
  • Hi,
    <br>Why you have regret?
    <br>what's happen on that operation?

  • 我係part-time model,唔夠高行show果d,只係間唔中幫雜誌影下相.想多d機會,去左隆胸.原來真係唔太好受,覺得好重,唔慣,終於明白galie點解整完又拆.如果有個leon咁好既男友又唔介意我,我都願意拆...

  • sea,
    <br>一來身體上唔慣(太重), 二來覺得誇張左少少,好多人望,唔係令人沾沾自喜果隻,係有d令人難受既目光, 三來,我整時係單身,依家有人追,我都鐘意既,但驚佢介意

  • KK,
    <br>I see, how many size you make on that operation?
    <br>Yeah, I knew some guy don't like like "隆胸".
    <br>I suggest you must try test him and know he don't mind on it. And then, you try development your relationship. Please don't think talk to him after doing his gf. You must so sad if he know and break up with you (due to he don't like his gf did 隆胸...

  • 機會係多左...之前去泰國影相,要著泳衣,有咁既身材都預左你人地對你有咩要求,佢地預備既泳衣都好sexy,出黎效果幾誇張,有幾件仲係只有好薄既pad,濕身之後突曬點,又要烏底身,"撟"手谷胸等動作,影左好多相,最後登既當然只有幾張正正常常既.後來個攝影師仲暗示想同我上床,我拒絕左,我開始懷疑佢影咁多"不必要"既相係攞黎私存...我好唔開心...

  • sea,
    <br>好多男人都係雙重標準,睇人地的話好身材夠大就得,真唔真都唔介意,好似jessica C一出黎幾受歡迎,但如果係自己女朋友就另一回事...

  • 我本身33B,依家33C,實質唔係整大左好多,但本身瘦,呢一個月仲要再瘦左,瘦身唔瘦胸,所以顯得好大,連平時著T-SHIRT都比人望,著泳衣就更誇張,我都希望可以有chrisee咁高EQ,但我介意比人色迷迷咁望呀!

  • 依家好怕街上好多人,出入成日搭的士,但我唔係明星呀,又唔係賺得多錢. 做呢行有"怕見人"既感覺好大問題,唔知點算...

  • KK,
    <br>Yeah, Guy and Gal also have different standard between their bf/gf and fds. So, Please don't believe his general answer.
    <br>I'm full understand what's your mean. I think you clothes have fit on your 33B size, but now, you have C, the T-shirt will not fit, we can said tight. So that kind man will look your new breasts because the clothes not fit on your body now.
    <br>I did the advertisement company before, As i knew, they don't only see your breasts size and then choice you for what's production model or....
    <br>Anyway you always done on it, try your best to show your and pretty view to them.

  • on your case on that kind photographer, i'm sure more that kind guy will do it. and they will take more photo for their fds and share with them. but you need remember you are pro. models, you don't mind on it. Please don't sex and another close relationship with them. If you had sex with them, that mean your name will quickly had share on that kind guy ear on that field.
    <br>Please case your name on that field, ok?
    <br>It is important for your further...ok?

  • do you like make more one friend in net?

  • sea,

  • d男人睇相時響度講,話"好x大波","想揸下",又話我"粒的"點點點..又話"想x我"添..佢地都唔怕我聽到,好唔尊重.

  • sea,

  • 呢排 -> 呢行

  • KK,
    <br>I think i'm understand what's your mean, I think more model thinking like as you, just need make it big, the job will come.
    <br>Don't case the kind guy on the public place, go out by MTR, mini-bus, I guess you are not a top model or popular model still now, no need case that kind guy, ok?
    <br>Try to accept that new body now, ok?
    <br>If one day, your loving guy want you take it away, please go ahead to do it for your guy, remember you life also need guy love you, right?

  • 好身材 = 多工作機會,有人追,有人提議交易,甚至有人提議包我, 呢個係咩世界?

  • the best you can do it to make the most out of "them"
    <br>get more jobs and negotiate higher price.
    <br>after all, this is what it is about in the first place.

  • 試過客串過一套戲,行行企企咁,有個男演員過黎搭嗲,發表好多偉論,指手劃腳咁,大大動作,隻手掃左我個胸幾次,佢特登既...好彩我得一日戲

  • KK,
    <br>OK, never mind, chat in there is ok?
    <br>I just work on that field a few years ja, some story i heard from my colleagues before.
    <br>Remember some of job no need big breasts....try to think why that kind model can do it or that...try make your personal "氣質" becomes warm and nice...
    <br>I remember i met some model was cool and no "氣質". So, try your best how to do it.
    <br>Just my cent advise!

  • that's part of this entertainment industry.
    <br>aint surprising.
    <br>what was your objective when you have the job done in the first place?

  • vb,

  • "戲"...keke....i also talk with my close fd, ask them don't dream on do it on that field...please forget it.
    <br>for man or lady, that field are not easy to working.
    <br>I have not more information on that field, but i heard some from fd, please don't think that kind shower or "戲"...
    <br>If you like model, go ahead to make your professional skill on that field, ok?

  • 我無資格cool,我相信我既工作態度ok,起碼有求必應(工作時),可能我個樣同實質上都無咩個性.

  • 係agency幫我接既,基本上機會黎到咩都會做

  • glad that you have started to find the truth in yourself and your own value.
    <br>i guess you should seriously consider if you suit this biz.
    <br>only 勁貪慕虛榮的人 esp. female can survive in the industry
    <br>there's always another field that suits you more.

  • I had a female friend who once worked in this model industry for a very short period of time. ages ago.
    <br>she quit when she once asked for sexual favour. from her male agent.

  • hi~kk....睇嚟呢個娱樂圈真係好複習

  • sea,我只有5尺7, 話係professional model都有d汗顏, 但我都喜歡影相,響雜誌上示範下衫, accessories, 化妝等等我都做得開心, 出trip仲開心, 去到陽光海灘既地方影泳照我好ok,只係上次d crew好賤.

  • KK,
    <br>One question I want to know, what's your mission you want on that field?

  • kk~你係hk做架?做左幾耐?個胸自然嗎?

  • 多謝你意見!你朋友知道唔合適早D離開係好事,我都覺得自己唔合適,但可能我幼稚啦,我仲相信我又唔要求大紅大紫同好多錢,只係做自己鐘意既野,一定有自己既生存方式, 不過..睇黎我都要醒...

  • KK, yeah, you can see your face on the magazine. you must so high when you had been taken that beautify photo and let all of your fds look, right??
    <br>it must a nice parts of your life...

  • sea,
    <br>model只係part-time,我仲讀緊design, 所以呢一該我都答唔出我響呢行想達到d有咩.

  • 你估果d天使係咪都係有"付出"呢?

  • BB,

  • KK,
    <br>your tall is 5'7", it is better than more model.
    <br>I just saw your mission. yes, sex (no sexy) requirement maybe more on that field, so, why i said man or lady are not easy work on that kind field. If you need consult what are you want on that field and think it is really good for you!!
    <br>vb talking is true in this model industry .

  • BB,

  • sea,
    <br>我都特別同人講我做part-time, close既當然知,其他既見到就見到.

  • 我都特別同人講 --> 我都"無"特別同人講

  • 我有無貪慕虛榮?好難講,或多或少梗有,可能大家貪既野唔同.

  • 我仲讀緊design
    <br>icic .... fashion design.
    <br>not a bad idea.
    <br>consider being a designer rather than a model la.
    <br>sexual favor is only the entrance ticket, they get you on drugs when you becomes more popular and gets more $$.

  • 我都唔慣好身材, 但我係天生, 我都好怕男人鹹濕目光! 本身鍾意運動, 不過去運動場跑步都有啲男人望住, 好驚! 所以無再去~

  • >我有無貪慕虛榮?
    <br>when others have use job opp to lure you for sexual favor and you refuse, you are not that 貪慕虛榮 ga la. otherwise, you 訓在身la.
    <br>back to my ex-model friend. she told me her "colleagues" had given favors to others. however, that didnt mean more real job opportunities. the agents just cheated them for sex.

  • 我都唔慣好身材, 但我係天生

  • KK,
    <br>If I was you, I will leave that field and learning hard on your fashion design course.
    <br>Of course, designer cannot show on magazine. but they can enjoy to see their deigned product on the shop or wear on the street.
    <br>How many year you working on model industry?
    <br>Good Luck!

  • vb,
    <br>我讀緊graphic,唔係fashion,其實同我做part-time model無咩關係:p
    <br>多謝你話我not that貪慕虛榮,希望可以保持到.

  • 34D,
    <br>你係天生既,應該好多人羨慕,至於我, 一定好多人覺得我抵死!

  • 32B is good size too. good proportion.
    <br>graphic artist is great too.
    <br>plenty job opp around too.
    <br>go and find another part time job la.
    <br>this shxt doesnt suit you.

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