
  • 有冇人結婚後仍很想識朋友? 原因何在? 是婚姻生活悶還是有其他原因?

  • 哈哈, 唔係好多人有勇氣去入你條thread...
    <br>點解結左婚唔可以識朋友呀? 識多些朋友是好的..... 出外靠朋友!

  • FSFS, 多謝你的回覆~!
    <br>為何唔係好多人有勇氣去入我條thread? 又唔係問衰野......

  • 玩無妨, 不過要衡量後果!!

  • 後果可以好嚴重

  • 千萬不要玩火~!
    <br>為何叫等死? 你唔開心?

  • 就係你提出嘅問題

  • <font color="#666666">請指教 replied @ 2010-01-13 3:15 pm<br /><br /></font>
    <br><div style="OVERFLOW: hidden; WIDTH: 600px">FSFS, 多謝你的回覆~! <br /><br />為何唔係好多人有勇氣去入我條thread? 又唔係問衰野...... <br /><br />我覺得自己仲好想去玩......點算? <br /></div>
    <br>==> 請問"想玩"是什麼意思? 玩什麼?

  • 識朋友 & 已婚吾可以共存?

  • 講得咁曖昧,吾係簡單朋友卦

  • <p> 版主係咪想問已婚可吾可以同其他人拍拖?</p>

  • 要識非普通朋友關係<br />要玩婚外情的話<br />麻煩離完婚先玩啦<br />不要hurt到另一半

  • hi,
    <br>非常同意上面咁多位仁兄既留言. 亦想問清楚版主何謂"出去玩"?
    <br>結左婚唔代表唔可以結識異性, 只係要攪清楚自己既"位置"者...
    <br>出去玩, 我身邊D FD結左婚咪成日跟我地出去玩:我指既係行山, 影相, happy hour等...
    <br>其實, 版主係唔係應該先攪清楚出去玩咩同埋動機先呢?

  • 我都係, 覺得自己仲想出去玩, 我都諗緊我係咪應該離婚

  • 婚姻生活苦悶囉....))))))

  • Family burdens like kids, parents, expenses etc jeopardize the
    <br>relationship.Grievance all around the air. No more sweeet talks.
    <br>Need a relif of the burdens. Need a mouth of fresh air .
    <br>Need an escape.
    <br>The precise time with a sl is like taking a holiday in Caribbean.
    <br>Holidays ends. Take a deep breath and hold it. Dive back into the reality again til u cannot sustain.

  • Betraying wife replied @ 2010-01-13 7:04 pm
    <br>Family burdens like kids, parents, expenses etc jeopardize the
    <br>relationship.Grievance all around the air. No more sweeet talks.
    <br>Need a relif of the burdens. Need a mouth of fresh air .
    <br>Need an escape.
    <br>The precise time with a sl is like taking a holiday in Caribbean.
    <br>Holidays ends. Take a deep breath and hold it. Dive back into the reality again til u cannot sustain.
    <br>there could be a million kinds of excuse for going astray! yet, from a positive view, the so called burdens could be something for a couple to face together hand in hand which may even strethen the bond of the relation rather than jeopardizing it. well, it's true that situation is different from case to case for it's not something unilateral but multilateral.

  • 唔止婚姻生活,,,,<br />做人根本好悶,,,,<br />-------------------<br />好悶好悶好悶好悶好悶好悶好悶好悶好悶好悶好悶好悶好悶好悶好悶好悶好悶好悶好悶好悶好悶好悶好悶好悶好悶好悶好悶好悶好悶好悶好悶好悶好悶好悶好悶好悶好悶好悶好悶好悶<br />好悶好悶好悶好悶好悶好悶好悶好悶好悶好悶好悶好悶好悶好悶好悶好悶好悶好悶好悶好悶好悶好悶好悶好悶好悶好悶好悶好悶好悶好悶好悶好悶好悶好悶好悶好悶好悶好悶好悶好悶<br />好悶好悶好悶好悶好悶好悶好悶好悶好悶好悶好悶好悶好悶好悶好悶好悶好悶好悶好悶好悶好悶好悶好悶好悶好悶好悶好悶好悶好悶好悶好    悶好悶好悶好悶好悶好悶好    悶好悶好悶<br />好悶好悶好悶好悶好悶好悶好悶好悶好悶好悶好悶好悶好悶好悶好悶好悶好悶好悶好悶好悶好悶好悶好悶好悶好悶好悶好悶好悶好悶好悶好悶好悶好悶好悶好悶好悶好悶好悶好悶好悶

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