Do u remember?

  • <p>Yesterday was my puppy lover's birthday. Althought it was over many many years; I suddenly check over googles and facebook to search for her. However, can not find any news about her. <br /><br />Any person will do as stupid as I did?</p>

  • 都過去左, 就讓一切隨風啦~~

  • Yes ka. Suddenly remember it and recall it from memories.

  • 其實因為呢個人曾經深深印响你腦海中麻~~

  • well, puppy lover ma. It was stupid, pure and memorable. Didn't know how to handle a relationship and didn't know what I want at that time, so screw up.
    <br>Time can change everyone and everything.

  • yes, I did the same thing as u years ago, I lost her contact.

  • 其實愛過已經好好, 未來再遇到既就要懂得珍惜~~

  • 我都試過:p

  • i did the same before. he was not my lover but we did have some sweet moment before. i also couldn't find anything about him from facebook. and i guess i will never meet him again.

  • Last time we met was many years ago and I knew she married and move to Europe.
    <br>Wanna to share with you guys and gals. My fd got cancer and before he die he asked me to help him to find his puppy lover. I think in most people mind puppy love is so pure and make people memorize it.
    <br>Well tomorrow is another day, party still goes on.

  • 但如你所, 人會變, 月會圓~~ 都過左咁多年, 好多野已非昨天的自己~~

  • Csls, yes ka. We change every min. However, history in our mind is subjective and we either remember all good time or all bad time. In our memories is mostly unchanged.
    <br>Just a bit sentimental tonight jar, and express myself law.
    <br>So how about ur puppy love?

  • sorry to hear ur friend's story
    <br>my puppy love was actually not that special and i got no desire to meet him again. i only want to meet (or just know something about) him ... who was not my lover. i rejected him when he chased me many years ago. then he moved to canada and i met him once in canada. but afterwards i lost his contact.
    <br>i still remember he wrote me poem, bought me flower on valentine's day ... he bought me a diamond ring (though a small one as he didn't have money at that time). but he didn't give the ring to me before he moved to canada. he only gave me the ring when i met him afterwards in canada. he said he got no more intention but just wanted to give me the ring because it was supposed for me. that's actually very sweet.
    <br>really want to know something about him ... guess he should have married with lovely kids and a happy family.

  • 我既 puppy love, 已經封塵, 深深埋在自己既記憶中, 當然係一段美好既回憶啦~~

  • I can understand the how ur frd felt.
    <br>puppy love could be sweet but also hurts one's heart.

  • Suddenly remember 周星馳戲內搞笑對白: 唉,我呢D浪子,邊有初戀架。

  • 喺facebook打我初戀情人個名, 真係搵到! 無connect做友人了,費事啦, 咁耐無聯絡。
    <br>但係現在看到他profile picture 個樣, 佬左好多。。。。 hehehe
    <br>其他mud mud 傷感feeling, 真係無。 只記起得,呢til友仔教我接吻。。。。 lip to lip, 喺當年還是情豆just open嗰時, 自己個小宇宙真係就快爆 喇喇喇喇!!!!

  • i just met her last month.......

  • CS Sbe, yes ka. Even we meet our puppy lover, sometimes the feeling is similar than meeting a stranger. I am at middle age, when we meet the puppy lover she married and have kids and also may look C9 too. However, just a memory and had a motivation to see an old frd.
    <br>I still remember my first kiss, it was like a electicity passed from lip to whole body. However, up to now, I kissed so many women and cannot find this feeling again.

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