What can I do??give me some advice pls

  • Played tarot yesterday, the tarot player told me my bf doesn't really like me, and feel bored with me. The player also told me we are going to break in the coming half year.<br />I know it is all what hasn't happened and keep persuding myself it is just all bullshit. But I already take every words from the tarot serious no matter how I try not to.<br />To my own feeling, my bf is not a bad guy. He treats me quite good(somnetimes). BUt recenly, our relationship is really turning down, which is not as good as the honeymoon period/.<br />I told him what the tarot player told last night, expecting he will give some support to me and our relationhsip.BUt He gave no response and end up we argued .He said I thought too much, and put myself into trouble!~<br />I cannot help but think what the tarot card teller said is true.<br />I really love my BF.<br />Should I still be with my bf??<br />If I still with him, how can I overcopme such a curse?<br />most importantly, I really think he is not the type who loves me very very much.<br />If u were me, what will u do??<br />and one thing I learnt this time is: NEVER PLAY TAROT CARD AND TESTED THE PRESENT RELATIONSHIP!<br />

  • What are u going to do?

  • 內心既想法會不經意投射係現實生活中, 就正如一個人失業, 佢會不自覺地認定佢行衰運, 唔會有好野發生, 結果, 佢會變得消極, 對人既態度都會變差, 咁又點會有好事發生呢?
    <br>情況就好似你啱啱發生既一樣, 你對預言一事不能忘懷, 你擔心, 甚至希望講出黎會令對方幫你分憂, 佢冇做, 你就更認定預言更有可能發生咁咁咁...
    <br>其實, 要預測感情關係只得一個方法, 只要其中一方冇好好咁對另一方, 不久就會出事, 如果你聽得入耳, 你就要做好你自己呢一方, 對男友好啲, 佢就會對你好, 慳返啲錢去建設你倆既未來好過啦~

  • where u play the tarot?
    <br>do u know the player is professional?
    <br>i learn play tarot too and just think some player is not professional and even misunderstanding the cards
    <br>and would like to remind u that tarot can tell u what may happen in the coming few months if u do nothing to the relationship but it is not a must, it will give u some advice and direction if u really dun want the result show on the cards to be happened

  • 我喜歡tarot,

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