Dr. 話我隻狗可能有腎上腺功能亢進症,問我想唔想再Check真�齱C因為check的過程都幾麻煩,要一日內分三次�咻憛C每次隔幾個鐘,�咩僕臚@次血後重要打D藥洛佢身到睇下反應。因我隻係一隻14歲半的老狗,我怕過程會令佢太辛苦,又怕的藥會影響佢。我想問有冇人有這方面的經驗,可以提供一下?

  • how is his bloodwork? what symptoms does your dog have that makes the doctor believes your dog may have cushings. has your dog gone through the ACTH stimulus test? was it positive? if it's positive, that's why your doctor suggests the Low Dose ( which is the 3 x times test in a day ). it's mainly taking blood so it's not that stressful, but cushings is not that easy to ascertain, so you will need to be careful of which vet you choose too

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