姐弟戀, 有冇人分享吓經歷?

  • 我今年41, 同現時男友拍拖一年, 佢比我細8年半<br /><br />

  • 無結果, 好快散

  • 我地十一月結婚

  • Tania replied @ 2009-07-27 1:21 pm
    <br>then why still asked that question?

  • 坦白講, 九成半會離婚

  • 係分享經歷 - 如果有其他pair係類似我地,
    <br>點解會離婚? 因為個阿婆拖住個壯男?
    <br>很多人以為我和男友差不多年紀, 連我未來奶奶也以為我屬虎

  • i guess you worry about the relationship yourself otherwise you will not ask that question. you can cheat the whole world but DON'T cheat yourself

  • Gordon88, why would I worry about our relationship? What's wrong with my question? Sharing the experiences ---- we share experiences in everything but why can't I just ask to share experiences in my case here?
    <br>Don't look at things with your pair of tainted glasses on. This is just a discussion topic ---- and how come I came here aiming to cheat the whole world and myself? HAHAHAHAHAHA

  • I guess I have chosen the wrong place for such a discussion topic. This website is full of negative enegry and passive mind.
    <br>I will go to the western website where I am sure I will find people with a much more open mind and bigger heart.

  • 加油!我支持你

  • Haha, I do love this "negative enegry and passive mind"
    <br>Yeah..... Give me 5!!! give me 10!!!

  • 幾十歲仲咁天真................

  • 幾十歲仲咁天真................
    <br>Haha, why is it 天真?
    <br>shxt, you guys, my God.....
    <br>Hugh Jackman,,,, 大明星超靚仔超有錢.... Go and read about how he feels for his wife

  • 男人步入三十歲<br />會越來越對年輕既女性有幻想............<br />祝君好運...

  • 過多幾年版主你就會知答案!依家人哋講咩,你只會聽, 但吾到心!還是果句,鍚自己多D!

  • 老細, 你今年41, 我19. 我真心愛你.好愛你呀, 好想嫁比你呀. 你老婆同捱咗20年, 佢都又老又殘啦, 唔似我咁水蜜蜜. 你咪咁蠢, 人都係�U快樂而活. 不如拋去枷鍊, 陪我去Landmark 捉迷藏, 去了那��, 假如我輸了, 我就好好呵你呀. 假若是你輸了, 我就得挑一件戰利品, 你不能投訴呵呵....
    <br>你頂上無毛, 底下又甩毛, 又軟又幼又全無攻擊力, 可是我好愛你呵呵老公, 我是你是小甜甜水蜜蜜寧馨兒, 我家鄉老子也不夠你老.....

  • 好同情版主, 人地開post想分享經騐, 你地一問口就斷定人地有問題、離硬婚
    <br>呢個she.com嘅人好多真的好唔掂, 你地都唔識人地, 聽都未曾聽內容, 就斷定四十歲嫁細佬必死無疑. 或是個版主靚過洪欣, 你地一見流曬口水, 六十歲都殺
    <br>呢種叫年齡歧視, 眼光狹窄

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