銅鑼灣謙記特色火鍋極不快經歷 之 奪煲畸兵

  • 咁巴閉去酒店食麻, 酒店大把人服待妳2個格格.

  • 之前打電話去謙記book左9點場,去到等左半個鐘之後再俾人點去隔離樓上鋪,話個度有位喎,結果上到去又要等多廿分鐘,離曬譜,食物唔太差但唔值每人400幾,以後除非有人好想去,如果唔係唔會再幫襯.

  • 攪到$都唔要,唔係最大問題,其他人客睇住趕客,個老闆都做,一定係兩個女仔理虧先啦!

  • 我選呢個為近期gossip版最佳topic

  • push 下先

  • mybaby610 ~~ yeah yeah

  • push 下先

  • 夠鐘push la


  • 我選呢個為近期gossip版最佳topic

  • where are you?

  • 我最反對磨爛席個d人

  • 又係我push 既時候啦..........

  • 大家有無留意當日係星期五,人家打開门口做生意做到連錢都唔收,已經賠俾你,又俾你白食又做不到生意又俾你唱(剛剛到openrice又見到有2個食評係呢2位小姐)。
    <br>食客 ~ 我都知會好嬲,不過要自我反醒自已的錯處,都要合理。你可以去另一家火煱店再試吓咁做,又會有咩對代。

  • .

  • PUSH (代)

  • mybaby610,

  • 打邊爐食兩個鐘,有乜咁出奇?

  • ..............

  • 嘩, 謙記d野都好細碟架咋bor
    <br>黃金時間, 2個人食6碟, 個個好似你地咁真係死得啦!
    <br>再講, 食足2個鐘都仲未完, 明顯係磨爛蓆wor........
    <br>人地一早認左唔arm, 客客氣氣請你地食快d, 就應該識做啦! 好似d人lunchtime, 去茶餐廳叫份3文治坐2個鐘咁, 抵俾人鬧!

  • 呢舖唱人的反效果

  • 好有心機打咁詳盡

  • 版主好煩,講到懶有道理,阻住人地做生意,係人都"mun"啦,見到咁多人等就好心食快少少la,唔該.

  • 個老闆玩寸曬就係笨人出手啦. 老闆理虧
    <br>網友唱衰都唔怕, 唔通怕你地唔幫趁咩?
    <br>迫人走咁狗, 好野....
    <br>即使兩個女仔可能唔合作在先, 但成間店咁多柗唔可以等其他枱咩? 一張半張枱都咁計較...咁睇唔開, 就唔好打開門做生意.

  • I'm 版主's friend, which is one of the two gals at the 謙記 dinner.
    <br>We don't want to argue anymore here. Just a few facts to provide, so that people in the forum can judge themselves:
    <br>1. some people may think we eat too slow, some think we are ok. It's very 主觀 and no need to argue. We have NEVER purposely wanted to 'hea'. I think without the 騷擾, maybe we can finish in 15-20 mins (we have a few piece in each dishes, not a lot, but not that we will give up). We actually wanted to speed up, but after 老闆把鍋子取走, that is already not the key.
    <br>2. I wish all the other customers in the shop knew what happened that night. Actually we sat at the corner and there was 1 table with ~12 people celebrating birhtday next to us. They were very loud. As far as we see, only at the next next table that some gals looked at our direction to try to find out what happened. (Many of our friends think that we should make everyone in the shop know and they would help us, but we didn't do that because we are not that kind of persons)
    <br>3. We also don't understand why the 老闆 would choose to not to earn $ and 堅持 force us to go. But try to think: we have already paid for the food, if he took away our hotpot & food and not 退錢, we can actually call the police!!! I think the 老闆 is not stupid.
    <br>4. I want to emphasize again, we have never agreed to have the $ refunded. Someone said we have '接受退款, 就唔好嘈啦", but what can we do? Take the 信用卡 machine and swipe my credit card again by myself?? We go there eat dinner, of course we prepared to pay. If I can choose, I rather pay the bill and not get such 對待
    <br>5. I don't think 顧客一定是對的. What we're asking is 'normal' 服務 and fair treatment. Some people said there must be some 內情. We WISH that there is longer conversation wtih that 老闆, but we have really typed almost the whole the conversations ALREADY.
    <br>6. I believe under this situation, 聖人 will also be angry. I won't say our 語氣 is good but we were just trying to talk. We have absolutely NO 大吵大鬧. 信不信由你, all the people that know us, they know that we are not the bitchy type of gals, so the general conclusion is that they guess 老闆覺得我地食得慢 and 玩野, 見我地兩個女仔斯斯文文, 唔似會搞事, so force us to go.
    <br>7. In the whole incident, only the 男侍應 has kind of said sorry. That老闆 actually has been rude and not listening from the begining to the end.

  • 真講!冇耐性睇,唔好意思!

  • 店大就欺客.
    <br>你去法國LV, 就知一入去就比人睇低, 你買多幾個袋都唔得. 邊個同你講服務.

  • 你地2個鐘都食唔完

  • 我好怕大庭廣眾嘈,係覺得好失禮...做人又需要體諒別人...

  • 點講都係火鍋店唔岩在先, 打開門口做生意, 又冇限定人坐幾耐, 亦冇事先講明幾點收枱, 拿拿臨夾硬趕人走, 又搞小動作, 係佢地不對, 當然,, 既然老板肯退返錢比我, 我都會走既!

    1. 老闆連個窩都拎走妳地都唔肯走, 請問妳地仲想人地點妳地先會自動自覺走? 妳地都幾厚面皮喎.
      <br>2.but we didn't do that because we are not that kind of persons) ← 係咩, 咁返到屋企又回圍貼post (4圍討論綱都係妳地d post), 好似潑婦罵街咁.
      <br>3. 好明顯人地情願唔賺妳2條友d錢, 都費時服待妳地. 麻煩到貼地.
      <br>4. If I can choose, I rather pay the bill and not get such 對待← 言下知意係未妳覺得比左錢就應該有公主做?(但係問題人地唔肯收妳d 錢喎)
      <br>5.老闆覺得我地食得慢 and 玩野, 見我地兩個女仔斯斯文文, 唔似會搞事, so force us to go. ← 係羅, 妳估麻. 樓上都有人話啦, 當晚無男人同妳地一齊妳地都夠膽攪到件件咁大, 我唔覺得妳地係cc 文文, 唔似搞事個d 人羅.
      <br>6.only the 男侍應 has kind of said sorry← 咁洗唔洗全店員工, 包括廚房洗碗個個列隊同妳地2個道歉?
      <br>我唔覺得個老闆岩羅, 但係妳都唔好講到妳地岩哂之得格. 妳地回圍貼呢個post 想博同情定係想多d 人知道件事, 唔去幫趁個間野?

  • 我覺得好搞笑, "想想, 版主唔知衰,哥斯拉,好奇一問,版主無禮貌, YY, close file, 阿囡" 個名雖然唔同, 不過不約而同,口吻一致, 狂炳版主. 段估唔係老闆發現左個post 驚左, 然後又逼令D員工要輪班login開新名"護鋪"丫嘛?

  • 嘩, 原來前面仲有一版狂炳版主. 小弟唔睇咁detail喇. 一句講哂趕客奪煲都係幾"畸呢". 不過唔駛錢真係要push 下.老闆有鋪唔收錢癮應該搞個"唔收錢日", 咁就唔駛比人唱喇

  • '我覺得好搞笑, "想想, 版主唔知衰,哥斯拉,好奇一問,版主無禮貌, YY, close file, 阿囡" 個名雖然唔同, 不過不約而同,口吻一致, 狂炳版主. 段估唔係老闆發現左個post 驚左, 然後又逼令D員工要輪班login開新名"護鋪"丫嘛?'
    <br>haha...yes agree.... 我都有留意到,...and i also notice this topic is posted on other forum, but 版主都冇比人狂炳得咁緊要既....strange....

  • 我係路過。

  • 我都係路過既~
    <br>同埋唔見版主回應先 push 姐~
    <br>我都唔知其他地方有人post 過呢個post~

  • 嘩,係咁易search下原來post左去咁多討論區喇,俗語說莫得罪女人原來係真既,小心小心. ;P
    <br>其實版主咁出力post,我相信個晚好精彩,一定係一場好戲,所以搞到最後老闆唔收錢,客人周圍唱,而且我更加相信有內情,唔知有冇人分享另一個版本? ;)
    <br>我都估老闆有係呢度做手腳. <--
    <br>又係咁易睇下原來最多人問點解老闆唔收錢,出到口炳版主真係唔多,不過我估老闆冇係呢度做手腳,因為每個討論區都有自己既文化,好似有d中意膠人,有d中意扮好人,e度(gossip版)都有自己既文化,就係中意鬧人. ;)

  • 版主你係咪好少上黎玩?

  • 賴老闆攪事,咁咪覺得自己岩曬羅

  • 大家唔在場, 可能性好多
    <br>我可以大膽假設個老闆係癲忽的嗎?一如打工仔的老闆好多都不可理喻同埋忽然發癲. 見唔少啦
    <br>網友唔駛一面倒將老闆理性化, 反而令我覺得有人在補飛囉. 講真邊得咁多人係度長遍大論同佢平反哇

  • 好少
    <br>=.= 你在潤我 push 嗎...????

  • 賴老闆攪事,咁咪覺得自己岩曬羅<<<< once again

  • 呢道d人一向都長篇大論架啦

  • 嘩,係咁易search下原來post左去咁多討論區喇,俗語說莫得罪女人原來係真既,小心小心. ;P
    <br>其實版主咁出力post,我相信個晚好精彩,一定係一場好戲,所以搞到最後老闆唔收錢,客人周圍唱,而且我更加相信有內情,唔知有冇人分享另一個版本? ;)
    <br>我都估老闆有係呢度做手腳. <--
    <br>又係咁易睇下原來最多人問點解老闆唔收錢,出到口炳版主真係唔多,不過我估老闆冇係呢度做手腳,因為每個討論區都有自己既文化,好似有d中意膠人,有d中意扮好人,e度(gossip版)都有自己既文化,就係中意鬧人. ;)
    <br>咁即係叫度(gossip版)close呀? 你估老闆冇係呢度做手腳即係冇呀? 收皮啦! 係呀, 係鬧緊你

  • 不如叫謙記boss自己現身說法啦

  • 攪到老闆退番錢都要趕個客走,我深信當中大有文章!估計版主只係講出故事既一部份,而唔係全部。

  • hehehehe

  • 高c9 你又唔在場, 又深信當中大有文章
    <br>咁易信人. 點解又諗埋一邊呢?
    <br>唔通你又自己諗深信當中大有文章呀? 醒下啦!

  • 剛剛睇到呢條一個月前的link

  • 煩:
    <br>都只係按照常理分析!老闆╱伙計又點會謬謬然為左做一單唔知幾大既生意,而退回一單已經收左錢既生意?根本完全唔MAKE SENSE!

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