佢</font></p>
    <br><p><font size="1">Turtleman龜縮人咁做法簡直係比得上"禮義廉"<br /></font>=================================================================<br />ManinShe最可恥 replied at 2010-06-28 1:53 am <br />中要衰on9個下死,衰左,吾認,冇人理佢,中要逐條thread走去撘d無聊嗲,繼續冇人理佢,佢又繼續同空氣答嗲,原因只有一個,吾衰得. </p>
    <br><p>擺明衰左而吾認衰中話人stupid既人係冇好下場,最終只會自我毁滅,亦可知佢幾冇風度 <br />~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~<br />hope that you are not the same person, but, obviously............<br /><br />these two comments are self contradictory and i wait for them to sort it out before i comment further<br /><br />as usual, i won't respond to all, and i don't chat in all threads, too... </p>

  • lame replied at 2010-06-28 10:53 am
    <br>Both bachelors are considerably and equally disgusting. besides his consistent annoying behavior, peter also has shown the signs of severe brain damage and extremely low self-esteem. fergusxxx used to be a psycho too but fortunately he has partially recovered.
    <br>Bachelors? Brain damages? r u kidding?

  • comment replied at 2010-06-28 11:04 am
    <br>Your analysis is correct and impartial.

  • AndyLAU replied at 2010-06-28 10:08 am
    <br><p><font size="1">明衰左吾認衰最可恥 replied at 2010-06-28 1:46 am<br />-----------------------------------------------------------------<br />Peter叔點都贏個馬鼻,吹到老槤咁大,明明係衰,死口吾認.最不齒係明明衰到認哂都吾認衰,中要龜縮,轉頭又宣佈自己勝利,你話佢係咪忽架?! 十足曾蔭權宣佈自己"起錨"行動穫得空前成功一樣, 你話係咪情程要冚巴佢</font></p>
    <br><p><font size="1">Turtleman龜縮人咁做法簡直係比得上"禮義廉"<br /></font>=================================================================<br />ManinShe最可恥 replied at 2010-06-28 1:53 am <br />中要衰on9個下死,衰左,吾認,冇人理佢,中要逐條thread走去撘d無聊嗲,繼續冇人理佢,佢又繼續同空氣答嗲,原因只有一個,吾衰得. </p>
    <br><p>擺明衰左而吾認衰中話人stupid既人係冇好下場,最終只會自我毁滅,亦可知佢幾冇風度 <br />~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~<br />hope that you are not the same person, but, obviously............<br /<br />these two comments are self contradictory and i wait for them to sort it out before i comment further<br /><br />as usual, i won't respond to all, and i don't chat in all threads, too... </p>

  • lame replied at 2010-06-28 11:10 am
    <br>thx comment. studying a psycho's behavior is definitely a challenging task. i would like to thank peter too for giving me the opportunity to gather my data.
    <br>u gathered the wrong information, so, wrong conclusion.....4 sure

  • Spreading rumours about me and launching personal attacks on me proves only one thing: you are anything but a pathetic, jealous looser.<br /><br />If you are frustrated and in despair about your meaningless life, try to get some help from a shrink. If you can't afford a shrink, a social worker.

  • ivy replied at 2010-06-28 11:16 am
    <br>i don't know what is the meaning of this thread? you guys like to spare time for this? why so many negative emotions?
    <br>simply cos they r lunatic...........

  • . replied at 2010-06-28 1:15 pm
    <br>AndyLAU replied at 2010-06-28 10:08 am
    <br><p><font size="1">明衰左吾認衰最可恥 replied at 2010-06-28 1:46 am<br />-----------------------------------------------------------------<br />Peter叔點都贏個馬鼻,吹到老槤咁大,明明係衰,死口吾認.最不齒係明明衰到認哂都吾認衰,中要龜縮,轉頭又宣佈自己勝利,你話佢係咪忽架?! 十足曾蔭權宣佈自己"起錨"行動穫得空前成功一樣, 你話係咪情程要冚巴佢</font></p>
    <br><p><font size="1">Turtleman龜縮人咁做法簡直係比得上"禮義廉"<br /></font>=================================================================<br />ManinShe最可恥 replied at 2010-06-28 1:53 am <br />中要衰on9個下死,衰左,吾認,冇人理佢,中要逐條thread走去撘d無聊嗲,繼續冇人理佢,佢又繼續同空氣答嗲,原因只有一個,吾衰得. </p>
    <br><p>擺明衰左而吾認衰中話人stupid既人係冇好下場,最終只會自我毁滅,亦可知佢幾冇風度 <br />~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~<br />hope that you are not the same person, but, obviously............<br /><br />these two comments are self contradictory and i wait for them to sort it out before i comment further<br /><br />as usual, i won't respond to all, and i don't chat in all threads, too... </p>
    <br>u don't understand? nothing strange, with your low education level..........u r the one who should 搞清楚自己想講乜......

  • 哈哈哈哈哈哈哈 replied at 2010-06-28 1:19 pm
    <br>AndyLAU replied at 2010-06-28 10:08 am
    <br><p><font size="1">明衰左吾認衰最可恥 replied at 2010-06-28 1:46 am<br />-----------------------------------------------------------------<br />Peter叔點都贏個馬鼻,吹到老槤咁大,明明係衰,死口吾認.最不齒係明明衰到認哂都吾認衰,中要龜縮,轉頭又宣佈自己勝利,你話佢係咪忽架?! 十足曾蔭權宣佈自己"起錨"行動穫得空前成功一樣, 你話係咪情程要冚巴佢</font></p>
    <br><p><font size="1">Turtleman龜縮人咁做法簡直係比得上"禮義廉"<br /></font>=================================================================<br />ManinShe最可恥 replied at 2010-06-28 1:53 am <br />中要衰on9個下死,衰左,吾認,冇人理佢,中要逐條thread走去撘d無聊嗲,繼續冇人理佢,佢又繼續同空氣答嗲,原因只有一個,吾衰得. </p>
    <br><p>擺明衰左而吾認衰中話人stupid既人係冇好下場,最終只會自我毁滅,亦可知佢幾冇風度 <br />~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~<br />hope that you are not the same person, but, obviously............<br /<br />these two comments are self contradictory and i wait for them to sort it out before i comment further<br /><br />as usual, i won't respond to all, and i don't chat in all threads, too... </p>
    <br>nonsense...........u don't answer all, too, on the same grounds........be smart, talk sensibly for me to respond.....

  • Fergusxxx replied at 2010-06-28 1:20 pm
    <br>Spreading rumours about me and launching personal attacks on me proves only one thing: you are anything but a pathetic, jealous looser.
    <br>If you are frustrated and in despair about your meaningless life, try to get some help from a shrink. If you can't afford a shrink, a social worker.
    <br>gimme 5..........

  • although i don't use the words 'jealous losers'.......

  • ivy replied at 2010-06-28 11:16 am
    <br>i don't know what is the meaning of this thread? you guys like to spare time for this? why so many negative emotions?
    <br>the attitude that fxxking peter uncle is intolerable, claiming himself a writer of English textbooks (he also claimed he was interviewed by the Readers' Digest because of his GOOD english) despite facts show that his english sxxks and is obviously a substandard kind, but yet keep criticising others' english and constantly calling others 'stupid'.

  • 梗係peter PK d....淨係睇佢同ferguxxx 既reply, 就分到高下啦....

  • why don't they brush up their English to pinpoint more exactly, rather than using misleading Chinese words......
    <br>r they Communists? or, with jerky Communist behaviours?

  • AndyLAU replied at 2010-06-28 1:26 pm
    <br>although i don't use the words 'jealous losers'.......

  • AndyLAU replied at 2010-06-28 1:27 pm
    <br>why don't they brush up their English to pinpoint more exactly, rather than using misleading Chinese words......
    <br>r they Communists? or, with jerky Communist behaviours?
    <br>笑鳩死我. 你顧掂你自己先. 要brush up 個個係你,你吾只要brush up 你d 鳩嗡english,中要brush 埋你棚teeth,你個口,因為真係好能嗅

  • 暫時peter 叔大比數勝出......

  • imitation is the best praise? thanks for your compliment, FAKE Andy..........

  • AndyLAU (ManinShe),
    <br>你話自己英文叻出過教科書, 但點解當想講"自己已停止對某人作出回應", 你用既英文係"had stopped responded" 而吾係"stopped responding" 既? 我英文屎,吾明,請賜教. 我真係真心虛心求教架,你當袋錢落我袋教下我啦

  • see how can u imitate this time?

  • pupil is under-aged, speaking of non-sense
    <br>ask me later when u go University and meet me there.....

  • Peter叔係仆街到絕頂, 至少Fergurxx唔會去每一位女士thread, 講埋D反胃野"sure, can i help?", 人地唔理佢, 佢仲要係到自言自語, 自己又唔開條thread講飽佢, 係到不斷騷擾人, 正仆街!!

  • why don't they brush up their English to pinpoint more exactly, rather than using misleading Chinese words......
    <br>點會用more exactly, 咩係misleading Chinese words? 真係屎得交關.

  • any comments, Ferg................?

  • had stopped responded ??
    <br>hahahahaha....咁都up 得出.

  • friend.仔 replied at 2010-06-28 1:35 pm
    <br>any comments, Ferg................?
    <br>又錯啦peter叔, any 之後個noun洗咩加's'ar ????

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