
  • <p>有冇人去過?<br /><br />廿年來第一次想去.<br /><br />有咩做? 全程坐草地? <br /><br />有冇人企響度? 因為我唔想坐地下...</p>

  • support !

  • ((唔想坐地下...))<br /><strong><font color="#993300">你可以帶件膠雨褸去坐,落雨又可以著,記得帶水飲!</font></strong><br /><br /><strong><font color="#993300">支持平反六四!</font></strong><br /><br /><br />

  • <br>




  • 廿年前都有去參加遊行...個時得16歲...

  • Youtube: 記錄片天安門 六四事件 Documentary:Tiananmen Square (Total 20 part)
    <br>王維林 (1) Tank Man Legend (min: 0:00 - 2:00)

    <br>從胡耀邦譜的第五個現代化 而奏起一點民主思想之聲
    <br>從陳一諤發表的六四愕論 到陳巧文發起罷免之聲
    <br>1976年的45運動, 北京民眾自發在天安門悼念周恩來 ,同時表達对四人幫的抗議, 活動被當時中共政府定為反革命 (並誣陷鄧小平為天安門事件的“總後台”), 遂行暴力鎮壓。
    <br>1989年的64, 學生因悼念胡耀邦, 繼而表達對社會各種弊端之不滿及對民主自由的追求.而觸發的一埸六四民運
    <br>當年. 彼時. 的愛國運動,可有不同.
    <br>看到, 找到的. 大慨如下
    <br>程翔: 學生的錯. 不能與政府的錯相提並論
    <br>軍方新聞影片: 一個也沒有死
    <br>新聞影片: 初期人們還會跟保護京城子民的38軍有言談交流,什至有些士兵也在哭了.最後還有些退守到郊外
    <br>受訪者: 有另一批軍隊從別處調到京城地以驅趕學生
    <br>受訪者: 看見驅趕學生的軍人都不尋常地通紅著眼和臉,好像吃了藥似的. 狂打學生時,還不断狂笑起來
    <br>新聞影片: 不少工人,百姓也跑到街上支援學生
    <br>新聞影片: 不少示威人士和學生都應槍倒地
    <br>受訪者: 看見軍隊坦克輾壓學生
    <br>受訪者: 一批近天安門記念碑的學生被軍人以火槍活活燒死
    <br>受訪者: 很多屍體都被立刻火化
    <br>受訪者: 軍人一到醫院便把醫生都殺掉
    <br>影片: 談論六四事件,只能遵從政府的統一口徑
    <br>到天安門分派物資並目到當晚血洗京城的香港學生: 有數得計....死了起碼超過上萬...
    <br>流亡外海人士: 當他離開北京走出幾百裡以後,遇到的都是農民. 農民還跟他說.孩子,別怕.現在我藏你們,就跟打日本鬼子時藏共產黨一樣. 那時日本鬼子兇不兇? 我們沒讓他們抓到共產黨. 現在共產黨兇不兇? 我們也不會讓他們抓到你們的. (
    <br>新聞影片: 外國記者在軍隊大力震壓示威時,跟學生跑到醫院作採訪拍攝,學生對記者說"tell the world"
    <br>自由花 Flower of Freedom -毋忘六四 Never Forget June 4


  • <font color="#666666">dada28 replied @ 2009-06-04 2:02 am<br /><br /></font>
    <br><div style="OVERFLOW: hidden; WIDTH: 600px">廿年前都有去參加遊行...個時得16歲... <br />而加....睇返d相...真係好心酸...... </div>
    <br>============<br /><strong>我完全不敢番睇....<br />每年這個時候都想,不知道孩子們的媽....這20年是怎樣過!!!???</strong>

  • In 1989, most of western media said it was "Massacare".
    <br>Times went by, truth was disclosed a bit by a bit, slowly and slowly.
    <br>Now, with more factual truth, majority of western and international media no longer defined it as "Massacare". Instead, they defined it as "Incident", "Event" or "Protest".
    <br>The lies could not stand, and western media changed its tone to be "Incident", "Event" or "Protest" to protect their reputation of credibility of being collapsed one day.
    <br>See the link that I posted.
    <br>Who is the ultimate liar?
    <br><<< you will never know the truth. Your memory was in a state of a story made up of liars.
    <br><<< those 孩子 included more than 100 PLAs who got killed by a crowd of people outside the Tiananmen Square, killed by stones, bottles, fists, batons. Many military vehicles were got burned too, and some PLAs were burned to death.
    <br><<< those 孩子 also included those crowd of people who attacked and killed PLAs by stones, bottles, fists, batons, and who burned military vehicles and burned PLAs to death.

  • support !

  • 自問自答
    <br>[轉載自高登] 實用資訊 - 六四燭光晚會新手入門
    <br>[按此打開] [隱藏]
    <br>1. 場內不設劃位,自己行入去搵個空位坐o係地就得,
    <br>唔想畀人以為你係 法輪功 / 大紀元 就唔好坐近佢地,
    <br>2. 集會約於20:15正式開始,10點至10點半完結,
    <br>3. 集會參加者眾,如與朋友一同參加,請提早集合,
    <br>4. 入場坐低之後會有helpers推d 蠟燭、紙杯、場刊過黎,
    <br>5. 入場時各泛民團體及民間組織會o係路邊擺檔募捐或者賣野
    <br>6. 集會進行時可以唔使怕醜,跟大會唱下歌,叫下口號,
    <br>7. 本人提議:如遇場內有人搞事,請勿與之衝突,
    <br>8. 集會完結時,請清理滴在地上的蠟淚

  • 入場時各泛民團體及民間組織會o係路邊擺檔募捐或者賣野
    <br>, 捐款或購買與否悉隨尊便
    <br>where will money goes? you never know.

  • kelvin, 冇問題, 悼念埋佢地, 你都一齊啦, 你會唔會???

  • I repeat here:
    <br>In 1989, most of western media said it was "Massacare".
    <br>Times went by, truth was disclosed a bit by a bit, slowly and slowly.
    <br>Now, with more factual truth, majority of western and international media no longer defined it as "Massacare". Instead, they defined it as "Incident", "Event" or "Protest".
    <br>The lies could not stand, and western media changed its tone to be "Incident", "Event" or "Protest" to protect their reputation of credibility of being collapsed one day.
    <br>See the link that I posted.
    <br>Who is the ultimate liar?
    <br><<< you will never know the truth. Your memory was in a state of a story made up of liars.
    <br><<< those 孩子 included more than 100 PLAs who got killed by a crowd of people outside the Tiananmen Square, killed by stones, bottles, fists, batons. Many military vehicles were got burned too, and some PLAs were burned to death.
    <br><<< those 孩子 also included those crowd of people who attacked and killed PLAs by stones, bottles, fists, batons, and who burned military vehicles and burned PLAs to death.

  • I repeat...
    <br>悼念埋佢地 (PLA), 你都一齊啦, 你會唔會???

  • This is 1 country 2 systems.
    <br>We Hong Kong people can do what we do.
    <br>In future, please the mainland people do not critize nor interfere Hong Kong politics and affairs.
    <br>Thank you.

  • 想問晚會幾點開始?

  • about 7:00 pm
    <br>you may go earlier.

  • 今晚維園見 ~

  • <p><font size="2">請問有無人知道 今晚 六四晚會 會去到幾點 ???</font></p>

  • 八點開始但通常會遲,

  • 今晚維園見 ~

  • ok, 今晚維園見 ~

  • but where does the donated money go? pocket of organizer, shxt!

  • 個人意見

  • 我除咗當年係維園大雨下燭光晚會外,打後咁多年都無去,因為覺得已經無嘜意思,啲人都變曬質,個個都係係度大笑大叫,都唔係當年嘅氣氛.....<br />我哋當年係大雨之下,大家都為啲學生而喊,都分唔清係下水定係淚水,好有氣氛.....<br />同今日嘅心情好唔同,可能當年自己都係一個學生心態啦!!!

  • 今晚維園見 ~

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