"Do you not know I am a woman? when I think, I must speak."

  • <span style="WIDOWS: 2; TEXT-TRANSFORM: none; TEXT-INDENT: 0px; BORDER-COLLAPSE: separate; FONT: medium "Times New Roman"; WHITE-SPACE: normal; ORPHANS: 2; LETTER-SPACING: normal; COLOR: rgb(0,0,0); WORD-SPACING: 0px; -webkit-border-horizontal-spacing: 0px; -webkit-border-vertical-spacing: 0px; -webkit-text-decorations-in-effect: none; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto; -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px" class="Apple-style-span"><span style="BORDER-COLLAPSE: collapse; FONT-FAMILY: georgia, "bookman old style", "palatino linotype", "book antiqua", palatino, "trebuchet ms", helvetica, garamond, sans-serif, arial, verdana, "avante garde", "century gothic", "comic sans ms", times, "times new roman", serif; COLOR: rgb(50,29,2)" class="Apple-style-span"><font color="#cc3366">~William Shakespeare,<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span><em>As You Like It</em></font></span></span>

  • nut,
    <br>you move.... i follow.... for i am a man.....

  • when i think, i don't speak

  • mute, then

  • when I think, I can write only....

  • great song !!!

  • good evening!
    <br>welcome back wingwing n pod.
    <br>we should all know that by now. :P
    <br>妳o係forum寫o野, 係唔係想有多d讀者呢?
    <br>thx, glad u like it, i think the video is very cute too.

  • nutnut,

  • hello ! good day ^^

  • <br>放假前比左幾個 moon cake 亞猩, 大家唔好奇怪 why 我地又 meet, coz 我地耐唔樹都仲有 msn, 佢知我呢期學整餅, 佢又話要, 甘我返學前向 mtr 度 meet 一 meet 佢 only, 佢話我整得唔夠甜, 但G4 就話太甜.... 緊係啦, coz 我整佢咪覺得sweet lok ^^
    <br> -- Report 完 --

  • women姐
    <br>我無奇怪呀, 妳講過有msn, 我知你地都幾friend, 佢好多私事,工作事都會講俾妳聽.: )
    <br>keke, 妳個report好sweet, happy for u.^^
    <br>不如妳整樣野俾dimsum啦, 佢生日過o左未呀?

  • wingwing
    <br>寫同講都無咩分別, 都係想講心入面o既說話. 我覺得好多男人都唔會講, 更加唔會寫.

  • 小點
    <br>不如妳整樣野俾dimsum啦, 佢生日過o左未呀?
    <br>我淨係識整野食咋, 生日蛋糕已經係第一年送過, 至於煮飯仔我地成日都會做~
    <br>不過我已經諗到送咩喇 ^^

  • nut,
    <br>droppy成日都 同點心玩煮飯仔, 點同我攪個小小就鬼甘大陣像先得架,

  • .....煮飯仔.... sounds like something i did when i was a little little boy.... playing with the neighboring girls....<br /><br />back then, titbits of snacks became gourmet dishes.... lol

  • women,
    <br>我覺得你識整月餅好勁架!! 點會係小小野~ ^^

  • 我都覺得識整月餅好醒. 其實總括黎講甜品係難整過餸. 我就無咩心機整甜品, 一來我唔鍾意食, 二來我怕麻煩, 靚甜品好講份量, 咩都要量住. 我煮餸好似阿蘇咁, 毫無份量, 咩調味都係隨手落... 不過我覺得自己最近煮野叻o左, 多得我果位失職o既工人. :D

  • pod
    <br>i noticed you'd emphasized how "little little" you were...

  • nut.... that refers to age as well as size... lol

  • i have a bad day, nut. <br /><br />how was your weekend?

  • hi she
    <br>i spent my weekend with my family..just like most weekends. :P
    <br>what happened today? mind to share?

  • Hi friends!
    <br>I agree with nut that making dessert is more difficult than making other dishes. Anyway, I don't eat dessert. :p

  • just to say hi !

  • Nut/Droppy,
    <br>其實甜品先一d 都唔難整呀, coz 樣樣野都量好曬, 只要跟足步驟, 就唔會出事, 不過通常我都落小d糖, 唔好甘甜.

  • nut,
    <br>it was a big event yesterday but no longer big for today.
    <br>i had a very bad mood over the weekend and HE picked me on trivial matters, finally, we ended up with a series of discussion, debate and negotiation. fortunately, i was not in the mood of fighting therefore we settled peacefully.
    <br>indeed, i hardly quarrel with HE, most of time we discuss, debate, negotiate and talk.
    <br>haha... i think i am a typical woman: "when I think, I must speak"

  • women姐
    <br>我唔係一個organized既人, 可以o既話我就會避免跟步驟. :P
    <br>我見d甜品recipe用o既糖份真係好驚人, 一杯杯計, 我平時飲野都唔落糖, 煮餸就幾鍾意落.
    <br>i dun like to quarrel either, too tiring...

  • never like to argue with anyone, i rather walk away and give both of us space when this happens
    <br>nut, other from sugar, the usage of butter is very terrible too ar!

  • cat,
    <br>sometime, it is unavoidable if someone comes to pick you. the 'fire' can burn the heart, the norm and rationale gone in one second from the brain and then the war begin.
    <br>too tiring... and the most useful/powerful weapon for women to stop fighting is tearing, it gives a time break for everyone to calm down. ;) actually, i dun cry much in front of HE, because i see no point to stop fighting if it is so happened, maybe it is a good opportuntity for us to vent our emotion and stress over the relationship. haha...

  • err.. i dun like sweet food.. but i dun mind to eat sweet, sugar and butter are both ok as long as they are good taste.
    <br>anyone eat mooncake in mid autumn festival? i have some icecream and ice-skin mooncakes in the fridge, one box of traditional mooncake.. they are going to be my late supper in the coming weeks. heehee..

  • she
    <br>i don't like ice-skin mooncakes, but i do like the traditional 白蓮蓉. i eat very little though, and i only kept one box. my son is eating most of it.

  • <p>she / nut,<br /><br />i have one box of traditional and a few of ice-skin in the fridge.... it's the seasonal thing to do....<br /><br />though i have never been a big fan of mooncakes, i am starting to appreciate the taste of the old.... maybe i am getting old myself... hahaha</p>

  • hi...I don't like sweet food too. The older I am the less sweetened food I can take ;)
    <br>I tried the marriott's mooncake, surprisingly not sweet but yummy, you do not feel heavy after swollow a whole piece (petite size of course)

  • honey has been busy with work and his other business. So does my hubby, therefore i have more leisure time on my own! hehee

  • Hello,
    <br>今年樓市大旺, 我放緊樓呀 ^^

  • women,
    <br>o下?? 放邊層? 住緊果間??

  • 我無運, 今年年頭諗過買多層樓投資, 不過又顧慮好難上會, 最後都無行動!!

  • good morning sisiters : )
    <br>不過我又reject 左.
    <br>哈哈~~ 証明我都keep 得幾好. : )
    <br>當然仲有人讚我靚左添啦. :P
    <br>哈哈~~ 唔知桃花運可以keep 幾耐,

  • women,
    <br>果然係小富婆. : )

  • obi,
    <br>你同honey咁sweet 已經係運啦,
    <br>仲要次次去"big ocean" 都可以發小財喎,
    <br>你d小運氣加加埋埋都已經好好啦. : )

  • obi,
    <br>no la, 我住個 d 鄉下地方唔值錢架, 岩岩放左舊個度, 家陣放埋另一度, 都係 d 鄉下地方唔值錢, G4 話兩層加埋遲 d 個市回d, 買返層市區樓, 不過我要有入息證明, 退休無望.

  • life is a mess.... love is a fuss.... hahaha

  • heehee... nut/pod, on the eve of mid-autumn, we went to collect 40+ boxes of mooncake @ saint-anna. the manager deliberately hided one carton (8 boxes) when he assisted us to load the mooncakes in the car. he was very bad and dishonest.
    <br>anyway, we gave all the mooncakes to others.
    <br>women, i dun want to retire! i will die fast if i get nothing to do. haha..
    <br>little, 賽翁失馬,焉知非福? ;)
    <br>wing, 不上巫山可以嗎? 弄雲蕩雨都相當不錯.. haha... wink

  • wing, WOW 妳真係好有魅力, 我就無人追喇 :)
    <br>women, 妳有入息證明bor! 5駛怕....有$真係要買d市區大型屋苑! 回報真係好好多!

  • wing, 哈哈! o甘我地真係有d運仔o既! 我岩岩睇完2010生肖運程, 我財運同事業都好, 有男貴人bor!

  • very accurate ^^
    <br>巨蟹老婆 敏感善變的撒隆巴斯
    <br>金牛、處女、魔羯老公:奉上薪水袋的同時,別忘了關一下老婆的精神生活,偶爾放下大男人的閂,ㄧ定更幸福! 牡羊、獅子、射手老公:為了事業,三過家門而不入的時代已經過去了。學習做個新好男人吧!

  • i am not a woman..so i am here to listen..

  • wingwing

  • nut,<br /><br />wingwing has a bf? other than her ex-lover?  i didn't know that.... silly me.

  • hi friends, speaking of mooncakes, i used to had just 1/4 of the traditional one for years, but this year i almost finish 1 by myself, maybe i am getting old too, just like pod.
    <br>my update? yes we still talk a lot but sometimes i found him too sensitive and emotional to talk to, that annoyed me, i am not experienced to handle a emotional guy....

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