小心! 又有新朵!! AndyLAU= ManInShe

  • why so out-dated, it's been used for days already........any further 'discoveries'?

  • 版主又真係out左喲喎


  • He is using other alias to chat in another way and style in she.com, the short replies, the nicknames are used to draw you guys attention and cover the other actions. He doesn't write in Chinese? The answer is he did write in Chinese.

  • 咁明知人地已知,點解佢仲咁膠要用吾同nickname post? 當換衫咁?

  • OMG replied at 2010-06-23 5:58 pm





    你估我好似佢咁得閒食飽飯等屎柯咩.我都係間吾中入黎,但一睇就知係佢啦! 冇人有咁膠

  • 小心! replied at 2010-06-23 6:13 pm


    OMG replied at 2010-06-23 5:58 pm





    你估我好似佢咁得閒食飽飯等屎柯咩.我都係間吾中入黎,但一睇就知係佢啦! 冇人有咁膠



  • 佢有屎狒架,生o係頭上之嘛。

  • sigh replied at 2010-06-23 6:03 pm


    He is using other alias to chat in another way and style in she.com, the short replies, the nicknames are used to draw you guys attention and cover the other actions. He doesn't write in Chinese? The answer is he did write in Chinese.


    so u know something...........unlike other silly chatters....醒......

  • 吾明, 只覺很膠 replied at 2010-06-23 6:11 pm


    咁明知人地已知,點解佢仲咁膠要用吾同nickname post? 當換衫咁?


    just a matter of convenience, simple enough?

  • by the way, there are lots of other nicknames, as it's easy to get one in minutes.....

  • 其實阿叔係未宅叔呢? 日日夜夜都係電腦到

  • AndyLAU replied at 2010-06-23 6:40 pm


    by the way, there are lots of other nicknames, as it's easy to get one in minutes.....


    'easy to get one in minutes' 解釋吾到點解明知人地已知你身份而繼續用吾同身份post喎. 除非你堅持到底吾認,堅持自己只得一身份



  • 同埋我想話"Andy Lau"咁膠既朶你都用,就知你有幾膠啦

  • easy job, to answer your silly questions..........

  • want some more photos?

  • push

  • 咪能咁膠啦peter replied at 2010-06-23 7:02 pm


    同埋我想話"Andy Lau"咁膠既朶你都用,就知你有幾膠啦


    just a name, and i never mind he's being 'cursed'........he deserve a damn as well........

  • cya

  • how about this one? more friendly? or, familiar?

  • JohnnyDepp replied at 2010-06-23 7:05 pm


    咪能咁膠啦peter replied at 2010-06-23 7:02 pm


    同埋我想話"Andy Lau"咁膠既朶你都用,就知你有幾膠啦


    just a name, and i never mind he's being 'cursed'........he deserve a damn as well........



    成日用d OUT 哂既子朶就知你幾out啦

  • ManinShe replied at 2010-06-23 7:07 pm


    how about this one? more friendly? or, familiar?



  • not as 無聊 as u, 4 sure.........

  • ManinShe replied at 2010-06-23 7:10 pm


    not as 無聊 as u, 4 sure.........



  • i know all these aliases r u........pretneding to be 'group attack'..... & i know who u r.......

  • basically i don't change nickname login often, after all, i am not here 24 hours online continously as other silly jerks said .......so, it's just a matter of login........@ the time i like to use then

  • ManinShe replied at 2010-06-23 7:13 pm


    i know all these aliases r u........pretneding to be 'group attack'..... & i know who u r.......


    你覺得我地係同一個人,無所謂丫,d posts 都係吾會停。


  • ManinShe replied at 2010-06-23 7:15 pm


    basically i don't change nickname login often, after all, i am not here 24 hours online continously as other silly jerks said .......so, it's just a matter of login........@ the time i like to use then


    都解釋吾到點解要用吾同login bor

  • 無法解釋 replied at 2010-06-23 7:19 pm

    ManinShe replied at 2010-06-23 7:15 pm


    basically i don't change nickname login often, after all, i am not here 24 hours online continously as other silly jerks said .......so, it's just a matter of login........@ the time i like to use then


    都解釋吾到點解要用吾同login bor



  • 佢唔夠人講, 咪問非所答, 跟住就爆粗.

  • ManicInShe replied at 2010-06-23 7:27 pm


    無法解釋 replied at 2010-06-23 7:19 pm

    ManinShe replied at 2010-06-23 7:15 pm


    basically i don't change nickname login often, after all, i am not here 24 hours online continously as other silly jerks said .......so, it's just a matter of login........@ the time i like to use then


    都解釋吾到點解要用吾同login bor




    i like using the, simple enugh? r u so stupid, like others?

  • 男 replied at 2010-06-23 7:30 pm


    佢唔夠人講, 咪問非所答, 跟住就爆粗.


    did u read?

  • like using the, simple enugh? r u so stupid, like others?


  • ManinShe replied at 2010-06-23 7:32 pm

    男 replied at 2010-06-23 7:30 pm


    佢唔夠人講, 咪問非所答, 跟住就爆粗.


    did u read?


    yeah! Did you read or just blind?

  • it's no use u repeat your answer all the time.........it just confirm u r stupid, simple enuf?

    do u c?

  • Is that all you can express yourself?

    do u c?

    did u read?

    did u hear?

    Such simpleton and what an idiot! You are a laugh, a joker, a loser, and what a tosser you are!!!!

  • Do you understand?.....haha

  • i chat short, and simple as many of the chatters don't understand English well..........that's my style

    if u don't know, read more............

  • dinner time, cya

  • ManinShe replied at 2010-06-23 7:45 pm

    i chat short, and simple as many of the chatters don't understand English well..........that's my style

    if u don't know, read more............


    Helloooooo, you have failed your english grammar. It's full of mistakes. What right have you got to criticise other's english?

    Sort out your english first.

  • ManinShe/Andylau is not only a tosser, but a hog tosser.

  • 呢位阿叔真係好膠

  • ManinShe/AndyLau平時係豬場幫喲豬公交配,佢係隻去左勢既豬公,所以佢係隻Hog Tosser

  • 大家不如唔好再針對呢位嚴重智障人士,其實佢都好可憐

  • ManinShe replied at 2010-06-23 7:45 pm


    i chat short, and simple as many of the chatters don't understand English well..........that's my style

    if u don't know, read more............



    自稱為 andy lau, Johnny depp, Richard gere等,嘔心之餘更顯得你極度自悲.

  • ManinShe replied at 2010-06-23 7:32 pm


    男 replied at 2010-06-23 7:30 pm


    佢唔夠人講, 咪問非所答, 跟住就爆粗.


    did u read?


    did you 'talk'?

  • ManinShe replied at 2010-06-23 7:37 pm ----------------------------------------------------------------- it's no use u repeat your answer all the time.........it just confirm u r stupid, simple enuf?do u c? =================================================================<br /><br /><br />喂,好似漏左d野bor, confirm<strong><font color="#ff0000" size="3">s</font></strong> ar? it just confirms u r <strong><font color="#ff0000" size="3">stupid</font></strong>?

  • ...... replied at 2010-06-23 7:51 pm


    ManinShe replied at 2010-06-23 7:45 pm

    i chat short, and simple as many of the chatters don't understand English well..........that's my style

    if u don't know, read more............


    Helloooooo, you have failed your english grammar. It's full of mistakes. What right have you got to criticise other's english?

    Sort out your english first.


    lots of Bull shxtters can't substantiate their statements, like what you are doing now.

    btw, i can point out your grammatical mistkes right away....

    Do you know English is grammatically correct while english isn't?

  • kt replied at 2010-06-23 9:25 pm


    ManinShe replied at 2010-06-23 7:37 pm ----------------------------------------------------------------- it's no use u repeat your answer all the time.........it just confirm u r stupid, simple enuf?do u c? =================================================================<br /><br /><br />喂,好似漏左d野bor, confirm<strong><font color="#ff0000" size="3">s</font></strong> ar? it just confirms u r <strong><font color="#ff0000" size="3">stupid</font></strong>?


    Do your assignment properly, OK?

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