An Early Gift for the Valentine's Day!!

  • <p>The movie channels at NOW TV always have those "Hollywood Movies 10 Best" countdown, and last sunday it was about the 10 Best Romantic Comedy: <br /><br />1. When Harry Met Sally (1989)<br />2. My Big Fat Greek Wedding (2002)<br />3. Sleepless in Seattle (1993)<br />4. Four Weddings and a Funeral (1994)<br />5. My Best Friend's Wedding (1997)<br />6. While you are sleeping (1995)<br />7. As good as it gets (1997)<br />8. Pretty Woman (1990)<br />9. About a boy (2002)<br />10. The Princess Bride (1987) <br /><br />Seen different threads, many of you (us?!) are looking for their soulmate, so why don't we get ready for a romantic story to come in our way by indulging ourselves with the sweetest mood? <br /><br />I believe it's just like the way how the magnetic field works, when our default mood is happy and sweet, the right person shall be attracted. :)</p>

  • Personally, Notting Hill is my favorite Romantic Comedy. :)

  • push it again.. hehe...

  • notting hill? i was just a girl standing in front of a boy asking him to love me!

  • Four Weddings and a Funeral :
    <br>你是我東南西北 平日的辛勞 假日的閒體

  • orca, hi!!
    <br>yes... that's one of the touching line from Notting Hill!!!!!
    <br>and also when Julia is strolling around the park with Huge, she says, "some ppl do spend their whole life together" ... so sweet...

  • too bad that i never watched four weddings nd a funeral...

  • haha 但果句係 一個男人同另一個男人講架bor
    <br>btw 你睇過幾多套ar?

  • not even half of them.... :P
    <br>3. Sleepless in Seattle (1993)
    <br>5. My Best Friend's Wedding (1997)
    <br>6. While you are sleeping (1995)
    <br>7. As good as it gets (1997) <-- just part of it.
    <br>8. Pretty Woman (1990)

  • Sleepless in Seattle
    <br>都好睇ar 最好野 係男女主角 只係講過3 句野
    <br>咁有冇睇 running bride?

  • 我尋日想去買 sleepless in seattle 隻 VCD, 搵唔到.
    <br>等 HMV 開返去睇...
    <br>大部份 julia roberts 既戲我都睇過呀... :)
    <br>不過runaway bride 我覺得普通sweet...

  • 我睇左 3, 4, 6, 8 咋
    <br>其實 如果要我 最好睇既
    <br>我會 唔識揀
    <br>Sleepless in Seattle
    <br>notting hill
    <br>2 套d 歌都重要好好聽

  • sleepless in seattle
    <br>我都找左好耐先有 2 手

  • 我都唔識揀
    <br>Sleepless in Seattle 有 tom hanks
    <br>Notting Hill 有 Julia roberts
    <br>我可能都會買返 Four Weddings and a Funeral, 好多朋友都講過話好睇

  • orca, 下?!!?!
    <br>唔係掛... 得2手... :(((((

  • Four Weddings and a Funeral
    <br>因為 呢d classic 片 一輪輪 返出架

  • 係囉, 有時去 d 細既影碟舖會有...

  • Four Weddings and a Funeral
    <br>ok la 唔係覺得好好law
    <br>不過 呢套係 最 賺錢 既電影

  • 我未睇過, 真係唔知好唔好呢
    <br>不過首歌就hit 左好多... love is all around
    <br>我都好鍾意呢首歌... :)

  • 如果講歌
    <br>notting hill 同 Sleepless in Seattle
    <br>好d wor
    <br>有冇留意 notting hill
    <br>講 Julia 走左去
    <br>用一首歌做背景 Huge 係街行 來帶出 過左年幾ar

  • 梗係有留意啦
    <br>我睇左 notting hill 好幾次, 每次都好專心睇
    <br>如果講notting hill 既歌, 我唔鍾意SHE
    <br>我鍾意 when you say nothing at all
    <br>我覺得 love is all around 好, 係因為佢既歌詞, 同 wet wet wet 既演繹都好好

  • she 唔好咩?
    <br>我覺得好似同 anna 個角色 訂做咁wor
    <br>呢套 我睇既 次數唔會比你少

  • SHE 比唔到窩心既感覺我嘛
    <br>我真係睇完又睇, 每次都好SWEET

  • 唔係wor
    <br>she 既歌詞 唔sweet 咩
    <br>May be the reason I survive
    <br>The why and wherefore I'm alive
    <br>I'll take her laughter and her tears
    <br>And make them all my souvenirs
    <br>For where she goes I've got to be
    <br>The meaning of my life is

  • 聽歌既口味好個人, 唔係特別touch 到我... :)

  • hi girls,
    <br>Have you watched the movie "Serendipity", it's alo a romantic story?

  • kate,
    <br>i never watched that one, not even heard of it before!
    <br>just read some website about it, quite my type of movie. :P
    <br>thank you for your recommendation.

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