姊妹們: Add ManinShe 即 Peter 叔 於MSN前, 請停一停, 諗一諗????

  • <strong><font color="#800080" size="3">我就唔信咁多個都係 liars, <br />若要人不知, 除非己莫為, <br />Peter叔, 快D收皮啦!!<br />=========<br /><br />同意!!<br /></font></strong>

  • 係lor, 呢樹個個都知peter係神棍,不如你去第二個forum 搵食啦,呢樹你無機會架啦......hahahahahahahaha

  • 佢係she玩左好多年架啦,隔一排改個名咪又番黎呃過人lor。<br />=======================<br /><br />就算佢改過個名, 但佢既 chatting style 好易認得出,<br />佢唔識打中心,  寫野好自大,  若你講一句佢唔啱聽, 就會駁你幾句,

  • 係呀,真係幾易認架,佢仲話佢寫這英文書tim.....wakakakakaka

  • <strong><font size="2">Peter 叔, 你咁變態, 快D去睇心理醫生啦.</font></strong>

  • 推推!

  • 我都推推,等佢快D成為hot topic先...

  • 係lor,見過人搵handsome guy又有佢份,搵咩guy都有佢份...

  • 咁即係 仆guy 都有佢份啦...

  • 我都推推,等佢快D成為hot topic先...

  • 我又幫手推....

  • push

  • yes ar, 個peter成日搏大霧架,一見人搵sl/sp/bf 之類就即刻卜入去問'can I help?'......有次佢又同個女仔講命理,差少少呃到人俾msn佢個陣俾我踢爆左.......wakakakakakaka

  • yes ar, 個peter成日搏大霧架,一見人搵sl/sp/bf 之類就即刻卜入去問'can I help?'......有次佢又同個女仔講命理,差少少呃到人俾msn佢個陣俾我踢爆左.......wakakakakakaka

  • 佢實在太得閒,成日都捕係she, 晨早半夜都見到佢,真係幫唔到咁多,而家唯有推行D呢條thread,等D新she友有所警剔,要多謝版主開呢條thread就真。

  • 其實之前有人post過佢張相出黎架,以佢咁既款, 應該都唔會有女上當,只係會俾佢煩親lor.

  • 家陣瞓啦, 聽日我會幫手推吓條thread.

  • 家陣瞓啦, 聽日我會幫手推吓條thread.

  • 我都幫手推.....

  • can't let this sink!! push!

  • Yeah replied at 2010-06-17 7:20 pm
    <br>知道 replied at 2010-06-17 7:00 pm
    <br>佢好似只係用英文post, 型警用中文既,應該唔係佢。
    <br>佢用 50+ 做 alias,我係 50's,我係女性。我以前係其它 link 有碰過佢。亦見過佢幅相。

  • Yeah replied at 2010-06-17 7:20 pm
    <br>知道 replied at 2010-06-17 7:00 pm
    <br>佢好似只係用英文post, 型警用中文既,應該唔係佢。
    <br>佢用 50+ 做 alias,我係 50's,我係女性。我以前係其它 link 有碰過佢。亦見過佢幅相。

  • <strong><font color="#800000" size="4">曾經同超過 <font color="#ff0000">500</font> 個女性發生超友誼關係, <font color="#0000ff">佢個尊容, 死都唔信作大到呢? 笑死人!!</font></font></strong>

  • <br> 佢猥瑣兼核突,仲講到 D 女會自動獻身,信佢都傻,唔照鏡都照盤水呀~~嘔嘔嘔呀!!!

  • 又話有相睇?

  • 中女 replied at 2010-06-18 1:05 am
    <br>曾經同超過 500 個女性發生超友誼關係, 佢個尊容, 死都唔信作大到呢? 笑死人!!
    <br>so, they are making up stories, obviously......simple enough

  • 好奇 replied at 2010-06-18 3:09 am
    <br>liars can say anything........don't expect to get a photo, sorry, can't help you.....

  • ManinShe replied at 2010-06-18 5:32 am
    <br>so, they are making up stories, obviously......simple enough
    <br>Whoa...I didn't know you were so notorious here lol

  • let me give you a formal reply as I am free now, to let others know of the truth, for you to judge, without interruption by jerks around.......

  • 甲,有好多名,包括 man ,wiseman, peter, passerby, insider, observer, on9, on79; 另外比較令人反胄的名字有 strongsexyman, Johnny Depp, Richard Gere.
    <br>I never use observer, on9, on79 and other aliases and they can be can be used by anybody......and there is someone using nickname Wiseman_in_She..........to forge and pretend ManinShe nickname
    <br>man is everywhere is you screen through She.com, so is passerby
    <br>there is 10+ Peter as far as i know
    <br>No idea why Johnny Depp, Richard Gere is 令人反胄的名字.....and Donald TSANG should be 令人反胄
    <br>wonder if i should use this alias......to make HK people happy, from now on?!

  • 乙,他的 msn: 至少有 [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected].
    <br>just so few? how come you can make up four only? want me to get Donald.TSANG!live.HK for you...........or, you use it....to make fun.........
    <br>do more researches, i have at least 20+ MSNs for different chatters
    <br>or, you register more MSNs to pretend me.......as my style is not hard to imitate even though I have cleared off aliases imitator/pretender through Nickname chatting
    <br>thanks for your efforts and 'support' 十卜

  • agape

  • 丙,來自他自己透露的資料,包括:
    <br>1,曾經同超過 500 個女性發生超友誼關係
    <br>ALL wrong, and you make stories up through bits & pieces
    <br>I have written textbooks, in English....and you should tidy up your mess in point 2 yourself, not my job.....
    <br>I was interviewd by Readers' Digest for other reasons and if you know more, you can search out more details then
    <br>it's long time ago, last century
    <br>fetch a copy of Readers' Digest before you make up stories. Make sure you read thoroughly....before you understand what you are doing
    <br>I think I am the 'victim' of your rumours, on the contrary...

  • 丁,習性
    <br>三,喜歡說:sure, definitely, maybe.
    <br>四,他係R-board扮斯文, 人地唔讚同佢意見, 就死咬住人唔放。
    <br>五,他係S-board, 用on9 或 on79粗言穢語 閙人。
    <br>六,受到女士拒絕, 就會死纏爛打.
    <br>I am here, at 5:55 a.m.

  • you should say, I am here 24 hours around.....or, 7-11, which is more 'trustworthy' and make your accusations stand firm
    <br>you are worse than Donald TSANG

  • 二,於讀書線上多數談一些與,由閱讀無關的東西,例如吃飯。
    <br>go and leave some messages, making them up, before you can substantiate your words here........... but, you can't make up records or history.......
    <br>i chat wide, in lots of threads, using relevant aliases......go and find them out.....if you are smart enough to do so
    <br>be smart..........

  • 三,喜歡說:sure, definitely, maybe.
    <br>六,受到女士拒絕, 就會死纏爛打.
    <br>these two accusations are self contradictory, do you still need me to explain further your faults?
    <br>learn more on debates before you can.....

  • 四,他係R-board扮斯文, 人地唔讚同佢意見, 就死咬住人唔放。
    <br>same reasons as stated above........self contradictory, again......not worth a formal response from me...

  • 五,他係S-board, 用on9 或 on79粗言穢語 閙人。
    <br>my FORMAL denial now, for everybody to know..........OK?

  • Read more carefully, compare the messages, do more researches.......before you can 'convince' others to believe in your lies
    <br>lies are lies, no matter it's spoken million times, understand?

  • yeah replied at 2010-06-17 1:19 pm
    <br>you are one of those silly chatters, this is a Message Board and not chat room
    <br>do i have to "NOT" leaving messages here now as you are F.uck.K off?
    <br>know your words before you put them down, as messages....please
    <br>She.com is in a mess already, get it less corrupted, please....

  • SheInShe replied at 2010-06-17 1:22 pm
    <br>Good report!!!
    <br>Well done
    <br>why not make a nickname/loginin out of that?

  • grandmom replied at 2010-06-17 1:22 pm
    <br>how do u know the 'victim' is a woman, or, simply by assuming it's She, in she.com?
    <br>have you reach the age 65, to call yourself as Senior citizen?

  • push replied at 2010-06-17 1:27 pm
    <br>請問他在 讀書線 係用開咩 alias or login 架?
    <br>it's your work.to do some reseaches.........Reading Baord is not so crowded, and it's not hard to find out, if my chatting style is so 'simple'
    <br>or, if you cannot find any there, fetch other messages in other boards, i chat wide.........under many aliases relevant to these Boards
    <br>i use nickname to chat in Relationship & Sex Board, and they can be found easily.......without much 'interferences'
    <br>good luck...

  • victim replied at 2010-06-17 1:38 pm
    <br>一個50以上既肥阿伯,極之樣衰及無品" can still creat victims?
    <br>佢就追過去以on9 or on79 alias,
    <br>用粗口不斷閙, 不斷搞事,
    <br>佢都去留言再搞事, 非常變態.
    <br>so, you are coming back 'to attack' now? i am in Sex Board, too, and you may meet me in other Boards.......why not go HE.com? i won't be there.....

  • Naughty replied at 2010-06-17 1:38 pm
    <br> yeah replied at 2010-06-17 1:19 pm
    <br>are you saying about yourself, or, your losuy thread? if you are the same Naughty there?
    <br>use nickname to avoid alias imitation, be smart.......

  • r u happy i give you a reply now, else, you are really 無人reply 都係咁自言自語 la

  • aaa replied at 2010-06-17 1:51 pm
    <br>以下是 ManinShe 資料:
    <br>甲,有好多名,包括 man ,wiseman, peter, passerby, insider,
    <br>observer, on9, on79; 另外比較令人反胄的名字有 strongsexyman, Johnny Depp, Richard Gere.
    <br>乙,他的 msn: 至少有 [email protected],
    <br>[email protected],
    <br>[email protected],
    <br>[email protected].
    <br>500 個女性發生超友誼關係
    <br>find me out in Chinese version of Readers' Digest and you know how ignorant you are

  • its interesting, hahaha

  • Yeah replied at 2010-06-17 7:20 pm
    <br>知道 replied at 2010-06-17 7:00 pm
    <br>佢好似只係用英文post, 型警用中文既,應該唔係佢。
    <br>i am still meeting nf, 3 so far this week, including one last evening

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