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    <h1><font size="3">季詩傑遭醋女友狂斬險死</font></h1>
    <div class="info"><a target="_blank" href="http://www.singtao.com/" />(星島)2009年12月28日 星期一 05:30 <a style="" onclick="ondemand('地鐵','16');" class="vl_kwlink"><span style="display: inline;" id="地鐵"><span class="vl_kw vl_vlkw"><br /><br />他曾是地鐵</span><span class="vl_icon"></span></span></a>救人英雄,他曾是政府的政務官,今年中他亦代表社民連出選區議員,三十四歲的季詩傑,被美麗女友懷疑另結新歡,昨凌晨女友兩度訪尋不果,在他開設的酒吧內大肆搗亂,早上又在季詩傑於<a style="" onclick="ondemand('銅鑼灣','4');" class="vl_kwlink"><span style="display: inline;" id="銅鑼灣"><span class="vl_kw vl_vlkw">銅鑼灣</span><span class="vl_icon"></span></span></a>的寓所發生激烈爭執,有人從廚房取出菜刀向季狂斬,導致其頭胸及手受傷,一度危殆,警方事後拘捕季的女友並已落案檢控。<br /></div>
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    <p style="color: rgb(255, 0, 255); font-weight: bold;"><font size="3">..........點解會斬得落手?!</font></p>
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    <p>               <br /></p>

  • 一切皆因妒忌與佔有慾

  • forgt hihi

  • <p>斬死人要終身監禁的.<br />應該令佢精盡人亡, 咁就無人怪個兇手啦(包括死者).</p>

  • 雖然唔知內裡還有冇真係第三者...但真係恐怖!!!!

  • snper05 is also me ar^^<br /><br />i want to kill my ex-gf  coz they gave me green hat to wear!!!!<br />d a mn..!!

  • <p>I found detective b4 to follow my ex-gf . ( both of them married handsome & rich guys now)<br />Dam n!!!<br /><br />Bitch!!! </p>

  • 暴力係解決唔到問題嘅

  • 有時傷人唔駛用暴力, 用攻心計都可以整死你!!!

  • 若愛是恐怖主義, 我豈不是第一個會被拉去坐監 @_@<br /><br />每天都說要將愛傳出去 XD

  • I'm a 35 yrs old IT Professional guy  !!Bingo!!! <br /><br />Good job & hv medium built body 173cm height  (but don't hv long Penius oh poor.....!!!)<br /><br />My hobbies: Play phone sex , see 4仔 and then diy.... (b4 like to gathering with some ladies & play with them ahahhahhah!!!!) u can say SL /SP .<br /><br />Plz add me: (I'm serious, plz don't play me ar!!!)<br /><a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a><br /><a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a><br /><a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a><br /><br /><u><font size="2"><strong>if the ladies joined my gathering b4 must know who am i !!  I'm  yr ex Captian~Sf/sfhk/Max:</strong>  <br /><br /></font></u><a href="http://community.she.com/messageboard/relationship/?action=view.topic&id=1945753&page=171">http://community.she.com/messageboard/relationship/?action=view.topic&id=1945753&page=171</a><br /><br />
    <br><table style="BACKGROUND-REPEAT: repeat-x" border="0" cellspacing="5" cellpadding="5" width="590" background="http://community.she.com/messageboard/images/topic_box_bg.jpg" bgcolor="#f2f2f2" height="260">
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    <br> <td class="topic_title" bgcolor="#7a7f69" width="440" align="left"><font color="#ffffff">有見呢度男女想找另一半(認真的),不如我地都攪番個gathering,俾大家有一個認識異性的機會.有興趣入來傾下.</font></td>
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    <br> <div style="WIDTH: 445px; OVERFLOW: hidden">大家入來傾下點攪好,以及留下名字性別.<br />以及歡迎有興趣"攪事"既男女幫手.<br />   </div>
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