A good-looking female senior executive making $100K a month

  • by Smallfoggy - 03/06/08 13:31
    <br>get a pre-marriage Agreement, like those in the States

  • I may say that the said court case is not as bad as you guys imagine.At least i can just give away half of my assets rather than offering what my ex was having before divorcing

  • 其實有什麼好擔心, 雖然話分一半, 咁如果大家都不貪錢的.. 另一半未必想分一半咁多.. 重有錢係好重要, 但如果大家都知, 錢去到一個水平係唔會令人快樂多些的..

  • Pre-marital Agreement is not recognised by the HK Court.

  • 心動: 我明白有時錢唔可以令一個人更快樂. 個問題係如果個衰佬去滾, 滾到唔去賺錢養家, 要同我離婚, 到時我仲要分一半身家俾佢, 咁係咪會令我更唔快樂呢? 我想強調呢個情況並非天方夜譚, 香港一年有成超過17000宗離婚個案, 以比例計算, 年中每3PAIR結婚就有1PAIR離婚, 而今時今日女大學生多過男大學生, 女人賺錢多過男人一啲都唔出奇, 兼且男人北上尋歡事有所聞. 呢啲一概係客觀事實. 當然, 絕大部分人結婚的時候都係諗住天長地久(亦有啲係騙子), 喺結婚之前諗定離婚點, 好似好怪咁, 不過統計數據既然話俾我哋知離婚機會大約係三分之一, 係咪應該諗諗呢個問題先結婚.
    <br>Lawyer: Pre-marital agreements don't work in HK. What does?

  • Can be friend, but I think there are many good guys here.

  • Maybe she is boss and have a company and that why can get 100K / mouth. just guess :)

  • MSN傾得唔得
    <br>[email protected]

  • Smallfoggy, I am 39 old, PhD student, I have a little less income than u, but I lucky earn quite a lot of investment. I have similar problems in my dating before and now is totally broken up. Could we chat more via msn? [email protected]

  • loyalcare: what're your similar problems? mind sharing here?

  • My ex is much lower income than me, I expect we can be independent in financial situation + supporting her needs, However, she expect me to share 50% my assets and my time to her. this leads to endless quarrel, and finally, I broke up.

  • The situation is: I let her know I have earned some money in investment, want to have some happy money to allow us to relax. However, she blames me dont share with her = not regard her as life partner. Also, she asks why I have so much saving, as me to take out to spend some. So I understand the financial viewpoint is one of the critical viewpoint in relationship.

  • Smallfoggy, besides the financial value, the religious belief, life goal, whether live together with family members, how much time is spending on working and dating, are also critical issues, agree?

  • smallfoggy,
    <br>你咁講都有道理, 都好客觀, 但你能改變這些事實嗎..?
    <br>男士方面同樣地會面對這個問題, 壞人不分男女老幼的..
    <br>而擇偶方面唯有仔細一點, 小心一點, 重有有定一些心理準備都可以, 諗定分一半都可以, 有時d人會諗定遺產點分, 我講來講走都是想講, 任何事都要不要諗得太多或計到太盡, 要互相忍讓... 不過時下的年青一代品格或品德都好有問題, 所以新世代離婚率高都好正常我認為...另一方女性時時都會要男女平等, 但真係要平等個時或男女身份對調時, 又會唔開心... 不過可能未來不需要男性, 因精子存起來到科技進步到不需要男人就可以有下一代個時, 女人可能會快樂更多.. 咁男性係人類歴史中淡出都未嘗不可呢..!!

  • 心動 replied @ 2008-03-08 12:51 pm
    <br>你咁講都有道理, 都好客觀, 但你能改變這些事實嗎..?
    <br>男士方面同樣地會面對這個問題, 壞人不分男女老幼的..
    <br>而擇偶方面唯有仔細一點, 小心一點, 重有有定一些心理準備都可以, 諗定分一半都可以, 有時d人會諗定遺產點分, 我講來講走都是想講, 任何事都要不要諗得太多或計到太盡, 要互相忍讓... 不過時下的年青一代品格或品德都好有問題, 所以新世代離婚率高都好正常我認為...另一方女性時時都會要男女平等, 但真係要平等個時或男女身份對調時, 又會唔開心... 不過可能未來不需要男性, 因精子存起來到科技進步到不需要男人就可以有下一代個時, 女人可能會快樂更多.. 咁男性係人類歴史中淡出都未嘗不可呢..!!
    <br>this is interesting. Especially on today (March 8 ladies day). I hope this wont happen (refer to 咁男性係人類歴史中淡出), i do like the companion of guys.

  • 哈哈.. 咁係你我有生之年, 這個情況不會是你我的問題, 就算科技可以做到, 但社會, 人文, 文化, 宗教等等問題都有掛攪...

  • Hi,
    <br>nice to meet you here.
    <br>Hope you are the Miss Right.
    <br>HK$40k per month....less than you ok ma?
    <br>我的擇友要求: 不需要很靚女,看得順眼就OK了!!
    <br>如妳只想找一夜情,己婚,pls. forget it.
    <br>msn:[email protected]

  • Manager, I have interested to know u more, shall we talk?
    <br>Smallfoggy, be patient, fate will come to you someday. ^^
    <br>msn: [email protected]
    <br>FYI. I'm 30s, 185cm.

  • small foggy i am uneducated 5k salary permonth 30 year old .thee is not intrested u thread even cant speak well english asian guy but in heart side very kind .do i hv chance just reply me [email protected]

  • Smallfoggy
    <br>Is it possible that the guy just want to start a new relationship with another girl, and the difference in career achievement is an excellent excuse?
    <br>Love is blind, and when love cease to exist, you can always remember lots of excuses.

  • Smallfoggy
    <br>Your English is good :)

  • Smallfoggy
    <br>What does a female executive like to read? Politics, science, technology, entertainment, investment, fiction, novels?

  • http://community.she.com/messageboard/relationship/?
    <br>u can check out my thread if u are interested in reading.

  • I have read "World on Fire: How Exporting Free Market Democracy Breeds Ethnic Hatred and Global Instability" by Amy Chua, ha

  • Really frustrated. My computer doesnt work again! Using my bro's computer.
    <br>Newsgroup: Re your email on 8 Mar at 7:26 pm. Only the guy knows the real reason for breaking up. Career achievement can be a valid reason because they work in the same field. Of cos, it's always possible that he wants to start a new relationship. Re your email on the same date at 9:08 pm. Thanks. Re your email on 9 Mar at 1:11 pm. Politics, sure. she reads newspapers every day. Science, technology, fiction, novels... Yes, I mean sci-fi. ;P Entertainment. WHo doesn't like. Investment, not very keen (when compared with "si nai"), except real estate. Re your message on the same date at 2:40 pm, will perhaps take a look at it.

  • loyalcare: The issues discussed in your posts are all real ones, though I haven't come across similar problems. I haven't come across bfs who asked me to spend more $ or time on them. They all had a very strong sense of pride and dignity. Religious beliefs. If you & your ex had different beliefs, it'd be very difficult to reconcile. Whether to live with family members. Sigh, another real problem. Personally I prefer to live near my family members, but not with them after I have got married. If u want to raise children, living near your parents (if they're willing to help take care of bb) certainly helps.

  • Newsgroup: Re Amy Chua's book. I have my own reading schedule & don't think that I will read that book in the near future. Just glanced through its summary & some reviews. A quick observation: Exporting western democracies to third-world countries without property redistribution measures may lead to conflicts. This I agree. Assuming that democracies should be exported to third-world countries, is property redistribution the only concern? Different countries have their unique histories & situations. And therefore different countries may have to design their own breed of democracy. The United States legislature is a bicameral system, consisting of the Senate & the House of Representatives, having regard to the history of "state". In the UK, they have the House of Lords and House of Commons. I recall that there are functional constituencies in the legislature of the Ireland. People may comment on which system is more democratic. From my point of view, they have their own system designed to fit their own situations. We shouldn't compare orange with apple. Likewise, each third-world country may have her own needs & therefore her own system of democracy.

  • smallfoggy
    <br>i am interested in talking to u .... if you do not mind...
    <br>why not make me a phone call....?
    <br>are you feel free now?

  • Smallfoggy
    <br>Do you study English before? Or you study overseas?
    <br>How do you make your reading schedule? I keep a list of interesting books and I'll order a few of them online. But then I just pick the book I want to read on the bookshelf, not necessarily the new one.

  • Smallfoggy
    <br>What's problem with your computer? Remember to delete the photos and videos before you ask someone to repair it :p

  • Smallfoggy
    <br>It just happened that Ray has also read Amy's book. In fact I think the book is kind of boring, but it give me more knowledge on this world.
    <br>You have a strong religious belief? I don't believe God. Just because of a story, now the Israelian is torturing the Palestinian...

  • foggy , 今日係緊忙之後的正正真真的休息
    <br>希望有一個和平 舒服的通話 講講心底事
    <br>我唔太介意唔見面 我single 178cm 38歲 但樣keep 到2x

  • Newsgroup: My reading schedule is nothing serious. My computer problem should be sth to do with Internet connection. I don't know. My major wasn't English.

  • a lot of 3x man make more than 100K a month... ,however for 3x man..we look for 2x girl...unless it is a strong foundation build up between 2..
    <br>otherwise why ..., since 2x girl really do have more charm ...
    <br>well it is always exception...since some of the successful 3x man but not so good in term of looking..or less fun to go out with.. ,they look for more balance girl..they do not care too much age...
    <br>hey..toggy.. , u have difficult to find those single senior executive at 35 to 40 ? ?

  • Newsgroup: Finally, my computer problem has been fixed. I don't have any strong religious belief. But I think the major religions all 導人向善.

  • Smallfoggy
    <br>The computers are usually very stable in the connection once it is setup properly. If you can use the same connection cable and your brother's computer to connect to the Internet, and if you haven't change any settings in your own computer, you should find someone to check your computer. Maybe your computer is already infected by computer virus. It's always a good idea to backup your valuable data.

  • Smallfoggy
    <br>It's true that most religious lead people to behave well and help many people, but it's also true that many tragedies are caused by religious.

  • Smallfoggy
    <br>Human is complicated. A group of people can be influenced easily to do bad things... It's not easy to educate people to behave well in all circumstances

  • Smallfoggy,
    <br>can we chat?
    <br>[email protected]

  • Smallfoggy
    <br>A good website http://www.freerice.com/

  • Smallfoggy,
    <br>I make over HK$ 3 million + bonus + stock options a year. I'm very tough and arrogant. I have many girl friends. Would you still want to be my friend?

  • Federic: No.

  • Hi SmallFroggy
    <br>Just dropping in to say a quick Hello. Very thoughtful views. Are you a lawyer by any chance?

  • guy next door: that is my guess too. i am just guessing she may be a hku gl grad. just a random guess.

  • Smallfoggy
    <br>What are you looking for in she.com? Do you have any continuous learning?

  • Smallfoggy
    <br>This is not the same as your case. A few years ago, one of my married uncle got unemployed for months but they finally went through it. I don't know if they can make $100K a month, I just know they can rent a house for $1X K per month.

  • Guy Next Door and bibd: I am not a lawyer, though I always work with lawyers. I don't enjoy arguing for argument sake. So, I don't want to be a lawyer. No offence, in case any lawyers read this post. I mean, I am lazy & don't like such intellectual exercise.

  • Newsgroup: I look for 吹水 here. Yes, I keep on reading. I am reading two books now. One is about buddhism. The other one is about Tai Chi.

  • Smallfoggy
    <br>Do you like Maths then?
    <br>Sometimes you can find interesting news, stories or videos in the Internet forums.
    <br>Just back from the HK flower show. Not too many different kinds of flowers, but it's good to see lots of flowers.

  • Smallfoggy
    <br>The books are about the history of Buddhism and history of Tai Chi, or the culture and practice of Buddhism and practical skills of Tai Chi?
    <br>Do you like economics?

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