當太陽變左紅巨星果陣, 地球係咪會被毀滅即係世界末日來臨?

  • yes, other members of solar system as well

  • ? 咩紅巨星呀? TWINS呀?<br>版主你UP乜呀?

  • http://www.discoverychannel.com.tw/
    <br>DISCOVERY 有個SERIES 講太空. 其中一集講地球既將來. 有講話太陽會越變越大. 到時人類要移民去火星, 或者更遠....
    <br>哈.. 乜SHE.COM 都有依O的TOPIC...

  • 咁人類最終都要面臨世界末日, 咁生存來做乜呢

  • 放心, 相信在這之前世界已經末左日

  • 讀過是太陽內'火然'料愈燒愈少,發放出的熱能愈來愈弱,
    <br>不過,地球污染嚴重,能否撐多 100 年都成問題,所以我不擔心那麼遠!

  • 我覺得只要有人類,地球要末日真係話咁易啦!我硬係覺得人類好快死

  • 小 妹: 是 。
    <br>在 過 去 曾 認 為 太 陽 在 成 為 紅 巨 星 時 , 體 積 會 大 至 把 地 球 吞 噬 。 但 後 來 發 覺 過 去 的 計 算 , 沒 有 把 太 陽 在 演 化 後 期 失 去 的 物 質 計 算 在 內 , 經 過 修 正 後 , 發 現 其 實 太 陽 在 成 為 紅 巨 星 後 , 應 只 足 以 把 金 星 吞 噬 。 但 各 位 且 慢 歡 喜 , 無 論 太 陽 在 紅 巨 星 階 段 有 多 大 , 也 足 以 把 地 球 烤 焦 , 成 為 熾 熱 的 地 獄 , 人 類 仍 是 難 逃 世 界 未 日 的 宿 命 。( 來 源 : 香 港 太 空 館 )

  • ? 咩紅巨星呀? TWINS呀?<br>版主你UP乜呀?<br>by 旺角姑爺 - 01/05/07 22:57<br><br>哈哈, 香港男人D知識水平真係......<br>

  • 撐多 100 年都應該無問題既 <br>

  • 世界末日? 你意思係人類滅絕?
    <br>唔會, 當太陽變左紅巨星果陣, 即大慨 50 億年之後啦.
    <br>之前人類早就有毛有翼識飛囉, 移曬民了.
    <br>老家地球當時只係改為人類起源紀念館, 畀d有錢人得閒返來觀光下而已.
    <br>後來幾萬年之後冇錢, 委員會民意調查發現真實紀念館係人類心目中已經冇乜意義, 虛擬真實平靚正, 係當時旅遊業界標準, 真地球幾年唔發市冇人去, 先由佢自爆之嘛!!!

  • ? 咩紅巨星呀? TWINS呀?
    <br>by 旺角姑爺 - 01/05/07 22:57
    <br>唉~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 你又係0既..

  • u seen how these ppl r like. look at them, look at what they say & do. almost five years now, since sparing for iraq war. why must ruin oneselves like martyr for them. why not be less altruistic, but fair, let them learn lessons by bearing consequences of what they've done. & circumstances now not few persons can fully direct. i fed up, & why u hv to go on & put such burden on my conscience.

  • u, funny, so called 'home', history, group ppl, world etc etc etc all held me responsibillities for yr wellbeing. any of u really care (except words) abt mine, not life even name.
    <br>dun say u give me money, no disasters will be great. if u ppl will give money to me voluntarily, i cut down my head as stool for u to sit on.

  • dun listen to your words? really hv face to say such, how many lies has EACH of everyone said, & oh so proudly in name of plots & tests. & any of u dare to stand by those words with real identity.

  • <br>中國人樣衰人口又多

  • those ppl juz like communists during cultural revolution.

  • greatest humiliation to someone is ignoring them.

  • 撐多 100 年都應該無問題既
    <br>by kk - 01/06/07 00:02

  • even i'd die, so many ppl will die with me. much better than i finish the whole thing for ppl, then being labelled as iran not suitable for owning any resources at all, & even assigned crime to be exiled or killed. it's not u ppl not done same to some gp ppl, u even try to do this to me b4.

  • let me tell u, if u say not notice. if u force me go on, there may be greater disasters happen to me, let's see effect on yr conscience.

  • if not softwares & wb so unreasonably greedy, esp the latter. how wuld situation come to this. ask me to save softwares & made wb ppl v rich so as to let me be servant for u ppl, o thks. let me also remind u, dun ever never do sick lame prank as last time to 'save' me, even u made it, i made it clear i wont join org.

  • also one severe problem, i realize u ppl cant tell which is right or wrong, or for whatever purpose said right is wrong & vice versa.

  • u ppl's criticisms & allegations really made other 'eye fire explode'. i no gas to refute, juz dun watch it at all.

  • you died already

  • 到果日我地都一早死曬啦

  • 太陽要變紅巨星聼講重要十幾億年bor

  • <br>哈哈, 香港男人D知識水平真係......
    <br>by 女人 - 01/05/07 23:51

  • 世界會末日, 人就未必, 有辦法搬竇就唔使驚絕種啦。

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