30 Year Old Male, Looking for a girlfriend, will provide total financial supports..

  • lostinlove

    hi there. Seems like your topic is more like a job offer more than one seeking for a genuine relationship.


    Copy and paste ~

    I will provide total financial, auto transportation and housing supports. If you feel you have the confidences and compatibilies, please feel free to email me...


    Lets see you are looking for an exotic bird so you can play with it in your golden cage right?

    Lets sum it up without the fancy words. Confidence + cmpatiblities= good looks and being servile to her master.

    hahaha sorry for being so blunt cuz these catchy threads are really good case studies for my cultural psychiatry research.

  • hihi, i email u please check n reply

  • hi lost

    what are ur requirements? can i email u my contact?

  • Tracy

    Whats your problem woman! This thread is long overdue and can't you just let it go !!! why do you have to bring it up again ? This is such an unethical thread and if you are so much in love with money, go buy yourself a mark 6 or post your own thread and make a deal with those wolves selling you body.

    Dumb Broad

  • 30 is not an old man.... wouldu like to join speeding dating to find your right lady?


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