真係好多女仔援交 好似一個社會現像

  • 連身邊女性朋友都有 唔係十幾二十歲 係三十幾歲都有

    D男人可以比十幾萬一個月, 唔洗上床, just 行街睇戲食飯...


  • 十幾萬一個月, 唔洗上床 <-- 乜有麻甩佬肯比咁多錢玩「神交」咁筍?交得過喎…

  • 唔洗上床, just 行街睇戲食飯

    if you believe what your friend told you, your brain must be somehwere else.


    If even the social worker feels that there's nothing wrong with the teen models, I can say something is very wrong in Hong Kong.  Those who have sisters, daughters, neighbours, and donno what your sisters, daughters, sons, brothers  mixed with ................. and all their values are nothing wrong with teen models or even compensation dating.

    I must be a very abnormal person to exist on earth.

  • 唔洗上床, just 行街睇戲食飯

    if you believe what your friend told you, your brain must be somehwere else.


    If even the social worker feels that there's nothing wrong with the teen models, I can say something is very wrong in Hong Kong.  Those who have sisters, daughters, neighbours, and donno what your sisters, daughters, sons, brothers  mixed with ................. and all their values are nothing wrong with teen models or even compensation dating.

    I must be a very abnormal person to exist on earth.

  • 其實援交吸毒等問題不嬲都存在, 只不過近排被人發現左, 大單左, 傳媒化左先引起社會關注.......你地唔覺香港宜家做野方式都係咁既咩...... 有事就處理下咁啦......

  • 神交都唔搵中女啦...貪佢純情咩?

  • "其實援交吸毒等問題不嬲都存在, 只不過近排被人發現左, 大單左, 傳媒化左先引起社會關注.......你地唔覺香港宜家做野方式都係咁既咩...... 有事就處理下咁啦......"

    對呀~唔死人唔出事都唔會有人理架~ 有樣你睇...政府做野係咁, 學校管學生又係咁....父母勸D細路唔會理...個個唔見棺材唔流眼淚

  • 十幾萬一個月玩神交?? 乜交都要做齊呀!!!

  • D男人可以比十幾萬一個月, 唔洗上床, just 行街睇戲食飯...




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